

Analysis and Optimization of Main Structures of Internal Gear Pumps

【作者】 杨成

【导师】 李宏伟;

【作者基本信息】 济南大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于国内近几年才开始发展和研究耐高压的内啮合齿轮泵,缺乏对内啮合齿轮泵设计参数、工作性能等方面的基础分析研究,使得目前国内的内啮合齿轮泵在输出压力、容积效率等参数和性能的稳定性方面与国外的产品还有较大的差距且我国企业生产的内啮合齿轮泵产量少、品种少、材料单一、规格不齐全。本文主要对渐开线式内啮合齿轮泵的一些主要结构件进行了有限元分析和优化,改善了泵的整体性能、减少了材料的使用,降低了泵的重量,使得齿轮泵在要求机动性和轻便性的场合有着更广的应用,最后做了壳体变形实验。本课题首先在SolidWorks软件中建立了渐开线式内啮合齿轮泵主要结构件的三维实体模型和齿轮泵的装配图,然后将在SolidWorks中完成的相关实体模型保存为*.X_T格式的文件,然后导入到ANSYS中。然后运用ANSYS软件的有限元分析功能对内啮合齿轮泵壳体的强度和刚度进行了分析,找出了壳体的应力主要集中区和变形量较大的位置,为壳体的设计提供了参考;然后对壳体进行了优化,在保证壳体的强度达到设计要求的情况下,增强了泵壳的刚度,减少了壳体变形,改善了泵的整体性能,减少了材料的使用,降低了泵的重量,达到节约材料资源的目的,有较好的社会经济效益。其次对不同材料齿轮泵壳体进行了分析比较:对齿轮泵铝合金壳体进行了有限元分析,找出了该规格铝合金壳体的最大许可工作压力,并与球墨铸铁壳体进行了性能的比较。由于铝合金和球墨铸铁有着不同的材料性能,球磨铸铁壳体的齿轮泵可用于中高压场合,而铝合金壳体主要应用在中低压的环境中。由于铝合金有高度的散热性,铝合金壳体的齿轮泵可用在高温等极端气候条件下。对这两种材料的壳体进行优化后,壳体的重量均减轻了7.4%左右,节省了材料,而优化后壳体的强度变化非常小,最大变形量反而减小了,与原壳体相比分别减少了10.33%(球墨铸铁壳体)和9.85%(铝合金壳体),增强了泵壳的刚度,改善了泵的整体性能,说明对泵的结构优化是合理的。这种有限元分析的方法,也可以推广到其它材料的壳体的分析比较,可以确定不同材料的壳体的最高工作压力。对内啮合齿轮泵齿圈进行了强度分析。得出由于高压油腔压力作用使得齿圈变形导致齿根应力过大而容易出现齿圈断裂的情况,因此在齿轮泵的制造过程中提高齿圈外表面和壳体内圈的加工精度。本文的这种分析优化的方法也可以推广到泵的其它零部件的设计优化,通过主要零部件的优化使泵总的工作性能达到最优,这样就可以完成整个泵的设计优化,有较好的现实意义。同时这种方法为其它型号、不同压力等级的内啮合齿轮泵的设计优化提供了分析依据,对于开发全新的不同材料的整个规格系列的新型齿轮泵有着重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 In recent years, Chinese have began to do the research of high-pressure internal gear pumps.But we lack research of internal gear pumps in parametric design, performance and other aspects of basic analysis.So there is a large gap between the current domestic internal gear pumps witn the products of foreign countries in output pressure, volumetric efficiency and the stability of the products.And China’s internal gear pumps have low production and few species.In this paper,we mainly did the finite element analysis and optimizations for some main structures of internal gear pumps , which improved the overall performance of the gear pumps , reduced the use of materials and reduced the weight of the pump.So the pump could be used in some occasions,where mobility and portability were required. Finally,the actual deformation of shells of gear punps under different loads were measured.We first drawed the three-dimensional solid models of the main structures of the internal gear pump and the assembly drawing. Those draws were saved as the format of *.X_T,then they were imported into ANSYS.According to the finite element analysis of ANSYS software,the strength and stiffness analysis of shell of internal gear pump was done,finding the stress concentration zone and location of large deformation.The shell was optimized,ensuring the strength to meet the design requirement,which can improve the stiffness,improve the overall performance of pump,save material and reduce the weight of pump,which had better social and economic benefits.Then, the shells of internal gear pump of different materials were analyzed by ANSYS software. The shell of aluminum was analyzed,finding out the maximum permissible working pressure of this shell.And it was compared with the shell of dectile iron.Because of the different material properties, internal gear pumps of ductile iron are used in the high-pressure and medium-pressure cases,while internal gear pumps of aluminum are mainly used in the medium-pressure and low-pressure environments.The gear pump of aluminum can be used in the high-temperature and other extreme weather conditions.The weight of the optimized shells of two different materials both decreased by 7.4% than the original ones.The optimizations saved material. The strength of the shells changed very little,while the maximum deformation of ductile iron and aluminum decreased by 10.33% and 9.85%.The stiffness of the optimized shells was enhanced and the overall performances of the pumps were improved.,indicating that the structural optimizations of the shells were reasonable. The method of finite element analysis by ANSYS can also be extended to other shells of different materials for analysis and comparison to determine the maximum working pressures of them.The ring gear of the internal gear pump was analyzed for intensity.We could draw the conclusion that the pressure of high pressure oil chamber made the deformation of the ring gear,then the tooth root stress was very large.So the ring gear was easily broken. Therefore,we should improve the machining precision of the outer surface of the ring gear and the inneral surface of the shell.This method of analysis and optimization also has an important significance to design and analyze other parts of pumps,which can make the pump have the best overall performance.Also this method provides the analytical basis for internal gear pumps of different models and different pressures. This method of analysis,optimization and experiment also has an important significance to develop the whole series of new gear pumps of different materials.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 济南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期