

Study on Urban Ecological Wetlands Resources Protection and Landscape Planning

【作者】 陈火祥

【导师】 吴小刚;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 林业, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 湿地,无论是自然形成的,还是人工产物,所展现的特殊魅力与迷人景色体现在其丰富多样的生物种类和生命活动。而城市生态湿地不仅为人类的生产生活提供多种资源,而且具有重要的生态服务与景观功能。但我国快速城市化进程给城市土地利用带来巨大压力,城市生态湿地利用与开发缺乏系统指导,形势严峻。建设城市生态湿地公园是城市生态湿地保护与合理利用的重要途径。它是以开发湿地的生态旅游为重点,结合居民点的改造和产业结构调整,以保护湿地,改善当地居民生活水平,促进城市湿地的保护,从无力被动的保护,走向主动有效的保护,从自然生态走向社会生态。本文以景观生态学、环境承载力理论、生态恢复理论等理论为指导,通过对美国、英国、日本等生态湿地规划及我国香港、上海、杭州等湿地公园的案例作了简要分析,并结合福建闽江河口具体情况,概括了闽江河口湿地资源并提出保护措施。同时以首要保护措施——建设生态湿地公园作为出发点,详细阐述了城市生态湿地公园规划设计的选址、保护分区规划、生态恢复规划、植被景观规划等内容以及调查法、人均指标法、生态敏感度分析法等规划方法,对城市生态湿地景观规划做了初步的总结,最后,将福州乌龙江湿地公园建设失败的原因进行分析,提出了湿地公园管理的对策。学科的发展是一个循序渐进的过程,本论文也只是沧海一粟,城市生态湿地公园的规划理论与方法在更多的拓展与深入后,将逐渐制定相应的规范化编制纲要。同时确定更加详尽的指标体系,在规划实践中城市决策者应从城市湿地对城市重要的生态服务功能的战略高度,认识建立城市郊区湿地公园的重大意义,规划师应参与湿地公园的面积和位置确定。

【Abstract】 No matter it was naturally formed or not, wetland was special charming and attractive for its abundant species and life activities. Wetlands provide not only a wide range of resources for human life and production, but also important ecological services and landscape features. Chinese rapid urbanization process brings a tremendous pressure on land use of the cities. Without the systematical guidance on using and exploiting urban wetlands lead them into a grim situation. Construction of urban ecological wetland park is an important method for urban wetland protection and rational use. It focuses on the development of the wetland eco-tourism, combining transformation of settlements and industrial restructure to protect wetlands, improve local people’s living standards and promote the level of active effective from ecosystem planning in nature to social planning ecosystem.Basing on the theories of developing, theories of ecological restoration, Landscape Ecology and the recreation environmental bearing capacity, this paper briefly analyzes the wetlands plans in the United States, Britain and Japan, and studies several cases of Hong Kong, Shanghai and Hangzhou wetlands parks. Considering its special features of and resources, we propose a protection plan for the wetlands in Minjing River in Fujian. At the same time that construction of Wetland Park as the starting pointThe further study in this field is desired. It should include but not exhaust:a standard and principles for planning the urban wetland park,There are many methodological innovations in the paper. First, it utilizes cleaner production and community theories for the direct of Wetland Park planning. Second, it divided the plan of the wetland park into two layers, material space and function system from the systematical view.

  • 【分类号】X37
  • 【被引频次】1
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