

The Systematic Investigations of Primary Rodent Pests and Research of Chymic Control Technology in Liaoning Province

【作者】 姜策

【导师】 刘晓辉; 朴春树;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 植物保护, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为了调查辽宁省农区鼠害发生情况,研究鼠害防控技术,在农业部全国农区统一灭鼠示范项目支持下,在海城市、凌海市、凤城市等地开展3个方面探索性研究。首先、对黑线姬鼠、褐家鼠、小家鼠、大仓鼠等4种害鼠的发生规律进行了观察和研究,初步了解了4种害鼠鼠情动态,总结和分析了害鼠变化特点及其成因,科学指导农区鼠害防控工作。其次、在海城市、凌海市、凤城市和盘山县完成了,不同杀鼠剂农田试验、不同杀鼠剂农舍试验、不同杀鼠剂田间取食量试验、不同基饵选择试验和不同引诱物选择试验,筛选出适合我省农区灭鼠药剂和引诱物。第三、在辽中县、彰武县完成了,毒饵站的选材的效果比较、毒饵站摆放位置比较、农田不同毒饵站规格的效果比较,毒饵站与裸投灭鼠效果比较,形成了一套符合辽宁省实际情况的毒饵站使用技术。

【Abstract】 To investigate the occurrence of rodent pests and improve the rodent control technology, three researchs hab been carried out in Haicheng City, Linghai City, Fengcheng City and other places, Liaoning Province, which surpoted by a project of the Ministry of Agriculture.First, we investigated the yearly occurrence rule of Apodemus, Rattus norvegicus, Mus musculus, and large hamsters to determine the suitable period for rodent control.Second, we investigated the efficacies of different rodenticides using different lures and additives by field and indoor tests to screen the suitable poisoned baits in Haicheng City, Linghai City, Fengcheng City and Panshan County.Third, we investigated the efficacies of rodenticides using different kinds of bait stations by different placement sites, and compared the efficacies of rodenticides between using bait station and not using bait station, to establish the suitable technology for using of bait station.

  • 【分类号】S443
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】66