

【作者】 杨璇

【导师】 王春英;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际政治, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国的互联网发展迅速,网民人数不断增多,越来越多的人选择通过网络来表达他们对公共事务的看法。由此形成的网络舆论对政府决策产生着愈加深刻而广泛的影响。网络舆论实际上就是网民观点的汇聚和集合,它与前网络时代的公众舆论相比,拥有快速形成、覆盖面广和影响力大的特点。网络舆论之所以能影响政府决策,除了由于网络本身所能提供的便捷性之外,还在于我国公民政治参与意识的提高和政府执政理念的转变。网络舆论影响我国政府决策的方式主要是通过为政府决策必要的信息,包括决策层较难发现的情况和公民真实的主观愿望,以及提高公民政治参与的有效性。网络舆论在影响政府决策时既有着其积极作用,也存在着一定的局限性。其积极作用在于:推动了政府决策的民主化,使决策权力分散化和对政府决策进行有效监督。但由于网络舆论自身存在情绪化倾向严重、代表性欠缺以及其信息有效性不足等问题,对政府决策者来说,网络舆论的采集是有所取舍的。要增强网络舆论在政府决策中的作用,需要从政府决策和网络舆论的规范两方面着手。一方面政府需要建立完善的舆情处理机制,这套机制当中应该包括采纳有效网络舆情和回应网络舆情的程序。另一方面,从网络舆论本身着手,提高网络参与者的道德感,培养其理性思维,适当利用网络当中意见领袖对网络舆论的影响。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the group of Internet users in China kept expanding. Large amount of people tend to discuss public affairs on Internet. Therefore, the public opinions from the Internet have profound effects on government’s decision-making. The public opinions from the Internet usually emerged very quickly, relevant to many areas and significantly influential. The great power of the public opinions from the Internet is supplied by the network’s easy access to the public, people’s hopes to be part of decision-making and the government’s openness. The public opinions from the Internet contain sufficient informations that the decision-makers needed and promots more people to be interested in politics and post their viewpoints on the Internet. Moreover, the public opinions from the Internet makes government’s decision-making more democratic, separates decision-maker’s power and supervises the course of decision-making. Nevertheless, there are some defects about the public opinions from the Internet. The amount of the Internet users in China is just about 30% of its population, the group’s opinions are not necessarily the whole people’s opinion, let alone some of the Internet users are not rational enough. Consequently, some regulations is a must. On one hand, the Internet users must obey the laws and bear their moral duties in mind. On the other hand, the government needs to improve the legal system and establish the mechanism of network informations viewing, processing and replying.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】295