

【作者】 桂卫林

【导师】 刘树宏;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 以网络媒体、手机媒体等为主要代表的新媒体自问世以来,依靠各种新技术手段支撑,实现了传播模式由传统向现代的转变,呈现出互动化、主动化、个性化以及移动化等新型传播特征,短时期内得以迅速发展。大学生作为使用新媒体技术最为广泛、活跃的群体之一,其生活、学习、交往方式不可避免地受到新媒体影响,发生了新的变化,而新媒体对大学生思想政治观念的影响表现出涵盖面更广、方式更为隐秘和效果更为直接的特点。高校中的新媒体既作为一种新载体负责传递各种信息,更作为一种大环境无时不刻作用于校园中的每个人。它给大学生思想政治教育带来新的契机,有利于促进大学生思想政治教育高效化、社会化和民主化;有利于帮助教师转变教育理念、掌握新技术、进一步充实自身;有利于大学生社会意识、道德法制意识、民主意识等综合素质的提升。另一方面,新媒体增加了大学生思想政治教育的难度;使得少数教师理想信念有所淡化、业务水平凸显滞后、教育主体地位有所动摇;也使得部分大学生舆论日趋被同化、独立思考判断能力被消弱、沉溺于娱乐陷阱不可自拔。因此,研究新媒体环境下的大学生思想政治教育显得意义极为重大新媒体环境下加强和改进大学生思想政治教育应坚持渗透、开放、法制和正面导向原则。首先,加强对大学生媒介素养能力的培养,发挥课堂教育的主渠道作用,提高大学生对传播媒介影响的认识,提高大学生对媒介的批判与鉴赏能力以及创造与传播信息的能力;其次,要注重运用时兴新媒体技术如校园BBS、SNS、手机报等创新教育手段;再次,应紧跟新媒体发展步伐,加强师资队伍建设,加强教师理论知识学习、注重教师实践锻炼和开展对教师的技术培训。

【Abstract】 By relying on various technical supports, the new media, which mainly represented by net media and mobile media, have realized the transformation of the communication model since its advent years ago. It shows different propagation characteristics such as interactive, proactive, personalized, portable, and it developed rapidly in a short term. Meanwhile, as the biggest fans of new media technologies, college students’daily life changed a lot, their learning and communication mode was inevitably affected by new media. The impacts which new media work on college students’ideological and political ideas shows features of wide-ranging, subtle and efficient.No doubt the new media are new information carriers in our campus, what’s more, it keeps changing each individual at university all the time. It brings new opportunities for college students’ideological and political education. On the one hand, it makes college students’ ideological and political education more efficient, social, and democratize. It would be good for educators to change their educational philosophy, push them to learn new technologies and make themselves more qualified; it might help to improve educatee’s overall quality such as social consciousness, moral idea and democratic consciousness. On the other hand, the new media partly makes college students’ ideological and political education face more difficulty. It looses minority educator’s communist ideal and belief, and it is shaking the educators’ main body position in education activities, make their professional skill become outdated; the use of new media also lead to public opinion consensus, weakened college students’ independent thinking ability, make them indulge in amusement. Therefor, it is a big deal for us to study college students’ ideological and political education under new media environment.To strengthen and improve college students’ ideological and political education under new media environment, we should uphold the principle of penetrate, openness, legality and positive guiding. Firstly, keep enhancing college students’media literacy, and we must value displaying the main channel function of classroom teaching, raise students’ awareness of the importance of media influence, and strengthen their abilities to appreciate and condemn, sharpen their ability to create information and spread them; Secondly, educators could use typical new media such as BBS, SNS and mobile phone newspaper to innovate means of education; Thirdly, the team building of educators should be reinforced, theoretical study, actual experience and technical training should be valued.
