

The Research on the construction of the Regional Economic Coordination Mechanism for Development of Fujian Province

【作者】 刘海明

【导师】 谢志忠;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 区域经济协同发展建立在系统论经济自组织系统的协同理论的基础上,实现经济各子系统间协同发展,从而达到1+1>2的效果。区域经济协同发展是重视各次区域的发展机会的公平和平等,重视个次区域间协同配合,各产业间协同,从而形成经济的自组织系统,最终达到区域经济协调发展。本文在研究了福建省各地市的资源禀赋,区位优势等特点,运用灰色关联度分析法评价福建省产业协同发展成熟度,运用数据包络分析法评价了福建省九地市间的综合效率、技术效率和规模效率,分析了影响福建省区域经济协同发展的因素,通过对政府和企业管理者的问卷调查分析,提出了适合福建省省情特点区域经济协同发展机制,区域经济协同发展理论观点借鉴各国各地区的具体发展实践的经验,具有一定的现实性,也对区域经济的发展具有现实的指导意义。本文各章的主要内容可以分为三部分:第一部分是福建省区域经济协同发展命题的提出。首先提出了选题的现实背景,提出选题的目的,总结选题的意义,接着回顾了区域经济发展理论、区域经济动力发展机制研究、协同理论的研究动态,并从产业间协同发展、城市协同发展、产业集群的协同发展和区域之间的协同发展来评述协同理论的运用,指出了我国区域经济协同发展的主要问题以及目前区域经济协同发展的不足之处;然后对区域经济的均衡发展、非均衡发展、协调发展和协同发展等概念界定,最后对研究方法、研究思路和主要内容,以及本文的创新点和不足之处进行了描述。这是本文第一章的内容。第二部分:分析问题。首先分析了福建省区域经济协同发展现状,接着运用灰色关联度分析研究了产值结构与就业结构、资产结构的协同关系,并通过对福建省的经济总量和经济结构分析,结合福建省区域经济产业协同发展进行成熟度实证分析;紧接着运用数据包络分析法(DEA)分析了福建省2000年到2009年十年的数据,对福建省区域经济协同发展综合效度进行评价分析,进一步通过纯技术效率、规模效率、投入冗余度等指标的分析,总结福建省九地市协同发展的经验,为福建省九地市协同发展的建设提供借鉴。这在本文第二章到第五章的内容。第三部分构建福建省区域经济协同发展机制。依据福建省省情以及实证分析结果,设计了福建省区域经济协同发展政策,其中包括转移支付政策、税收政策、金融政策。最后构建了福建省区域经济协同发展的利益协调机制,通过组建福建省区域经济协同发展委员会并执行区域利益协调方式和区域经济协调机制,合理配置生产要素,释放生产力,最终实现福建省区域经济协同发展,可持续发展。这在文中是第六章的内容。本文主要得到的结论有:1.福建省各地市经济差距不断拉大,中心城市发展滞后、产业聚集不突出、城乡差异大等诸多问题。通过九地市经济协同发展,可以缓解福建省各地市经济差异越来越大的局面。2.福建省第一产业就业结构存在劳动力冗余,表现为劳动生产率低下;第二产业产值结构、资产结构、就业结构渐趋合理;第三产业资产结构、固定资产投资效率有待提高。3.莆田、三明、南平、宁德由于处于规模效率递增阶段而使得协同发展技术效率提升。全省只有龙岩的纯技术效率提升,源于招商引资的力度加大,财政支持的力度加强,投资规模的不断提升。泉州、漳州、南平应加快经济结构的调整,以提升纯技术效率。4.影响福建省九地市协同发展综合效度原因分析有三:一、福州、厦门、泉州中心城市发展滞后,空间辐射能力不足;二、产业间联系较弱,产业集聚不突出;三、城乡二元经济结构局面的改变仍是一个严峻的问题。5.认清区域经济协同发展的主体是政府,政府在区域经济协同发展起主导作用,市场在区域经济协同发展起基础作用。产业联动是实现区域经济协同发展的一个重要手段。因为产业联动是介乎市场与企业之间的中间性网络组织,通过正式的契约关系或者非正式的各种联系,实现产业间各种要素的交换和流动,促进产业整体水平的提升。

