

The Research on Developing Training Courses in Hangzhou College Sports

【作者】 路庆平

【导师】 陈宏;

【作者基本信息】 杭州师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 拓展训练作为一种新兴的体验式学习方式,它是以自然环境为依托,通过精心设计的有针对性和挑战性的课程,利用各种典型的场景和活动方式,让个人和团体经历一系列的考验,磨练克服困难的毅力,培养健康的心理素质和积极进取的人生态度,培养团队意识和沟通能力,提高参与者的社会适应能力。拓展训练适应了现代人提高素质,完善人格和回归自然的需要,成为学习化社会和终身教育潮流中的一种新时尚,成为素质培养的一个有效方法和企业培养人才的重要途径。近年来这种体验式学习方式也引起了教育界的关注,不少学者纷纷讨论如何把这种学习方式引入到高校体育课程中来。为了把拓展训练这种时尚有效的学习方式引入到高校体育课程中来,笔者在阅读大量文献资料的基础上,对拓展训练引入高校的理论基础进行了系统的归纳与分析,同时通过问卷调查、实地调查、专家访谈、数理统计等方法对拓展训练引入杭州市高校体育课程的意义、必要性、可行性、以及引入后的课程组织等方面进行了调查和统计处理,最后利用逻辑分析法对所得统计结果进行分析,最终得出以下结论:拓展训练引入到高校体育课是可能的,必要的,可行的,目前杭州地区大部分高校在场地、器械、师资等方面都具备开展拓展训练的条件;拓展训练引入杭州市高校体育课程具有非常好的前景,它符合体育课程改革的方向,有利于高校人才的培养。此外,结合本人曾在培训公司担任拓展培训师的实践经验建立了一套在高校开展的拓展训练课程体系,以供高校参考。建议高校体育部门和相关领导给予拓展训练足够的重视,加大拓展训练的宣传,尽快在体育课中开设拓展训练。各高校应根据本校学生的专业特点和学校自身条件来制定拓展训练课的课程体系。由于研究者能力、时间等条件的限制,缺乏实证研究是本文的不足。但可以肯定的是,尽快让拓展训练进入高校体育课堂,对于高校人才培养和落实我国新世纪高校体育教学改革和发展体育事业具有划时代的意义。

【Abstract】 As a new experiential learning way, outward bound is based on the natural environment, through targeted and challenging projects which are specially designed and using a variety of typical scenarios and activities to make individuals or groups to go through a series of tests which can hone the perseverance to overcome difficulties, develop a healthy psychological quality and enterprising a positive attitude toward life, improve team spirit and communication skills and strengthen the social adaptability of the participants. Outward bound adapts to the needs of modern people to improve quality, perfect personality and return to nature, which makes it a fashion of the learning society and lifelong education trend, a popular activity of quality training and an important way for enterprises to train personnel. In recent years, this kind of experiential learning has also attracted attention of the education sector, and many scholars have discussed how to introduce this approach to the PE curriculum of colleges and universities.In order to introduce this kind of fashion and effective learning into PE curriculum, based on a lot of literature, the writer has made a systematically summary and analysis about the theoretical basis of the introduction, at the same time, through questionnaires, expert interviews, On-the-spot investigation, statistics and other methods, the writer has done investigation and statistical processing about the meaning, necessity, feasibility and the curriculum organization after the introduction and other aspects of developing training courses in Hangzhou college PE curriculum. Then by logical analysis, this paper makes the inductive analysis for the obtained results. Finally draws the conclusion:It is possible, essential and feasible to introduce outward bound into college PE courses, at present the majority of universities in Hangzhou area can satisfy the conditions in all aspects such as location, equipment, teachers and so on. Furthermore, the author sets up an outward bound course system with the training experience in an outward bound company as a PE major graduate student. In this sense, it is suggested that the university sports department and the related leadership emancipate the mind, strengthen the propaganda of outward bound, and set up the outward bound course as soon as possible in PE. And the colleges and universities should also set down the course system of outward bound according to specific feature of the major as well as their conditions. At last, this study lacks of empirical research with the limitation of ability and time. However, there is no doubt that it would be an epoch-making significance for colleges and universities to introduce the outward bound training into PE as soon as possible in order to cultivate college talents and carry out the reformation as well as the development of physical education in the new century.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】278