

Music Style of Piano Works Related Problems of Research

【作者】 刘茜

【导师】 朱咏北;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 音乐学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 如果音乐史上,只有巴赫一位音乐家、只作一首乐曲、只有一位演奏者、只有一位听众,那么就没有作曲家、作品风格的问题。这如同若世界上只有一个人,就根本无从判断自己的美、丑一般。世界上万物绝对无法找出完全相同的两个,因此,有两个以上,就一定有异同的问题存在。音乐风格的存在问题也就是架构在“比较”上,从比较中,演奏者才能更容易、更深刻了解一位作曲者的意念,欣赏者才能判断演奏者的音乐是否合乎作曲者的要求。而“音乐”讲的就是人的事情,讲作曲家创作一首曲子,如何创作?为什么创作?怎样创作?与当时的环境,心情,人物,历史等等有何关系?演奏者又通过什么方式去理解作曲家的创作意图?怎样表达?个人的观念如何?欣赏者在欣赏的同时感觉如何?……这些作曲、演奏、欣赏等相关联的因素,都离不开主体“人”的问题。人是最高级并且复杂的动物。这世界上,都没有一片树叶是相同的,也没有任何一双手的纹路是相同的,更何况是有思想,有观念的——人。由此可见,所有经过人再生的音乐,就必然会不同。音乐艺术的美妙之处就是构建在这种不同之上的。既然,音乐讲的是与“人”有关的事情,那么所有音乐要研究的内容必定与“人”脱离不了关系。每一个“人”都有各自的性格与特征,人们的思想意识、审美习惯、感情表达方式也各自不相同,因此每个人在对音乐的理解层面上也不会是一致的。任何音乐的理解与处理都不会是一成不变的,即使同一个演奏家的演奏也不会绝然相同,不同性格特征的演奏家所演奏出的音乐,感觉必然会有区别,这就是我们所说的各自的“风格”。每个演奏者有各自的风格习惯,那么所演奏的音乐就会形成不同的音乐风格。因此,觉得演奏成功与否的关键之一还是与“人”的风格与特性密不可分的。

【Abstract】 If the history of music, Bach’s only a musician, and only a piece of music, only one player, only one audience, then there is no composer, work style issues. It’s like if only one person in the world, there is no way to judge their own beauty, the ugly in general. Everything the world can never find two identical, so there are two or more, there must be differences in the problems. Music style foot structure problems also in the "more", from the comparison, the performer can be more easily, more profound understanding of a composer’s ideas, to judge players who enjoy the music composer is the requirements of almost.The "music" is that people talk about things, talk about a piece of music composers, how to work? Why work? How creative? And then the environment, mood, character, history, etc. What is the relationship? By what means the player has to understand the composer’s creative intent? How to express? The concept of how individuals? Enjoy the appreciation in the same time feel?……The composition, performance, appreciation and other associated factors, are inseparable from the subject "people" issues. Man is the most advanced and complex animals. This world, not a leaf is the same, nor did any of the lines are the same hands, let alone a thought, a concept-people. Thus, all through the regeneration of the music people, they inevitably different. The beauty of art of music is built on top of that difference.Now, the music is talking about "people" are concerned, then the contents of all music will be studied with the "people" can not escape relations. Each "person" has its own personality and characteristics of people’s ideology, aesthetic habits, emotional expression is not the same individual, so everyone in the level of understanding of music will not be the same. Understanding and treatment of any music it will not be static, even with a player not playing the exact same, the different character of the player playing the music, I feel there must be a difference, this is what we call of their own "style. " Each performer has their own style of habit, then the playing of music will form a different style of music. Therefore, the key to the success of that one play or with "people" inseparable from the style and characteristics.

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