

【作者】 刘逢时

【导师】 贾仲益;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 回族在中国的分布格局为大分散、小聚居,其中西南、西北地区是主要的回族聚居区,其他区域的回族呈散杂居分布。河南回族人口在全国省级行政区中位列第三,占全省少数民族人口的90%以上。因此,回汉关系是河南民族关系研究的重点。散杂居地区的回汉民族关系的研究,主要集中关注回族人口分布较多的城市,对于中原地区,尤其是回族人口偏少的城镇关注度相对有限。本文选取河南省潢川县南海街为调查点,此地回族人口占全县总人口的0.52%,元朝时建立起第一座清真寺,回汉交往历史悠久,并且天主教、佛教、伊斯兰教宗教场所共处一个社区,在个案研究方面既具有一定的典型性,也在某种程度上能让我们窥探到河南各个中小城镇的回汉民族互动状况。本文以社会学、人类学的理论和方法为指导,通过访谈和问卷的形式,获取展现中原地区县城的回汉民族关系的第一手资料。南海街回族的生活现状和族群文化变迁也是本文的关注点之一。全文章节结构及内容如下:第一章主要以文献资料和访谈资料为依据,呈现南海街回族和汉族的社会结构。第二章通过当地人的历史记忆,回顾了以往回汉民族交往史。第三章结合民族关系变量分析框架,通过民族语言、居住格局、邻里和个体交往、民族通婚、风俗习惯、民族认同等维度,具体深入地分析当地的回汉民族关系状况。第四章针对南海街的特殊宗教情况,对三种宗教的概况及其彼此互动进行了描述和分析。最后一章总结了南海街回汉民族关系的特点,得出了当地回汉关系属于稳定、和谐、互助式新型民族关系的结论。

【Abstract】 Hui has distributed in this pattern which bunch up a small group in southwest and northwest and scatter in other regions of China. As the third largest population group among all the provinces, Hui in Henan Province have occupied over 90% of Henan minority population. Thus, the relationship between Hui and Han is the keystone to learn the ethnic relationship of Henan Province.Researchers paid more attention to the relationship between Hui and Han in scattered ethnic regions where assembled a lot of Hui. However, the ethnic relationship in small cities and towns with less Hui are ignored, especially some places in the middle of China. In this paper, Nanhai community in Huangchuan County of Henan Province is chosen for the research field where the Hui nowadays account for 0.52% of Huangchuan Population. This community is possessed of a long ethnic history between Hui and Han, and first mosque has been build since Yuan dynasty. Besides, three religion buildings including Catholicism, Buddhism and Muslim existed in this community. Therefore, we could take this typical case as a reference to the study of the relationship between Hui and Han in other small cities and towns of Henan Province to a certain degree. Guided by the theories and methods from anthropology and sociology, firsthand date about the relationship between Hui and Han in the small city of Huangchuan which situated in the middle region of China is obtained. Meanwhile, the culture changes of Hui people in Nanhai community and the living conditions are also the main statements in this paper. Each chapter is settled as follows:Chapter one is mainly about the social structures of Hui and Han in Nanhai community which presented by literatures and interviews. Chapter two mentions the history between Hui and Han on the basis of their memories. In the third chapter, considering the pattern of variables to measure ethnic relation within the subject, I choose following variables—ethnic languages, pattern of habitants, communication among people and neighbors, ethnic marriage, ethnic habit, ethnic identification to interpret the local ethnic relationship. For the special religion circumstances, the fourth chapter describes and discuss the three religions and their intercourse. The last chapter sums up the characteristics of the relationship between Hui and Han in Nanhai community, then leads to a conclusion of a new, steady, harmonious and mutual beneficial relationship.

  • 【分类号】C956
  • 【下载频次】213