

【作者】 萧倩

【导师】 高湘萍;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 基于自我-他人关系理论和先进ERPs电生理技术,本研究试图探索在人际关系图式激活条件下个体对环境刺激的认知加工方式,从而深入讨论人际关系图式中各包含元素的组成、分配以及元素之间关联性问题,除此之后我们还试图将依恋模式融入人际关系图式理念,建立新人际关系图式模式,推进人际关系主题在认知领域的研究成果,也为人际关系心理治疗提供有利的实证依据。实验—采用情绪启动与点探测结合范式,以实验前收集的人际信息为启动刺激,共80名被试参加实验,分别划分在积极启动组、积极控制组、消极启动组、消极控制组,要求被试完成探测点的判断以及记忆测验的再认,记录整个时间进程中的脑电指标和反应时间与正确率。实验二采用Stroop范式,使用亲密关系经历量表和焦虑量表结合结果将被试划分为三种不同依恋取向,通过激活普遍依恋图式,探索不同依恋取向被试对行为语词颜色判断的反应时间,是否对颜色的判断受到对语词词义知觉的干扰,获得整个时间进程中脑电指标和反应时间与正确率情况。结果发现:1)积极启动组和积极控制组、消极启动组和消极控制组在点探测实验中存在显著差异,ERPs成分C1、P1、启动P400和语词P200证实差异的存在;2)ERPs成分IIN是点探测实验被试对有效位置和无效位置加工电生理机制;3)N400成分存在和P200与N400峰峰值转变程度作为Stroop实验词义加工与颜色加工电生理指标;4)一般人际关系图式被激活,同时启动单向“如果-那么”原则,积极人际信息激活被试积极情绪状态,其认知判断不受环境刺激干扰;消极人际信息激活被试消极情绪状态,促使被试对消极刺激的认知加工;5)特殊人际关系图式被激活,同时启动双向“如果-那么”原则,不同依恋取向被试通过该原则对自身行为生成一定预期倾向,该预期与过去索求愿望相一致。

【Abstract】 Based on self-with-other relational theory and advanced ERPs technology, the present study attempts to research as international schemas is primed, how participants perceive environmental stimulus, which objective develops into the constitution, distribution of elements and relationship between ones. Besides, we also try attachment style to be associated with relational theory and set up new international schemas model. It pushes the research of international relationship in social cognitive literature and provides the convincing proof for international psychological therapy. We adopt affective priming-dotprobe paradigm in experiment 1. International information collected before experiment serves as priming stimulus. Total 80 participants attend experiment, respectively make up 4 groups:positive priming group, positive control group, negative priming group and negative control group. In experiment 2, Stroop paradigm is used and the association of Experiences in Close Relationship and Trait Anxiety Inventory divides 30 participants into 3 different attachment styles. Through the activation of global attachment, we want to know whether the conflict between the meaning and color of words interferes cognition process.The result shows:1)there exists difference between positive/negative priming group and positive/negative control group, proved by C1,P1,priming-P400 and word-P200;2)IIN is the mechanism for invalid and valid trial in priming-dotprobe experiment;3)N400 phenomenon and P200-N400 difference amplitude prove the interference between semantic and color processing;4)When priming global relational schema, also one-way "if-then" activated, positive international information activates participants’positive emotion and negative does their negative emotion. It does not disturb positive participants’cognition and promote negative participants focus on negative appraisal;5)When priming special relational schema, also two-way "if-then" activated, different attachment styles could presume what they do according to "if-then" principle, correspond with what the need.
