

【作者】 黄俞榕

【导师】 张儒;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 成熟的市场需要成熟的品牌。有人说名牌实际上是“民牌”,是消费者用货币投票选举出来的。媒体品牌的确立,能够较好地享有读者忠诚度,也能够和广告商更好地合作,自然可以给投资者带来最大的收益。品牌本身就是一笔无形的资产。文摘报一问世即以其密集而短小的信息,平易朴实的平民风格,包罗万象的社会生活内容,以及合理的价格吸引了众多读者。这种品牌价值是同期日报、晚报所无法替代的,这也是“文摘军团”能在市场长久立足的原因之一。随着党报、行业报、都市报的整合与更新,报业市场竞争激烈,文摘报面临着越来越大的挑战。文摘报在报业竞争中避其所短,扬其所长,关键在于彰显自身特色、提升核心竞争力。本文以国内文摘类报纸为研究对象,通过调查分析其品牌经营的现状及存在的问题,以及它在新环境中所面临的挑战,提出一些对文摘报品牌化经营有借鉴意义的观点和对策性建议。本文认为,当下的媒体市场竞争,实际上就是品牌竞争。品牌是报纸核心竞争力之一本文分为四章。首先是对文摘报的产生做一概述,为整个研究提供背景资料。其次,通过对文摘报本身、媒介生态环境以及读者群的分析详细阐述我国文摘报发展现状。第三,详细对我国文摘报品牌创新进行定位,即品牌策略实施所要达成的目的。本文最后在前三章的基础上提出树立文摘报品牌的策略和实施建议。

【Abstract】 A mature market needs matures brands. It has been said that a famous brand is actually a brand for people, a brand voted and elected by consumers with banknotes. To create a media brand can not only gain the readers’loyalty, but also result in a better cooperation with advertisers, and therefore bring the largest profit to investors. Brand itself is a type of intangible assets.Digest Newspaper has attracted a large number of readers after its birth, thanks to its short but intensive information structure, its plain and simple folk style as well as its rich content in every aspects of social life. This kind of brand is irreplaceable by the daily and evening newspapers, which explains why the digest publications can withstand and endure on the market.Confronted with highly integrated and updated Party newspapers, industry newspapers and metropolis newspapers, digest newspapers are facing more and more fierce competitions and challenges on the newspaper market. It needs to develop its strong points and overcome its shortcomings. The key point is to be different from the other newspapers and to be more competitive.This paper is composed of four chapters:the first chapter makes a summary of the digest newspapers, providing a background document. Then, based on the analysis of the digest newspapers and its media environment as well as its groups of readers, Chapter 2 presents the current situation of digest newspapers in China. The third chapter reposition Chinese digest newspapers and develop in details how to realize brand innovations, that is to say how to set up an objective for brand strategies. The last chapter, set out some strategies on how to create a brand of digest newspaper and put forward some advice on how to deploy those strategies.

【关键词】 文摘报品牌
【Key words】 digest newspaperbrand
  • 【分类号】G216.3
  • 【下载频次】72