

For the Spiritual Freedom

【作者】 刘慧芳

【导师】 严啟刚;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 透过当代女性主义与性别研究观点,本论文主旨在于分析《时时刻刻》中压迫三位女主角的异性恋霸权,三位女主角如何以同性恋的方式解放内心并最终肯定自我,获得自由。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(一九二三)、劳拉·布朗(一九四九)、克拉丽莎·沃恩(一九九九)三人面对的是极相似的压抑和忧郁。迈克尔·坎宁安不仅在小说中呈现出异性恋霸权而且也提供了对三位女主角困境的解决之道,并且传达了他身为作者想表达的意向。为分析三位女主角为何及如何被压迫,以及她们如何颠覆父权与异性恋霸权并找到出路,我将论文分为三章详加论述:异性恋忍受期、同性恋表现期以及两种性别倾向的最终出路。第一章讨论三位女主角在生活中所遭遇的异性恋霸权。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫忍受着维多利亚时代压在妇女身上的重负,劳拉·布朗也承受着家庭的束缚,而克拉丽莎·沃恩,这个被前男友称为达洛维夫人的现代女性,则回忆起她和男友在一起时的点点滴滴。第二章分析三位女主角怎样通过同性恋的方式与异性恋霸权作斗争。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫和她的姐姐,劳拉·布朗和她的女性邻居,克拉丽莎·沃恩和她的同性别的爱人,每一对儿都不同程度地展示出她们的同性恋关系。第三章指出三位女主角身处两种性倾向时寻求的不同出路。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫选择了自杀,劳拉·布朗选择了出走,而克拉丽莎·沃恩则是失去了前男友。然而她们都最终获得了灵魂的自由。结论部分简单总结了前几章中提到的主要论点。迈克尔·坎宁安的《时时刻刻》栩栩如生地刻画出女性生命中进退两难和内心充满挣扎的议题,坎宁安试图告诉读者:性倾向不再是绑住人们的框架,一个人能获得灵魂的自由——能真正按照自己的意志选择人生才是最重要的。

【Abstract】 Through a contemporary feminist and gender studies, this thesis aims to analyze the oppression of heterosexism on the three leading female characters in The Hours and how each of them emancipate spirit in the homosexual way and finally obtain the freedom of finding herself. Virginia Woolf (1923), Laura Brown (1949) and Clarissa Vaughan (1999) seem to share similar repression and melancholy. Michae Cunningham not only presents the hegemony of the heterosexism, but also provides his solutions to the three women and conveys his authorial intention. To analyze why and how the three women are oppressed, how they subvert patriarchy and heterosexism and find a way out, I divide my thesis into three chapters: sufferance of heterosexuality, performance of homosexuality, and result of both sexual orientations.Chapter One discusses the heterosexism the three women are encountering and facing in their life. Virginia Woolf endures her burden of Victorian times, Laura Brown suffers her inextricable confinement in the family, while Clarissa Vaughan, who is nicknamed“Mrs. Dalloway”by her former boyfriend reminds of her past with him.Chapter Two analyses how the three leading characters perform in the homosexual way in order to struggle against the heterosexism. Virginia Woolf and her sister, Laura Brown and her female neighbor, and Clarissa Vaughan and her same-sex lover, each of them shows their lesbian affairs in various extents.Chapter Three indicates the result of the three women’s both sexual orientations. Virginia Woolf through committing suicide, Laura Brown through leaving her family behind and Clarissa Vaughan through losing her former boyfriend obtain their spiritual freedom.The conclusion offers a brief summary of all the major aspects and ideas mentioned in the previous chapters. Cunningham’s The Hours vividly portrays the issues of female dilemmas and struggles in their lives and he tries to tell the readers that sexual orientation is no longer important; what matters is how to obtain one’s own spiritual freedom—to truly choose the lives they want by their free wills.

【关键词】 女性主义异性恋霸权同性恋《时时刻刻》
【Key words】 feminismgenderheterosexismhomosexualityThe Hours
  • 【分类号】I712
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