

【作者】 李俊标

【导师】 童长仁;

【作者基本信息】 江西理工大学 , 有色金属冶金, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 闪速炼铜技术目前已成为我国铜冶炼的主流技术,铜闪速炉熔炼过程数值仿真是铜冶炼领域的一种高科技研究手段。计算机仿真技术是一门综合性的学科,除了对所仿真的领域要求要有扎实的理论基础和丰富在现场实践外,还要求对计算机技术及其相关学科(如计算方法、燃烧学、流体力学等)有深刻的了解,对铜闪速熔炼炉进行仿真研究的目的是为了提高劳动生产率,实现节能降耗。随着铜闪速熔炼指标要求的提高,进一步提高铜闪速熔炼处理水平日趋重要。本文主要以金隆公司铜闪速熔炼过程作为研究对象,通过仿真加深了对铜闪速熔炼过程的反应机理及发生的主要化学反应的认识和理解,同时通过自主开发的复杂化学平衡计算程序对精矿成份进行了物相计算,建立了铜冶炼物质属性材料库,为闪速熔炼仿真提供便利。并对FLUENT进行了二次开发,仿真结果对优化现有工艺参数和延长闪速炉炉体寿命具有重要的指导意义。通过FLUENT商业软件为计算平台,对铜闪速熔炼过程的温度场、浓度场、颗粒场等多场进行仿真研究。经仿真研究发现:(1)精矿颗粒在反应塔中可以迅速被氧化,同时完成造锍反应,熔融颗粒以较快速度落入沉淀池中,粒度越大的颗粒越快到达沉淀池。颗粒在反应塔中存留的平均时间小于1s。(2)精矿在反应塔中温度迅速升温,在中央氧下方出现了高温区,温度最高点位于烧嘴下方,中央喷嘴下方有一块低温区域。(3)高浓度的SO2区域出现在中央喷嘴下方直到沉淀池底部,在伞状颗粒的外侧SO2浓度相对较低;中央氧下方区域的氧气基本消耗完全,在该区域外侧和烟气出口附近约有7%8%的氧气未消耗完。

【Abstract】 Flash smelting technology has become the mainstream technology of copper smelting,copperflash smelting process simulation research in frontier areas of copper smelting, computersimulation technology is a comprehensive discipline, in addition to the field of simulation required to have a solid theoretical foundation and rich practice in the field, but also requires computer technology and related disciplines (such as calculation, combustion science, fluid mechanics, etc.) have a deep understanding of the copper flash smelting furnace simulation study purpose is to raise labor productivity, achieve energy saving. As indicators of copper flash smelting requirements increase, further increase the level of copper flash smelting processing increasingly important.In this paper, the Jinlong Copper Flash Furnace as a research object, to deepen the process of copper flash smelting reaction mechanism and chemical reactions occurring awareness and understanding, through independent development of complex chemical equilibrium composition computer program concentrates phase analysis carried out to establish the material properties of copper smelting materials database, to facilitate the simulation for the flash smelting. FLUENT and the second development. Is calculated by FLUENT commercial software platform for flash smelting of the temperature field and concentration field, particle field and other field simulation.The simulation study found that:(1) concentrates particles in the reaction tower can rapidly be oxidized, while making complete reaction of sulfur, molten particles at a faster rate into the sedimentation tank, larger particle size the faster the sedimentation tanks arrived.(2) concentrate the temperature in the reaction tower rapid warming occurred in the central oxygen under high temperature, the temperature below the highest point in the burner, there was a delegation of the central nozzle temperature region.(3) areas with high concentrations of SO2 in the central sedimentation tank until the nozzle below the bottom of the outside of SO2 in the thick umbrella of particles is relatively low; the central region of oxygen below the basic oxygen consumption completely, outside and smoke in the region near the exit about 7% to 8% did not consume oxygen.