【Abstract】 The coordinated development of regional economy system established in the synergy of economic self-organization system based on the theory of each subsystem, to realize the coordinated development of the economy, so as to achieve between 1 + 1 > 2 effect. The coordinated development of regional economy said the development of region is attention of fair and equal opportunity, pay attention to a sub-regional cooperation between synergy, the industry coordinating, thus forming economic self-organization system, and finally reach the region economy coordinated development.Based on the study of around the city of Fujian province, location advantage resources endowment, etc, using grey correlation degree evaluation, the coordinated development of Fujian industry with the data envelopment analysis maturity between nine cities in Fujian evaluated the comprehensive efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency in Fujian province, analyzes the influence factors of the coordinated development of regional economy, through government and enterprise managers questionnaire in Fujian province, and puts forward for the coordinated development of regional economy condition characteristics, the coordinated development of regional economy mechanism of the countries around theory reference for the specific practice experience, with certain reality, but also to the development of regional economy is of great realistic significance.In this paper the main content of the chapters can be divided into three parts:The first part is the coordinated development of regional economy in Fujian province proposed proposition. In this paper expatiates the realistic background, this paper puts forward the objective topic, summarizes expatiates the significance, then reviews the region economy development theory, regional economic power development mechanism research, coordination theory, and the research trend from the coordinated development between industry, urban coordinated development, the coordinated development of industrial clusters and regional cooperation among collaborative theory to review the development are pointed out, the application of the coordinated development of regional economy the main problems and the coordinated development of regional economy at present the deficiencies; Then the balanced development of regional economy, unbalanced development, harmonious development and collaborative development concept definition, finally to investigate methods and research thought and main content, and this paper the innovation points and deficiency were described. This is the first chapter of the content.The second part: the analysis question. Firstly analyzes the coordinated development of regional economy in Fujian province, and then using current study the grey relational grade analysis output value structure and employment structure, assets structure, and through the collaborative relationship in Fujian province and through to the total economic output and economic structure analysis, combining the coordinated development of regional economy industry in Fujian province on maturity empirical analysis; Then use the data envelopment analysis (DEA) in Fujian were analyzed in 2000 to 2009 years of data, the coordinated development of regional economy in Fujian province in comprehensive validity evaluation analysis, further through pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency, input redundancy, etc, summarize index analysis of the coordinated development of Fujian nine cities in Fujian province, the experience for the construction of the coordinated development of nine cities provide experience. In this paper the second chapter to the fifth chapter content.In the third part of constructing the coordinated development of regional economy in Fujian mechanism. Based on an empirical analysis results of Fujian provincial and regional economy, design of Fujian province, the coordinated development policy, including transfer payment policy, tax policy, monetary policy. Finally constructs the coordinated development of regional economy in Fujian province, through interest coordination mechanism established the coordinated development of regional economy in Fujian committee and executive regional interests coordination mode and the region economy coordinated mechanism, reasonable allocation of factor of production, release, and finally achieve productivity in Fujian province, the coordinated development of regional economy sustainable development. This paper is the sixth chapter in the content.This paper mainly the conclusion:1. Around the city economy in Fujian gap, the center city development lags behind, industrial cluster not outstanding, urban and rural differences such problems. Through nine cities economic coordinated development, can alleviate economic differences around the city of Fujian province is more and more big situation.2. The first industry employment structure existing in Fujian province labor redundancy, performance for labor productivity is low; The second industrial output value structure, assets structure and employment structure gradually reasonable; The third industry assets structure, fixed assets investment efficiency should be further enhanced. 3. Putian, Sanming, Nanping, Ningde in scale efficiency because of increasing stage and makes the coordinated development of technical efficiency improvement. The only longyan pure technical efficiency of ascension, from investment promotion, the efforts to strengthen the efforts of financial support, investment scale continuous ascension. Quanzhou and Zhangzhou, Fujian Nanping should speed up the adjustment of economic structure, in order to improve the pure technical efficiency.4. The coordinated development of Fujian nine cities influence comprehensive validity analysis there are three reasons: First, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou center city development lags behind, the space radiation ability is insufficient; Second, industry is weak, the relation between industrial concentration was not prominent; Third, the dual-economic structure situation is still a serious change.5. Recognize the coordinated development of regional economy government, government are the subject of the coordinated development of regional economy, market plays a leading role in the coordinated development of regional economy plays basic role. Industrial linkage is to realize the coordinated development of the regional economy is an important means. Because industrial linkage between market and enterprises intemiate between network organization, through the formal contract relationship or informal contact, realize between industry of various elements of the exchange and flow, promote industrial overall level of ascension.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】7
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