

【作者】 杨郑君

【导师】 张春敏;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放三十年来,中国经济取得了突飞猛进的发展。然而中国的工人并没有成为真正的受益者,他们反而承受着经济发展所带来的代价。他们劳动在生产一线,成就了中国“世界工厂”的称号,他们干着最脏最苦最累的活儿,却拿着极低的工资,而且得不到保障。2010年富士康工人用最无奈的方式——“十二连跳”表达出他们的不满。许多学者认为,中国工人阶级之所以受到如此不公的待遇,是因为中国的用工制度仍然很不完善。于是,2008年出台的《劳动合同法》成为众人关注的焦点。但是,它也给很多工人带来了不幸2007年底,趁《劳动合同法》尚未正式实施之际,大量企业通过逆向劳务派遣把正式工人转变为劳务派遣工入,劳务派遣一时成为众企业青睐的用工制度。正如一位劳务派遣公司的总经理所言,“造成劳务派遣高峰的主要原因,正是《劳动合同法》的实施。”劳务派遣的限制性规定即“临时性、辅助性、替代性”,不具任何操作性。但事实上,《劳动合同法实施条例》草案第三十八条对劳务派遣的时间、岗位等进行了限制,如使用劳务派遣限制在非主营业务岗位,不超过6个月等,但由于一些利益集团的游说,实施条例正式公布时便删除了此条。对于工人来讲,劳务派遣是一场噩梦,是企业为了逃避责任而采取的措施,许多工人一夜之间由企业的正式工人变成了劳务派遣工,自己上班的公司与自己不存在任何劳动关系。王全兴教授认为,“劳务派遣在一定意义上是对劳动制度改革中已经取消的临时工制度的回归,使派遣工也成为劳动待遇低于正式工的一种身份,甚至派遣工的地位还不及当年的临时工。”目前,对劳务派遣的探讨主要集中在法律和现状描述的层面,或指出劳务派遣相关法律制度的优点与不足,并提出完善劳务派遣的措施;或通过案例的分析指出劳务派遣的不合理性;或站在企业的立场上,提出资方责任或者规避措施等。这些对劳务派遣的探讨都停留在表面现象上,并没有把劳务派遣与中国工人阶级的现状结合起来,更没有对劳务派遣背后深层次的内容如权利体系、制度的根源、法律的本质等进行分析。要想深刻的理解劳务派遣,揭示劳务派遣的本质,必须从经济的角度,以劳动者为主体,以资本的发展逻辑来研究劳务派遣。本论文将从政治经济学的角度,揭示劳务派遣的本质,进而分析我国劳务派遣制度发展的历史及现状和问题,以此促进中国用工制度的完善。本文共分四章,第一章从理论的角度探讨劳务派遣的本质,并以国外劳务派遣的发展作为论据进行分析。第二章论述我国劳务派遣的发展历史,把我国劳务派遣的历史分为四个阶段——涉外劳务派遣、国企改制中的劳务派遣、市场化的劳务派遣以及《劳动合同法》立法中的劳务派遣。第三章承接第二章的历史,论述我国劳务派遣的发展现状、问题等。最后,第四章分析我国劳务派遣制度发展背后的原因,并由此展望劳务派遣发展的未来。

【Abstract】 The economy of china was developing very fast in the Three decades of reform and opening-up. However, the workers of china bear the cost of the development instead of benefit. They work in the production line, achieving the title of " world factory" for china; they do the dirtiest, most tiring job most bitter, and take extremely low wages but not guaranteed. The workers of Foxcoon sent a shout in the most helpless way——"Twelve-Consecutive-Jumping".Many scholars blieves that, the workers of china face so unfair treatment, is because the employment system of china is still far from perfect. So, Labor Contract Law became the focus of attention. However, it brought misfortune to many workers before Labor Contract Law entered into force.In the end of 2007 when Labor Contract Law didn’t entered into force, a large number of enterprises changed their formal workers into dispatching workers, and the dispatching became the favor of the employment system. Just as the manager of a dispatching company said, "the implementation of Labor Contract Law is the main reason of the dispatching peak." The restrictive provisions of dispatching as ’Temporary, auxiliary, alternative" have no operational. But the view is not the real problem. According to insiders, article thirty-eight of "Labor Contract Law Implementation Regulations" had limited the time and post of dispatching, for example, the dispatching jobs was limited in non-core business, no more than six months and so on. But this aiticle was deleted when official announcement, just bacause of some interest groups lobbying.For the enterprise, dispatching is a good measure to avoid responsibility.But for the workers who became dispatching workers from the formal workers in the enterprise overnight, it’s a nightmare. The professors Wang Quanxin considered that," dispatching is regression of the temporary employment which is canceled in the reform of employment system. The dispatching became a status symbol for the low-income groups whose income is even less than the temporary workers.Currently, the discussion of dispatching is on the level of legal and status description, or pointed the advantages and disadvantages of the legal system and proposed the measures to improve the dispatching, or Pointed out the irrationality of dispatching by case analysis, or proposed the responsibility of employers and preventive measures for the emloyers.All of these discussions of dispathing stay on the surface phenomena. To deep understand dispatching, to reveal the nature of dispatching, we must research dispatching standing on the position of workers,from the economic point of view, with the logic of capital development. In this article, I will reveal the nature of dispatching from the perspective of political economy, and analyze the history, current satuation and problems of dispatching in china, to promote the improvement of china’s emloyment system.This article is divided into four chapters. In Chapter One, we discuss the nature of dispatching from a theoretical rpoint of view, and analyse it with the argument of dispatching development in foreign contry. In Chapter Two, we discuss the history of dispatching in china, which is divided into four periods as "dispatching for foreign", "dispatching for state-owned enterprise reform", "market-based dispatching" and "dispatching in the legislation of Labor Contract Law ". Based on the history, we discuss the current satuation and problems of dispatching in china in Chapter Three. At last, we point out the reasons behind, and prospect the future of dispatching.
