

【作者】 王丽

【导师】 王月欣;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 农业可持续发展是可持续发展理论在农业尤其是农村经济、农业资源环境和农村社会领域的具体体现,是可持续发展的根本保障和优先领域。实现农业的可持续发展,就是以不破坏农业再生资源、不降低环境质量为代价换取农业的发展,要把保护生态环境和提高农业资源的利用与满足人类需要相结合,达到食物安全、生态健康和发展持续之目的。县和县级市是我国对经济和社会发展进行组织和管理的最重要的基层行政单位,在国民经济、社会政治诸方面中处于承上启下的关键地位。县域农业可持续发展的研究,对解决当前我国面临的“三农”问题,促进各地区农业和农村经济的持续、稳定、协调发展,以及发挥各地区的综合优势和农业结构调整等均具有重要的理论和实践意义。宽城满族自治县位于河北省东北部、承德市东南部,境内矿产资源丰富。近年来,宽城县积极推行“工业强县”政策,大力发展矿产工业,农业发展开始处于辅助地位,农业基础设施的建设和农业现代化设备的投资远远落后于工业投入。本文以宽城县为研究区域,以宽城县农业生态经济系统为研究对象,应用能值分析方法,对宽城县农业生态系统2005年到2009年的投入、产出能值流量进行了定量分析。根据宽城县农业生态系统的特点,选取了环境贡献率、能值投资率、净能值产出率、系统优势度、可持续发展指数等15个指标进行综合分析,其中2009年的环境贡献率为0.19、工业辅助能所占比为0.70、净能值产出率为1.58、能值投资率为4.20、环境承载力为4.57、可持续发展指数为0.64。结果表明:宽城县可更新能值比较低,工业辅助能所占比较高,说明农业系统的运行和发展主要依赖于社会经济系统的能值;净能值产出率较低,说明宽城县农业生态系统的生产效率相对较低,自然环境资源利用率较低,仍处于传统农业向现代农业发展的过渡阶段;系统优势度较小,系统稳定度较高,说明宽城县农业系统结构的协调度不高,但农业系统的稳定性较好;可持续发展指数ESI较低,说明宽城县农业经济,属于资源消费型经济,对本地不可更新资源的利用较多,生态环境所受压力较大;宽城县的系统可持续发展指标EISD远远小于2,表明宽城县农业的能值收益不足而环境承载过大,农业生态系统是不可持续的。在今后的农业发展中,要重视可更新资源的利用,加强生态环境的保护,提高系统净能值产出率,促进农业生态系统功能的完善和农业的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 The sustainable development of agriculture is the application of sustainable development theory in the fields of rural economy, environment of resources, and the society, it is also the prior field and essence of the sustainable development of the whole society.To realize sustainable development of agriculture is to develop agriculture neither destroying agriculture renewable resources nor reducing environmentalquality. Combining preserving the ecological environment and improving agricultural resources with satisfying needs of human being so that food safety, organism’s habits reasonableness and sustainable development can be met.Counties and cities at county level are the most important primary administrative units for the organization and management of China’s economic and social development. They serve as a vital connecting link for national economy and social policy. The research of county agricultural sustainable development has important significance in theory and practice. Because it can find a solution to the problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers, promote regional agriculture and the rural economy stable and proportionate development, and play all the local comprehensive advantages and structural readjustment in agriculture. Kuancheng county is located in northeastern Hebei province, southeast of Chengde city, which is rich in minerals. Now, Kuancheng county actively implement the "industrial" policy to develop mineral industy. Agricultural begins to occupy only a supplementary place. The construction of agricultural infrastructure and investment in modern agricultural equipment lags behind in industrial investment.Taking Kuancheng county as an example, the agricultural ecological-economic system in Kuancheng county is main study object of this thesis. Based on the theory and methodology of emergy, this thesis systematieally evaluated the input-output and sustainable development conditions of the agricultural ecological-economic system in Kuancheng county from 2005 to 2009.According to the characteristics of agricultural ecosystem, we choose 15 indicators for a comprehensive analysis, such as Emergy Investment Ratio, Emergy Yield Ratio, Environmental Load Ratio, Envimnmental Sustainability Index and so on. Based on our study, the value of EIR is 2.74 in 2009, EYR 1.58, ELR 4.57, and ESI 0.64.The main conclusions are as follws. The renewable industrial assistant emergy of Kuancheng county is very low, but the industrial assistant emergy supports to the largest proportion of the total input emergy. It means the operation and development of agricultural system mostly depends on the emergy from social-economic system. The value of EIR is below the average level, it means the utilization efificiency of environmental resources is still low and in the transitional stages from traditional agriculture to modem agriculture development. The value of ESI is also very low, the result shows the ability of sustainable development of Kuancheng county is relatively weak, and the system belongs to Consumer-based economy. In the meanwhile, it heavily depends on the use of non-renewable resources, and the ecological environment has been under a great pressure.To develop the agriculture in the future, Kuancheng county should value the use of renewable resources, strengthen the protection of the ecological environment, improve the value of EIR, perfect the function of agri-ecosystem, and promot the sustainable development of agriculture.
