

Study of Ancient Bridges of the Song and Yuan Dynasties in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 冯倩

【导师】 项隆元; 严建强;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 浙江素有“传统桥梁博物馆”之美誉。留存至今的各种传统桥梁尚有数万座,绵延近千年,类型除索桥外,无所不包,其中还有独特的木拱廊桥。虽然大多为明清时期实物,但也有一些宋元时期的遗构。它们不仅满足了当时生产生活的需要,而且营造技术在继承了古代桥梁建设的基础上有不少新突破。宋元时期是我国桥梁建造的第一个高峰,无论是数量还是技术,都是空前的。本文从遗存的桥梁和相关研究成果入手,结合文献资料,对浙江宋元时期桥梁的现存数量、风格类型、营造技术等做出较全面的梳理,以及对颇具浙江特色的折边形拱桥、木拱廊桥进行综合性的研究。着重探究浙江宋元桥梁技术中的地域性特征和原创精神,在充实已有的研究成果的同时,为当今的桥梁类文化遗产保护与利用提供历史的诠释。

【Abstract】 Zhejiang province has the reputation of "Traditional Bridge Museum". There are tens of thousands of various traditional bridges, survived for nearly one thousand years. Apart from the rope bridge, the types are all-encompassing, especially including the unique timber-arched corridor bridge. Although most of them are from Ming and Qing dynasties, there are still some genetic structures from the Song and Yuan dynasties. They not only met the needs of production and living at that time, but also had many breakthroughs, based on the succession of the ancient bridge construction techniques. Song and Yuan dynasties are the first peak time for the bridge construction in our country, of which both the quantity and technology are unprecedented.This paper starts from the remains of the bridge and related researches, combined with literatures, giving a systematic summarization on the existing bridge number, styles, construction techniques of the Song and Yuan periods, and discussing the unique folding bridges and wooden arches bridges. The regional characteristics and originality of the bridge construction techniques from Song and Yuan dynasties are mainly investigated. The existing research results are enriched, at the same time, the cultural heritage protection and utilization, such as bridge class, are historical interpreted.

【关键词】 浙江宋元桥梁技艺
【Key words】 Zhejiangthe Song and Yuan DynastiesBridgeTechnology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期