

The Research of Rural Supply and Demand of Fujian Public Cultural Products

【作者】 韦娜

【导师】 郑逸芳; 刘淑兰;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 党的十七届三中全会提出,“到2020年,要实现城乡基本公共服务均等化明显推进,农村文化进一步繁荣,农民基本文化权利得到更好落实。”将建设社会主义新农村,加快农村文化事业的发展作为新形势下推进农村改革发展的战略任务。农村文化建设是新农村建设的重要组成部分,新农村建设的目标中蕴含了文化建设的各个方面。以科技促发展,加快经济建设,才能达到生活富裕;以文化提升农民素质,开拓视野,才能形成乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主的新局面。因此,在当前建设和谐海西的背景下,作为海峡西岸经济区主体的福建省,不断推进其农村文化建设,加快农村公共文化产品的供给,具有重大的现实意义。随着新农村建设的深入发展,农民的文化消费需求、文化消费能力都在稳步上升,农村公共文化产品供给不足且效率较低的制约作用也日渐显现出来。本文从当前福建农村文化建设对和谐海西建设的促进作用出发,根据对福建部分典型农村地区的公共文化产品供给与需求的深入调查,阐述农民的文化需求以及政府的供给现状,得出当前福建农村公共文化产品供需矛盾的结论,从供给主体政府,需求主体农民,以及供需平台方面分析农村公共文化产品供需矛盾原因,并借鉴了国内外公共文化产品供需均衡的经验,针对性地提出了实现福建农村公共文化产品供需均衡的建议。本文分为六章内容:第一章,问题的提出。主要对本文的研究背景、研究意义、文献综述、研内容和方法、技术路线图,及文章可能的创新之处作了概述。第二章,对农村公共文化产品供需关系的相关研究综述。包括概念界定和理论基础两大部分。第三章,对福建农村公共文化产品的需求与供给现状进行分析。以福建省农村为例,通过对福建典型农村进行走访及实地调研,介绍了当前福建农村公共文化产品供给与需求的特点与结构,得出目前福建农村公共文化产品供给与需求关系矛盾的结论,并对供需矛盾的表现进行阐述。第四章,分析福建农村公共文化产品供需矛盾的原因。上一章介绍了福建农村公共文化产品供需矛盾的现状,本章从供给主体政府的角度、从需求主体农村居民的角度、从供需平台的角度的不同角度进行综合分析,探讨福建农村公共文化产品供需矛盾的原因。第五章,概述了国内外农村公共文化产品供需均衡的经验。主要介绍了我国部分省市农村公共文化产品供需均衡的国内经验,以及以美国、日本、泰国为代表的农村公共文化产品供需均衡的国外经验。第六章,提出实现福建农村公共文化产品供需均衡的建议。针对当前福建农村公共文化产品供需矛盾的现状及原因,在借鉴国内外农村公共文化产品供需均衡经验的基础上,提出发展农村文化,实现和谐海西的建议。首先从供给主体政府的角度,提出改革体制机制,完善政府的服务职能;其次从需求主体农民的角度,提出加强农民自身建设,发挥农民主体作用;最后从供需平台的角度,提出搭建文化供需平台,发挥民间机构的作用。

【Abstract】 It was brought forward in the proposal on the Third Plenary of the Party’s 17th Session that obvious progress will have been achieved in the equalization proeess of the uthan and rural areas and prosperity of its eulture by the time of 2020. It also suggested that the building of a new soeialist countryside and the acceleration of the utilities should be the strategic tasks of the new Situation. And the culture construction has Played a great role in the development of the utilities.To realize a well-off life, we should promote and speed up the development in economy through science and technology.And for a new civilized, democratic and beautiful countryside, the culture standard of the rurals should be enhanced. Therefore, in the current context of building a harmonious Hercynian, Fujian Province as the main part of Hercynian West Bank Economic Zone, it will has significant meaning to advance the culture developmentand the supply of the cultural products for the rural areas.With the further development of new rural construction, the fanners demand for cultural consumption, cultural consumption are steadily increasing capacity, inadequate supply of rural public cultural products and the constraints of the role of low efficiency has become more apparent. This paper from the current cultural construction in rural areas in Fujian on the construction of a harmonious role in promoting the Hercynian starting, according to the Fujian part of the typical rural areas, supply and demand of public cultural products depth investigation to explain the cultural needs of farmers and the government’s supply situation, the current drawn Fujian supply and demand of rural public cultural products is contradictory, analysis the reasons from the government and the farmers, as well as supply and demand platform, and drew domestic and international experience of balance of supply and demand,puts forward the proposals to realize the balanced of supply and demand of rural public cultural products in Fujian.There are six chapters in this paper:ChapterⅠhas brought forward the issues, Expounds the research background, significance, And the rural science and technology service system theory were reviewed, established research contents, methods, technology roadmap. This study describes the last may innovative points.ChapterⅡis about a summary of the present status on the cultural Product research, which includs The theoretieal summary.ChapterⅢhas analyzed the current situation of demand and supply of rural public cultural products in Fuian. Fuian rural areas, for example, through visits to rural areas in Fujian, introduced the current Fujian rural public cultural product supply and demand characteristics and structure,and described the performance of contradictory of supply and demand.ChapterⅣhas analyzed the reasons of contradictory of public cultural products supply and demand in Fuian. Previous chapter introduced the Fujian supply and demand of rural public cultural products status, the chapter from the government and rural residents,from the perspective of demand and supply system, from the different view, analyzed the reasons.ChapterⅤhas summarized the experiences of supply and demand balance of rural public cultural products in domestie and abroad. Introduces some of China’s provinces and cities of rural public cultural product supply and demand balance experiences, as well as the United States, Japan, Thailand, represented by the equilibrium of rural public cultural products abroad experiences.ChapterⅥhas proposed to achieve rural public cultural product supply and demand balanced proposals. For the current Fujian supply and demand of rural public cultural status and the reasons, drawing on domestic and international supply and demand balance of rural public cultural products on the basis of experience, proposed the development of rural culture, to achieve harmony Hercynian recommendations. First, from the perspective of government, the stitutional mechanisms should be reformed and the functions of government services should be improved; Secondly, from the perspective of farmers,it should put forward to strengthen farmers itself and play the main role of farmers; Finally, from the perspective of demand and supply system is proposed to build cultural demand and supply system, Play the role of civil institutions.

  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】374