

【作者】 单明川

【导师】 李时人;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以明代济南府作家为考察对象,力求通过对此地域内的作家生平、交游、著述及文学创作的全面研究,为明代文学研究的再深入提供有用的资料,也为地域文学研究提供一个探索性的范本。通过对诗文总集、别集、府志、诸家杂记等各种文献资料的考索,共检得明代济南府作家一百六十三人,现存著述一百五十四部,构成了本文的文献基础。第一章为“绪论”,除了交待本课题的若干说明外,包括“地域视角中的明代济南文学”、“文献综述”、“济南的历史沿革”、“明代济南府的教育、文化状况”。自第二章起以历时性为线索介绍济南作家。第二章为明前期的济南作家。元末天下大乱,北方山河破碎,人民流离;明初山东又经历“靖难之役”,因此明前期的济南府民生凋敝,迫切需要发展生产、恢复民生,而文教之兴则要待民生恢复之后了。故而明前期济南文学不振,自洪武至成化仅寥寥数人。第三章为明代中前期的济南作家。经过一百多年的休养生息,整个北方文学开始恢复生机,而此时文坛上“南学”的弊病也显露无疑,因此,李梦阳振臂一呼,“北学”开始振兴,明代文坛拉开了复古运动的大幕。伴随着复古运动第一个高潮和低谷,济南府各有人才涌出,如边贡、刘天民、孙重光、李开先等人。第四章专门介绍“前七子”之一的边贡。从其生平、著述、文学思想与文学创作四个方面入手,全面考察边贡的文学成就和文学地位。第五章专门介绍“嘉靖八才子”之一的李开先。在详细论述其生平、著述的基础上,考察其文学思想与复古派和唐宋派的离合关系,之后详论其文学创作,尤其是戏曲成就。最后简要考察以李开先为中心在济南章丘形成的章丘词会。第六章为明代中后期的济南作家。在复古运动经历第一个低谷之后,济南历城人李攀龙再次擎起复古运动的大旗,复古运动迎来第二个高潮,这也是济南文学在明代的顶峰。自嘉靖中期开始,济南诗人大量涌现,其中不乏名家作手。当李攀龙主盟文坛时,许邦才、殷士儋左提右揳,以为羽翼,而海丰杨巍不循时习,独标清音。当李子殁后,公安、竟陵迭起时,临邑邢侗、新城王象春能够继承齐气,与之鼎足而三。第七章专门介绍“后七子”之首李攀龙。考其生平、著述,分析其身后屡遭抨击之原因,辨其文学复古之思想,最后评价其文学创作成就。第八章是明晚期的济南作家。明代晚期北方流寇四起,加之满洲铁骑的不时掳掠,社会环境已无复先时的安定,此期济南再无名家作手出现。但是,明清鼎革后济南的遗民诗人却是一个亮点,徐夜、张光启、张实居等人承袭明代余绪,继续对诗歌的探索,对清初“神韵”诗论的形成有着不小的影响。第九章介绍明代济南府的家族作家。自明代中期开始,济南府的文学世家开始崛起,其子弟进可为庙堂显宦,退可为地方士绅,优裕的生活提供给他们创作的条件。这些家族在明清鼎革时大多衰落败亡了,因此前代人的风流多没有保存下来。存者大多是至清代依然声望卓著的世家,本文取了新城王氏、淄川王氏、德平葛氏、德州程氏和卢氏五个有代表性的世家进行介绍,以窥明代济南府文学世家之一斑。本文以文献资料为基础,以作家文献资料的考索与整理为重点,考论结合,既清楚明代文学的发展大势,又注重对地域文学的关照,将作家的个人创作与地域风貌结合起来考察,并力争能够理清楚明代济南府的文学发展概貌。

