

【作者】 林仙珍(MIE MIE HTWE)

【导师】 赵永红;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国国力的强盛和国际地位的提高,越来越多的外国人开始学习汉语,对外汉语教学方法的调查研究也日益得到重视,这种状况在缅甸也不例外。汉语学习者的学习动机已成为国内外对外汉语教学界关注的热点课题。学习动机是第二语言学习的关键因素之一,它对学生的学习成果有着重要的影响。因此,教师在课堂教学中注意激发和培养学生的学习动机是非常重要的。笔者以缅甸成年汉语学习者为研究对象,主要采用问卷调查法、访谈法和课堂观察法等多种方法来研究学生的学习动机以及汉语教学中存在的问题,并提出解决问题的方法。本论文共分三章:第一章绪论部分主要说明论文的选题意义和研究目的,并介绍现今缅甸的汉语教学状况。本人在缅甸曼德勒福庆孔子课堂任教已经15年,从2001年开始任成人速成班班主任。在10年的成人速成班教学中,本人注意到了成年人学习动机不稳定的情况以及他们在语学习中的种种困难,所以一直关注成年人的汉语学习状况。此章中提出了第二语言学习和学习动机的关系以及学习动机研究综述,全面介绍了第二语言学习动机研究、汉语作为第二语言学习动机研究以及缅甸成年人汉语学习动机研究的历史和现状。第二章是缅甸成年汉语学习者学习动机调查研究。在缅甸成年人汉语学习动机调查研究中,依据汉语学习者的汉语水平,将调查对象划分为初级阶段学习者、中级阶段学习者和高级阶段学习者。初级阶段学习者主要包括零起点汉语拼音学习者到初级六年级毕业者。中级阶段学习者为两年制中级班学习的初中学生。高级阶段学习者主要有福庆学校高级班、汉语言文学函授班学生和福庆学校的年轻成年教师。本人采用调查法、访谈法和课堂观察法等多种方法收集了缅甸成年学生汉语学习动机原因和流失状况的基本资料。第三章全面分析了影响缅甸成年汉语学习者学习动机的内外因素。这两大因素在国际汉语教学中非常重要。教师只有全面分析了影响学生汉语学习动机的因素,并且注意在课堂上用不同的教学法来激发学习者的学习动机,才能做好对国际汉语教学工作。本章中提出了第二语言学习动机结论,根据调查资料进行了详细地分析,指出了激发缅甸成年人汉语学习动机和对策,并总结了本研究的不足与局限。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on the research of the motivation of Learning Chinese language in Myanmar. As we know, thanks to the rising of the comprehensive power in China, Chinese language has been very popular around the world. Meanwhile, millions of foreigners start to learn Chinese as their second language. Therefore, the teaching and research methods about Chinese language has been widely argued and practiced, so does in Myanmar. Considering that learning motivation is one of the key factors in learning second language, and may play a significant role in the students’ development in the future, the teachers who teach Chinese should be capable to stimulate the motivation of studying Chinese language to the learners in Myanmar. In this thesis, I take the adult Myanmar learners as the main objects and utilize the questionnaire-based survey research, interview method and classroom observation method to get first-hand data, in order to collect sorts of motivation to those adult learners and analyze the their problem in Chinese study. Finally, I will give the suggestions about solving the problem and improving the efficiency of Chinese Teaching in Myanmar. The thesis contains three key chapters:In the first chapter, I mainly introduce the meaning of the topic, the background of the study, and the objective of research. In addition, this chapter has pointed out the relationship between second language learning and learning motivation, and indicated the overall research that has done in China or others country in the topic of second language learning motivation.In the second chapter, I classify the Myanmar Adult Learners of Chinese Language into three levels:primary level, intermediate level and senior level, and introduce the ways of collecting the basic information on those adult learners’motivation in Chinese study.In the third part, I comprehensively analyze the two important factors: inner factor and outer factor that influence the Myanmar Adult Learners of Chinese Language, either of which is very important in further perfecting the teaching job. Besides, the chapter also analyzes the survey data and makes the conclusion of the research on the motivation of studying Chinese to Myanmar adult learners.

  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】518