

The Application of Education Pathology to Piano Teaching in Normal Universities

【作者】 陈曦

【导师】 朱咏北;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 钢琴教学在高师音乐专业教学中起着至关重要的作用。教学这个复杂而多元的系统在不当的运作方式和内外因素异常的浸染下也容易患上这样、那样的疾病,而高师钢琴教学正如人、植物、动物等任何有机体一样可能患上疾病。如果任其发展下去,势必将引发更深层的教育问题,而我国对这种教学疾病的认识还处于“初级水平”,对它的防治还没有完整的诊治措施,所以高师钢琴教学疾病具有疾病危害的广泛性、严重性和长远性,我们对它的研究显得格外重要。所以该研究有较为重要的研究价值。本文所采用的研究方法主要是文献研究法、统计分析法、问卷调查法。根据研究的需要,搜集相关高等师范院校音乐专业的相关资料,按照统计学的基本原理进行样本分析和初步的数据整理。本文的绪论部分主要分析了选题的由来及意义并对国内外研究成果进行了初步梳理,还介绍了选题的研究方法。本文分为三大部分:一、高师钢琴教学的病理现象及致病因子剖析;二、高师钢琴教学疾病的诊断;三、高师钢琴教学疾病的治疗处方。近年来,随着医学科学的迅猛发展,多学科知识也在不断的相互渗透。本文把教育病理学的方法引入高师钢琴的教学中去,希望通过教育病理学的基本概念和发展历史,剖析教育病理学在我国高师钢琴教学中存在的病因,提出相关的防治措施,为教育的健康发展提供良好的平台。

【Abstract】 Piano teaching in normal college plays a significant role the Musical Education Majors in Normal Universities.Exactly as humans, plants, animals and any other organisms are liable to be effected by diseases, piano teaching in normal college are also easily declined by improper operations and anomaly factors under the sophisticated multielement system of teaching. If let it goes unchecked, there must be trigger a more complicated education problem. However, our knowledge of the teaching pathema is still at primary stage and the measures for the treatment haven’t consummated yet. In this point, the disease of piano teaching in normal college is wide-ranging, grievous and long-termed, and the research is extraordinarily significant and precious.The main methods used in the research are literature study, mathematical statistics and questionnaire. According to the requirement of the research, I collected all the information relative to the Musical Education Majors in Normal Universities and calculated the technical statistics for the initial data arrangement. The prodromes of the thesis mainly analyses the selection of this subject and reorganize the research achievements from the specialists both domestic and abroad, as same as introduce the exploration of the selected topic. The article is divided into three major parts:Fist, the analysis of pathology and the pathopoiesia of piano teaching in normal college; Second, the diagnose during the teaching process; Third, the prescriptiong for recovery. Recent years, multidisciplinary science have been mutual permeated with the sharply development of medical science. This text combines education pathology to piano teaching in normal college. Hoping by studying concept and development of educational pathology.analyzing the cause of disease exist in teaching, proposing related prevention and cure to provide a good platform for the healthy tendency of education.

  • 【分类号】J624.1-4
  • 【下载频次】73