【Abstract】 The thesis is based on the writers in the city Jinan in Ming dynasty for object. It will provide useful information to the further research in the Ming dynasty literature, and an exploratory template to the regional literature research, through studying writers’lives, interpersonal relationships, works and literary creations comprehensively. There are 163 writers in Jinan in Ming dynasty and 154 works of theirs saved to now, through accumulate form various references, such as poem collections, local chorography, and writers’miscellanea. That’s the foundation of this thesis.The first chapter is the introduction. In addition to some explains about the subject, it includes Regional Views about the Literature in Jinan inMing Dynasty, Introduction about References, the Historical Development of Jinan City, and Education and Cultural Conditions in Jinan in Ming Dynasty.From the second chapter, we will introduce writers in Jinan according to the time sequence. The second chapter is writers in the prophase of Ming dynasty. In the late of Yuan dynasty, the northern society was ruined in unrest. In the early Ming dynasty, there happened the battle named Jing Nan in Shandong province. So, people in Jinan City were very poor. The first thing in this area was to resume the production. Culture education in this period was not attention. Thus, the literature in Jinan in this period was poor, too. From Hong Wu era to Cheng Hua era, there were only several writers.The third chapter is writers in the early medium-term of Ming dynasty. After a hundred years of recovery, the northern literature began to revive. At that time, the southern ethos in the literature field was very ill. So, Li Mengyang, a famous writer, committed to advocate the northern ethos in the literature field. The literature in Ming dynasty began to enter the classical period. With the high and the low of the classical movement, there were many famous writers in Jinan, such as Bian Gong, Liu Tianmin, Sun Chongguang, and Li Kaixian.The fourth chapter is to introduce the writer Bian Gong specially. His life, works, literary views, and literary creations will be talked to discuss his achievements and status in literature history.The fifth chapter is to introduce the writer Li Kaixian specially. After describing his life and works, we will talk about the relationship between him and people in the Classical Genre or the Tang and Song dynasty Genre. Then, his literary creations, special his creations in drama, will be discussed in detail. The playwright group in Zhangqiu, a region of Jinan, which Li Kaixian was as the centre of, will be also mentioned.The sixth chapter is the writers in the late medium-term of Ming dynasty. After Li Mengyang, Li Panlong, another famous writer who was born in Jinan, began to advocate the classical style once again. The classical movement entered the second climax. This period was also the summit of the Jinan literature in Ming dynasty. From the mid-term of the Jia Jing era, there were large amount of writers in Jinan, many of whom were very famous. When Li Panlong was the leader of the literature filed, Yin Shidan and Xu Bangcai were condered as Li’s right-hand men. Meanwhile, Yang Wei in Haifeng, another region of Jinan, insisted his own style. After Li’s death, Xing Tong and Wang Xiangchun can inherit traditional style in Shandong province. At the time, their creations can compete with writers’in Gong’an Genre and Jingling Genre.The seventh chapter is to introduce the writer Li Panlong specially. We wil talk his life and works, analysis the reason why he was blamed strongly after his death, clear his literary views, and evaluate his achievements in literature. The eighth chapter is the writers in the late of Ming dynasty. The northern society was unrest again. The army of Qing dynasty often plundered the Shandong province. So, the number of writers in this period was smaller than the period before. Those writers were from Ming dynasty to Qing dynasty were stars in this period. The writers, such as Xu Ye, Zhang Guangqi, and Zhang Shiju, inherited the literary style of Ming dynasty, and continued to explore the poem creation, whose exploration influenced the poem theory named Verve in the early of Qing dynasty.The ninth chapter is the family writers in Jinan in Ming dynasty. From the mid-term of Ming dynasty, many literary families began to prosper. The excellent ones in those families can become advanced officials. Even the mediocre ones can also become millionaires in their hometown. The rich lives helped them to engage in literature creations. To the time of Qing dynasty, many of those families decayed. The records about their lives also disappeared. The reserved families were still prosperous in Qing dynasty. In this chpter, we will talk four families, Wang’s family in Xincheng (a region of Jinan), Wang’s family in Zichuan, Ge’s family in Deping, and Cheng’s family and Lu’s family in Dezhou.Based on references, the thesis focuses on seeking and tiding the information about the writers. Aiming to clear the development of the literature in Ming dynasty, and insisting on the regional views, the writers’creations and regional style will be together. By combining with describing and comment, the development of the literature in Jinan City in Ming dynasty will be outlined clearly.

【关键词】 明代济南作家
【Key words】 Ming dynastythe Jinan Citythe writers