

【作者】 万光华

【导师】 王新强;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 田径在我国体育项目中属于薄弱,一直与我国体育大国的称号不相匹配,湖南省在青少年短跑的运动训练等方面已取得了一定的成绩。但是与国内优秀省份的短跑成绩还存在了一定的差距,与世界水平相差甚远。因此有必要从青少年田径运动员的科学培养需要我们去研究与探索。本课题立足于湖南省优秀青少年短跑项目的研究,从中找出对提高我省短距离跑的合理因素。本文以湖南省青少年短跑项目训练作为研究对象,通过实地调查和专家访问找出了湖南省青少年短跑训练中存在的主要问题有:湖南省青少年短跑训练的指导思想不够明确,训练计划的制定不详尽,训练过程中缺少相应的医务监督,训练条件有待改进,教练员的自身素质不高,训练手段较为落后,创新意识不强,运动员的训练过于早期化,训练中存在了“拔苗助长”的现象,后备人才的选拔不够科学。针对存在的问题我们提出相关的解决的对策:完善青少年短跑项目训练场地和器材建设,提高管理科学化、透明化的程度,加强宏观规划、统筹管理,加大宣传,创造良好的训练社会环境加强业余体校运动员的文化学习,促进其全面发展,重视青少年短跑项目教练员队伍建设,倡导科学化训练,提高领导对青少年短跑项目的重视程度,加大训练经费的投入。

【Abstract】 Athletics is an Olympic gold medal in the most items, and sprint is the Olympic Games the most wonderful programs. Track and field in our country sports in China, has belongs to weak sports superpower title don’t match, so it is necessary to the track and field athletes from teenagers scientific training we need to research and exploration. Hunan province of sports training in adolescents aspects such as sprint has made some achievements. But with excellent domestic provinces still exist a certain dash the gap with world level, far. This topic based in hunan province research projects of excellent youth sprint to improve, find out the reasonable factors in short run.Taking hunan teenagers sprint project training as the research object, through on-the-spot investigation and expert interview in hunan were teenagers sprint training out the main problems existing in the hunan teenagers are:the guiding thought of sprint training unclear, training plan not detailed, the training process of lack of corresponding medical supervision, training condition needs to be improved, the coaches’quality is not high, training means relatively backward, innovative consciousness is not strong, the athlete’s training too early, exist in the training of the "haste makes waste" phenomenon, reserve personnel selection not science. Aimed at the problems we put forward relevant countermeasures: perfect solution of adolescent sprint project training venues and equipment construction, improve the degree of scientific management, transparency, strengthening the macroscopic planning, overall management, increases the propaganda, and create a good social environment, to strengthen the training of cultural learning athletes spare schools and promote their overall development, pay attention to teens sprint project team building, advocating coaches scientific training, improve leadership on teenagers sprint, increase the degree of attention paid project training funds.

【关键词】 青少年短跑运动员训练对策
【Key words】 TeenagersSprinterTrainingcountermeasures
  • 【分类号】G822.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】186