

【作者】 牛传彪

【导师】 彭勇;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 明代的巡洋会哨制度是在帝国沿海遭遇倭寇袭扰的大背景下逐步探索并发展完善的。大致经历了洪武及永乐、正统、嘉靖三个阶段。作为一项综合性的军政制度,其具体操作过程涉及到明代的军事体制、行政运作、财政管理、司法监察的诸多方面。其运行中产生的绝大多数问题本身即是明代国家机构运转中的问题。探究明代的巡洋会哨制度的运行状况,可以从侧面透视出明代国家机器运作中的诸多问题,审视明王朝的兴衰。本文综合利用明清海防文献、沿海诸省方志、史地、政书、时人文集、奏疏、兵书、档册中有关巡洋会哨制度的记载,运用实证性研究方法,试就其发展演变及相关运行情况进行探究,重点考察巡哨制度的确立与完善、浙江海区的巡哨军与信(汛)地划分、巡哨官军构成、巡洋时的制度规范、会哨中的稽查监督、巡哨的军需供应、巡哨运行中的问题与调整等方面,并力图透过巡哨运行中产生的问题审视明帝国相关国家机器运作中的诸多问题。本文认为,[一]明代巡洋会哨制度真正形成于正统时代。洪武、永乐时,中央与沿海地方虽多次派水军出海巡捕倭寇,但仅见巡逻捕倭,不见有连界处会哨的记载,巡哨制度仅显雏形。正统间闽浙海防调整,各备倭官划分了防区,沿海各卫有了较为明确的巡逻信地,并出现了连界处会哨的记载,巡哨制才真正形成。嘉靖中期严饬海防,各哨区明显呈现出层次性的特点,巡哨之制更加成熟,尤以浙江为最。沿海防务的整体性及各哨内外协调性大为增强。[二]明代巡哨军采用营伍式编制,但其领哨官和军兵多从都司卫所官军中抽选。早期虽有召募,但非经制。随着卫所旗军的大量逃亡,沿海卫所只能以“贴驾”形式补充寨游军力,召募的民捕舵兵逐渐成为巡哨军的构成主体。[三]明代水军出洋有月粮、行粮及月银、犒赏等项军需供应,主要从两税征解麦米、军民屯粮、盐粮、渔税、商税、诸色课钞等项支给。诸军士因身份、等次、任务分工、有无家口等因支放不等,不同海区亦有差别。[四]明代巡哨军在洋行船、收泊及执行瞭探、御敌、缉私、设伏、护航等任务时,皆有严格的号令章程。会哨中有海物、“牌号”、“信票”、“到单”、“哨符”、结报等稽查凭证。[五]明代的巡哨制度产生了诸多问题。这些问题的出现,既有体制上的原因,也有国策上的分歧。围绕这些问题,明帝国中央和沿海地方政府采取了许多调整举措,这些调整又带来了一系列连环性问题,引发了旧有问题与新生问题的相互交织,使巡哨制度最终陷入了在衰落中调整,在调整中维持,在维持中衰落的境地。但不管怎样,明代水军的梭织巡哨,毕竟扩大海上防御纵深,增强了海上巡捕力量,使中国最终抵御了倭寇的入侵,遏制了海盗的跳梁,维护了海疆的安全。故至明代末期,依然为统治者所运用。入清之后,又为清帝国统治者变革性地承袭下来,在巡哨官职事分工、会哨交验凭证、稽查监哨等方面又呈现出新的面貌。

【Abstract】 With the background of Wo-kou’s aggression, the Ming Dynasty has gradually explored and improved the system of Xun yang-Hui shao. In a word, it experienced three periods of Hongwu,Yongle, Zhengtong,and Jiajing. As a comprehensive system of military and politics,its concrete operations process involves to many aspects, such as the military system, the administrative operation, the financial management, the judicial supervision, and so on. Its many questions is also problems produced in the revolution of the state institution. So it is necessary to research the system of Xun yang-Hui shao in the Ming Dynasty.Numerous materials and measures are used in this article, with the purpose of researching some important problems related to the system’s evolution and operation, including the establishment and consummation of Xun yang-Hui shao, the armed forces and its shao-qu in Zhejiang area, the constitution of the government troops, the verbal command regulation, the judicial supervision, the military supply, the movement question and adjustment of Xun shao.First, in my viewpoint, the complete system of Xun yang-Hui shao came into being in Zhengtong period. With the adjustment of the marine defence in the middle of Jiajing, the marine responsible area of the navy turn out to be multi-level. Xun shao became more and more maturer. Second, so far as the constitution of Xun shao navy be concerned, it experienced the transformation from official army to militiaman. Third, the military supply of xun shao navy mainly comes from liangshui grains, the tunliang of the soldiers and civilians, fishing tax, business tax, and other kechao. As many differences among navy soldiers, such as the status, the gradation, the duty division, and family members, they have different income. Forth, xun shao navy has plenty of strict regulations when they carry out tasks. Fifth, many problems has been produced in the movement process of Xun yang-Hui shao. Not only the central but also the local government has adopted many adjustment actions,which brought series of questions, either. However, the Ming Dynasty’s xun shao navy expandsed the marine depth of defence after all, caused Chinese people to resist Japanese pirate’s invasion finally. Therefore,it was still used by the empire in the last stage of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.
