

Xing Technology Institute of Logistics Professional Training Model

【作者】 杨凌奕

【导师】 米俊魁;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 现代物流业是支撑经济发展的基础性产业,是经济发展到一定历史阶段的必然产物。被业界称为“第三利润源”,被媒体称为“21世纪最大的行业”,被老百姓称为“金饭碗”的现代物流业在中国是极具发展潜力的新兴产业。有资料显示,中国物流中相关的年总支出高达一万九千亿元人民币,在GDP中所占比例较发达国家高出一倍,因此,发展现代物流已势在必行。随着物流服务的展开,中国物流人力资源远远不能满足现代物流发展的需求。目前中国国内物流应用型专业人才缺口为600余万人,到今年即2010年对高级物流管理理人员或物流战略、物流设计管理人员的需求将达30万人以上。中国物流的发展正如人力资源是社会一切部门发展的根本一样,物流人才也足影响物流业发展的最重要问题,发达国家的经验也证明,实现物流一体化,发展现代物流业,关键是具备一支优秀的物流人才队伍。早在2000年中国教育部就明文规定高职院校的培养目标足培养生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的高等技术应用型专门人才。面对现代物流业在中国的强势发展,通过学习研究其他高职院校的物流专业人才培养与管理模式的优缺点并结合兴安职业技术学院的实际情况,针对近几年兴安盟地区经济快速崛起的形势和区域经济特点,认清兴安盟地区物流人才市场需求的实际情况,创建真正以市场需求为导向的物流人才培养模式。物流业在中国迅速兴起,前景看好,目前高职院校虽然也一直在研究这个问题,但至今尚未构建出科学完整的与区域物流相结合的物流人才管理模式,为能适应这一发展形势的需要,培养出真正适合中国经济现状及兴安盟区域物流的经济特点的人才,以更好地为本地区经济服务并推动本地区经济发展,期望实现学校准确定位培养与企业专岗用人、学生从业岗位角色定位、推动经济发展的多赢是本论文的创新之处。同时,要密切关注中国物流发展现状并结合兴安盟区域物流经济的特点,运用所学的管理学理论知识及时调整兴安职业技术学院物流专业人才培养与管理模式,并对其进行科学的动态管理。

【Abstract】 Modern logistics industry is supporting the economic development of basic industry, is to a certain historical stage of economic development, the inevitable outcome. The industry as "the third profit source" by the media as "the largest industry in the 21st Century," was the common people called "golden rice bowl" of the modern logistics industry in China is a great potential for development of new industries. Data shows that China’s logistics related to the total expenditure of up to 1.9 trillion yuan in GDP, twice the proportion of the more developed countries, therefore, the development of modern logistics is imperative. With the expansion of logistics services, logistics human resources in China can not meet the needs of modern logistics development. Currently applied in China Logistics professionals in more than 600 million shortfall, this year the 2010 senior logistics management or logistics strategy, logistics management needs of the design will reach 30 million people. China’s logistics development as human resources development in all sectors of society, like the fundamental, logistics personnel also affect the development of logistics industry the most important issues, the experience also proved that the developed countries to achieve the integration of logistics, the development of modern logistics industry, the key is to have a excellent logistics personnel. In 2000 the Ministry of Education to expressly Vocational Training goal is to foster the production, construction, management and service needs of advanced technology line of special talents. The face of modern logistics industry in China, the strong development through study and research institutions of other vocational training and logistics management professionals combined with the advantages and disadvantages Larix actual situation of Vocational and Technical College for the past few years, the rapid rise of regional economies Xinganmeng and regional economic characteristics of the situation, and understand the logistics Xinganmeng the actual situation of market demand for talent, create a truly demand-oriented logistics personnel training mode.Logistics industry in China is rising rapidly, prospects, although the current vocational colleges have also been studying the issue, but has yet to build a scientific and complete the combination with the regional logistics management logistics personnel, in order to adapt to the development situation need to develop a truly suitable for China’s economic situation and the economic characteristics of regional logistics Xinganmeng talents to better service the regional economy and promote economic development in the region, hoping to achieve accurate positioning school post employment training and business professionals, students employed Roles jobs and promote economic development is a win-win innovation of this paper. Pay close attention to China’s logistics development status and characteristics of the economy with the regional logistics, apply the theoretical knowledge of management to adjust Xing Technology Institute of Logistics Training of Personnel Management, and its dynamic management of science.

【关键词】 培养现状物流高职院校
【Key words】 Traininglogisticshigher vocational colleges
  • 【分类号】F259.2-4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】268