

Study on Roasting Technology of Hulled Peanut and Nitrogen-infilling for Its Antioxidation

【作者】 雷颂

【导师】 徐明生;

【作者基本信息】 江西农业大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 带壳烘烤花生是我国传统的一种重要休闲食品,传统工艺存在着加工工艺落后、生产周期长、能耗高、品质不稳定以及储藏时间短等问题。本文对带壳烘烤花生烘烤工艺进行了研究,采用真空联合干燥代替传统的烘烤方法,缩短了生产时间。研究了带壳花生壳内充氮的抗氧化新工艺和复合抗氧化剂抗氧化工艺,对带壳烘烤花生在储藏期间理化指标的变化规律进行了研究,并比较壳内充氮与真空包装、充氮包装、普通包装对延缓带壳烘烤花生氧化变质的效果。主要研究结果如下:1、采用正交试验对花生调味液的配方进行了优化,其最优配方为:食盐60g/kg,甘草10g/kg,甜蜜素0.65g/kg,此配方制成烘烤花生具有香浓、甘甜、酥脆、不口干等特点,符合大众口味。2、研究了带壳花生真空入味工艺,结果表明真空入味吸水率远高于传统入味。3、分析了花生酥化阶段传统干燥与真空干燥对花生水分的影响,研究表明相同条件下真空干燥所耗的时间是传统干燥的一半。将真空干燥方法应用于带壳花生的烘烤,检测烘烤花生在12个月内的储藏期酸价和过氧化值变化,在第12个月其油脂酸价达到0.93mgKOH/g,第6个月过氧化值18.9meq/kg,符合国家标准GB1733.1-1933《花生制品的试验方法、检测规则和标志、包装、运输、贮藏要求》的要求。表明真空干燥能够一定程度上延长货架期。4、研究了一种简单方便的壳内充氮气方法以及带壳烘烤花生壳内充氮的抗氧化新工艺和复合抗氧化剂抗氧化工艺,试验表明这二种抗氧化工艺技术能够延缓过氧化值的升高,均能使带壳烘烤花生的保质期由以往的3-5月提高到1年,并申请了带壳烘烤花生纯物理抗氧化技术工艺专利,专利号:201110044702.6。5、在相同的包装材料条件下,对带壳烘烤花生的壳内充氮气、真空包装、袋内充氮气包装与普通包装在储藏期的理化指标检测分析,结果表明壳内充氮袋内充氮对抑制带壳烘烤花生油脂氧化、酸败均有较好的效果。

【Abstract】 Roasted peanut is an important peanut snack food in China. There are some problems exsisted in roasted peanut food, such as backward processing, long production cycle, high energy consumption, quality varying and so on. In order to improve the production technology, we try to use the vacuum drying technology instead of traditional baking methods, the production cycle was shorten and energy consumption was lower significantly. we also research the physical and chemical index variation of nitrogenfilled products in the long storage by using pumping nitrogen into peanut shell instead of antiseptic preservation, then compare the storing period time of peanuts among pumping nitrogen into peanut shell, vacuum packing, nitrogen-infilling packaging and customary packing.The main conclusions was obtained as follows:1、The composition of flavoring sauces for roasted peanut was optimized using orthogonal experiment:salt 60g/kg, liquorice lOg/kg, sodium cyclamate 0.65g/kg. Roasted peanuts using this recipe tasted sweet and crisp, was welcomed by people.2、Vacuum processing for flavor absorbing was studied, results showed that the effect of flavor absorbing by vacuum processing is far higher than customary processing.3、Analysis the effect of customary drying and vacuum drying on peanut moisture on crisping stage. The result shows that time consuming of vacuum drying is half of customary drying. We applied vacuum drying method for roasting process of hulled peanut, then testing the variety of acid value and peroxide value of vacuum drying products in 12 months, acid value of lipids reached 0.93 mg KOH/g after 12 months comply with GB1733.1-1933 standards of peanut oil. Peroxide value reached 18.9meq/kg after 6 months, slightly exceeding the standard. It shows that vacuum drying can prolong shelf life in some degree.4、We tested pumping nitrogen into peanut shell for antioxidant compared with adding antioxidant. Result showed that both of them can delay peroxide value’s raising. The shelf life of roasted hulled peanut was prolonged from 3-5 months to one year. And we got a pure physical antioxidant processing patent of roasted hulled peanut, the patent number is 201110044702.6.5、Physical and chemical index variation of roasted pulled peanut was analysed on the same wrapper while pumping nitrogen into peanut shell, vacuum packing, nitrogen-infilling packaging or customary packing. The results showed that the effect of spoilage inhibiton by using pumping nitrogen into peanut shell is the same as nitrogen-infilling packaging.

【关键词】 带壳花生油脂氧化真空干燥氮气抗氧化
【Key words】 hulled peanutoil oxidationvacuum dryingnitrogenantioxidant
  • 【分类号】TS255.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】180