

Effect of Rhizosphere Dissolved Oxygen Levels on Morphological and Physiological Characteristics in Different Types of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

【作者】 刘法谋

【导师】 金千瑜;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以中旱221、中浙优1号和深水稻IR45765-3B-4-3-2(以下简称深水稻)为试验材料,采用水上种植的方法,以氮气罐和充气泵为溶解氧调节源,利用溶解氧在线控制仪设定五个供氧水平,分别为CK(全生育期不做溶解氧调节)、2 mg/l、4mg/l、6mg/l和8mg/l溶解氧浓度,研究不同根际氧浓度对不同类型水稻根系生长、地上部群体建成、花后衰老进程以及光合特性和产量的影响,探讨根际氧水平对不同类型水稻形态与生理特性的影响以及不同类型水稻适宜的根际溶解氧浓度。主要试验结果如下:1、不同类型水稻最长根长都随氧浓度升高而降低;不同氧浓度对根条数和根系体积、单株根系总长度的影响一致,较高的氧浓度对旱稻有利,而杂交水稻和深水稻对氧浓度有个最适范围,杂交水稻为4-6mg/l,深水稻为2-4mg/l;始蘖期、最大分蘖期、齐穗期中旱221根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积均随氧浓度的增加而增加,中浙优1号和深水稻随着氧浓度升高表现出先升后降的趋势,中旱221在8mg/l氧浓度下达到最大值,中浙优1号在6mg/l氧浓度下达到最大值,而深水稻在4mg/l氧浓度下达到最大值。2、不同的溶解氧浓度处理对三种类型水稻的株高均无明显影响,株高随生育进程的变化趋势受氧浓度的影响也不明显。不同氧浓度处理对于不同需氧类型水稻的分蘖在分蘖盛期前影响不大,适宜的氧浓度可以提高成穗率,增加有效穗数,提高结实率,三种水稻分别在8mg/l、6mg/l和4mg/l氧浓度处理下获得最高产量。中旱221在8mg/l溶解氧处理下干物重最大,中浙优1号6mg/l处理下最大,深水稻为4mg/l处理下最大。适宜的氧浓度(中旱221为8mg/l,中浙优1号为6mg/l,深水稻为4mg/l)会提高水稻主要生育时期不同部位的含氮量,提高成熟期籽粒中氮的含量,增加齐穗期功能叶片的氮含量。3、综合分析叶片和根系衰老过程中的SOD、POD活性、叶绿素含量、MDA含量、可溶性糖含量和可溶性蛋白等各项生理指标可以得出,对中旱221衰老延缓作用大小的氧浓度处理排列为8mg/l>6mg/l>4mg/l>2mg/l>CK ,而浙优1号为6mg/l>4mg/>2mg/l>8mg/l>CK ,深水稻为4mg/l>2mg/l>6mg/l>8mg/l>CK。4、中旱221在8mg/l氧浓度下、中浙优1号在6mg/l的氧浓度下、深水稻在4mg/l氧浓度下顶三叶获得最高的净光合速率、气孔导度以及蒸腾速率和最低的胞间CO2浓度。同一类型水稻在最大分蘖期和齐穗期的荧光参数对根际氧浓度的响应一致,但不同类型水稻间差异明显。光合特性和荧光特性各项参数分析表明,不同氧浓度处理对水稻光能利用率的影响在不同类型水稻间不同,中旱221随氧浓度升高光能利用率升高,中浙优1号光能利用率随氧浓度升高呈先升高后下降的趋势,在6mg/l氧浓度处理下达到最大值;深水稻光能利用率的随氧浓度升高的变化趋势与中浙优1号相似,但在4mg/l氧浓度处理下即达到最大。

【Abstract】 Water culture experiments were conducted with Zhongzheyou 1, Zhonghan 221 and Deep water rice IR45765-3B-4-3-2(hereinafter referred to as Deep water rice) to study the effect of different dissolved oxygen concentration in rhizosphere on the root development characteristics, crop population structure, senescence after flowering , yield and photosynthesize and yield of rice. Set five treatments of dissolved oxygen concentration (8mg/l, 6mg/l, 4mg/l and 2 mg/l and CK) by dissolved oxygen controlling instrument online, with nitrogen cylinders and aerating pump as dissolved oxygen adjusting source. The main results showed as follow:1. The longest root of different types of rice is decreased with the oxygen concentration increases, high concentration of oxygen increase total root length. Root number and volume had the same trend with oxygen concentration increased.in different types of rice. Upland rice need higher concentration of oxygen, hybrid rice and deep water rice have the optimal range, hybrid rice is 4~6mg/l, while the deep water rice is 2~4mg/l. In initial tillering, maximum tillering and full panicle stage, the total root absorption area and root active absorption area of Zhonghan 221 were increased when oxygen concentration increased, while the total root absorption area and root active absorption area of Zhongzheyou 1and deep water rice first increased and then decreased when oxygen concentration increased. Zhonghan 221 reached maximum in 8mg/l oxygen treatment, Zhongzheyou 1 reached maximum in 6 mg/l oxygen treatment, while deep water rice reached maximum in 4 mg/l oxygen treatment.2. Different dissolved oxygen levels have no obvious effect on the plant height and its development process in three types of rice. Different dissolved oxygen levels have no obvious effect on tiller of different types of rice before maximum tillering stage, but higher oxygen concentration increased effective panicles. Zhonghan 221 reached maximum dry matter weight in 8mg/l oxygen treatment, Zhongzheyou 1 reached maximum dry matter weight in 6mg/l oxygen treatment, while Deep water rice reached maximum dry matter weight in 4mg/l oxygen treatment. Suitable oxygen concentration (Zhonghan 221: 8mg/l, Zhongzheyou 1: 6mg/l, and deep water rice: 4mg/l ) improved the nitrogen content of different parts of the rice during the main growth period; and also improved nitrogen nitrogen content in grain and the nitrogen content in function leaves at full panicle stage.3. Integrated the SOD and POD activity, chlorophyll content, MDA content, soluble sugar content and soluble protein content in leaves and roots after flowering in different treatment, The order of five treatments delayed senescence process of different types are different. The order of Zhonghan 221 is 8 mg/l>6 mg/l>4 mg/l>2 mg/l>CK,Zhongzheyou 1 is 6 mg/l>4 mg/>2 mg/l>8 mg/l > CK,while Deep water rice is 4 mg/l>2 mg/l>6 mg/l>8 mg/l>CK.4. Zhonghan 221 in the 8mg/l oxygen treatment, Zhongzheyou 1 in the 6 mg/l oxygen treatment, and Deep water rice in the 4 mg/l oxygen treatment, top trilobites have the highest net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate and the lowest intercellular CO2 concentration. And in this oxygen treatment three types of rice also obtained the highest yield. The fluorescent parameters in different types of rice with oxygen concentration trend of increased in maximum tillering stage and full panicle stage is consistent. Comprehensive photosynthetic fluorescence various parameters, different oxygen concentration have different positive influence on three types of rice, the order of Zhonghan221 is 8 mg/l > 6 mg/l > 4 mg/l >2 mg/l > CK, Zhongzheyou 1 is 6 mg/l > 4 mg/l > 2 mg/l > 8 mg/l > CK, and Deep rice is 4 mg/l >2 mg/l > 6 mg/l >8 mg/l > CK.
