

On Gewuzhizhi

【作者】 廖永安

【导师】 徐仪明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “格物致知”是中国哲学的一个重要概念,它首先出现在《大学》,为儒家三纲八目的第一目。历代学者均对格物之法深有备述。经过作者研究,“格物致知“或“格致”,有三个方面的意义:伦理学上的,认识论上的,还有在神秘主义上的。在《大学》里,它原本侧重于人的道德修养而言,兼带有认识上的意义。经学往往只强调其伦理上的修养意义。理学家们则在注重其伦理学意义的同时,认为它是一种可以“即物穷理“的方法。元朝朱震亨首次使用“格致“一词在其医学著作之中。这个时期,民间亦有以“格物”或“格致”为名的刊物。在明朝,江门心学认为心即宇宙,强调以心体物之法;心学的集大成者王阳明则将其在伦理学解释,提出“致良知”。至自明末,徐光启首次提出以“格物穷理之学”,第一次以此对译西方学术;而方以智是第一位对西方17世纪前理科学术有系统入研究的中国人,其称此为“质测之学”。其后,王夫之称之为“格致之学“,而且王夫之是中国哲学史上对“格物”与“致知”的关系研究得最深入的人。至近代,“格致”为英文单词"science"的译词,对此,学者们多有考证和论说,其中尤以郭崇焘与章太炎影响为大。而自民国成立以后,从日本引入的词“科学”日渐取“格致”而代之,至二十世纪二十年代,“格致”已经基本上淡出了历史舞台。本文以作为传统学术的中医出发,引出“格致“一词,讨论其与“格物致知”的关系,再考察两者的渊源、基础、关系和流变,试图描绘出其意义的三条主线:伦理学上的意义、认识论上的意义和神秘主义倾向,以及其中关系。文中采用历史文本诠释和对比的方法,以时间为经,学派或人物的观点为纬论述。绪言引出论题,第一章为其语义学与伦理学上的解释,第二章为其知识论倾向的论述,第三章为心学与理学上的神秘主义倾向;第四章为观点及总结评价。

【Abstract】 Gewuzhi zhi(Zh-cn:格物致知,the Investigation to objects) is an important concept in Chinese Philosophy. It emerged firstly in the Great Study as a basic point of study in Confucianism Theory. Scholars of all dynasties and periods have paid much attention on it with works. According to the author’s research, it has meaning in three approaches,namely the ethics, epistemology and mysticism. The scholars studying the Confucian classics focused on its ethic meaning. Yet the Li School of Neo-Confucianism took it as as a method of both ethics and epistemology to get investigation to objects to know the final existence:li. Zhu Zhengheng in Yuan Dynasty was the first scholar to use "gezhi(Zh-cn:格致)”as the shortened form of Gewuzhizhi, when the time some folk publications also has similar names. In Ming Dynasty, the Jiangmen Xin School of Neo-Confucianism emphasizing at "integrating the objects with heart". Another Confucian, the Greatest Master of Xin School of Neo-Confucianism, Wang Yanming limited it in ethic explanation to advance "Zhiliangzhi(Zh-cn:致良知)”as the kernel of his theory. Xu Guangqi (Paul) firstly used "the study of Guwuqiongli(Zh-cn:格物穷理)”to call the western learning science. And another scholar, Fang Yizhi was the first Chinese who study the western learning Science systematically and call it as "the Study of nature-probing" that was considered as the study of gezhi as well by Wang Fuzhi, who had a deepened and clear dialectic thought in it. Since modern times came to China, the word "gezhi" was used as the translation of "Science" and many sholars like Guo Songtao and Zhang Taiyan had made great efforts in philosophical text research of "gezhi". And after the foundation of the Republic of China, the word "Kexue (Zh-cn:科学)”imported from Japan took place of "gezhi" gradually till 1920s.This Thesis comes to its topic with the world "gezhi" in the discussion of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). Then it is the shortened form gewuzhizhi is made. Then their origin, theorist basic, relationship and various history are discussed to draw the lines of the three approaches and the relationship. In this thesis, historical text research explanation and contrastive research are used and in structure founding time as longitude line, viewpoints as parallel are made. In introduction the topic emerges, Chapter one is the viewpoints analysis till Li School of Neo-Confucianism was found. Chapter Three is viewpoints analysis when Chinese culture encountered the western civilization wholly in 16th and 17th Century while Chapter two similarly but in period between Chapter one and three. And in Chapter Four the author made discussion on its usage in modern Chinese and the reasons as introspection.

【关键词】 格物致知格致伦理学认识论神秘主义
【Key words】 GewuzhizhiGezhiethicsepistemologymysticism