

【作者】 刘金香

【导师】 李莉;

【作者基本信息】 杭州师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国当代文学视野中,迟子建是一位有着独特价值和魅力的作家。从1985年踏上文坛至今,不管外面的世界如何风云变幻,迟子建一直在属于自己的文学土地上默默而又勤奋地耕耘着,不媚俗、不从众。纵观迟子建二十几年的创作历程,可以说爱是她全部作品的精神内核。不管是写人、写景、写事、写史,她始终高扬着“爱”的旗帜,为中国文坛添上了一笔温暖的色调。在仔细研读迟子建小说文本的基础之上,本文立足于从女性婚恋叙事这个角度探讨作家笔下女性形象的情感世界、女性对于婚恋命运的体认以及女性婚恋叙事的叙事特征。引言主要概括迟子建在当代文学史上的地位和意义、迟子建研究现状以及进行本论文研究的切入点以及意义所在。主体将分为三个部分进行论述。第一部分从女性视角观照下的女性形象以及作为婚恋主体另一方的男性形象入手,分析和探讨迟子建笔下的女性形象的情感世界。在二十多年的文学创作历程中,迟子建给我们塑造了很多个性鲜明、血肉丰满、流光溢彩的女性形象。她们的年龄跨度几乎囊括了一个女人一生的各个阶段。无论是渴望爱情可是又对爱情充满迷惑、困顿的伤感情绪的少女形象,还是集女儿性、母性、妻性于一体的中年女性形象,以及饱经岁月洗礼而沉淀出另一片成熟、丰饶的内心世界的老年妇女形象,迟子建用饱含感情和温度的文字持之以恒地书写着她们的情感历程。虽然迟子建也刻画了不少有着种种性格缺点的男性,但整体来说,温和的男性形象占了一半的舞台,对于在长期的男权社会里掌握“话语权”的男性,迟子建给予了更多的爱和宽容。第二部分深入到迟子建具体的婚恋小说中,挖掘女性对于自身婚恋命运的体认。早期作品中常常不自觉地流露出来的梦幻情结,表现了少女在面对婚姻这座围城之时的痛苦、矛盾和纠结的复杂的生命情感体验。当迟子建把创作的视线转入普通百姓的婚姻情感生活之后,“恩爱”叙事的模式使爱情、婚姻和日常生活实现了和谐共处的可能。性爱是婚姻无法回避的话题之一,在迟子建的笔下,无论是基于相亲相爱的夫妻交融,还是基于一种对生命的敬畏、和自然契合的自由的“性”,或者是基于一种对野性的力量的赞美的“性”,都指向了人类生命的本真。第三部分主要论述了迟子建婚恋小说所表现出来的叙事特征。作为一名女性作家,女性视角是迟子建笔下最常用的叙述视角,但她并不拘泥于使用一种,相反在她的作品里叙述视角是多样的。阻断+回归式的结构是迟子建作品中常见的结构方式之一,这种叙述结构一方面体现了作家对于人生“无常”和“偶然”的理解,另一方面也体现了作家温情主义的世界观。意象的使用使迟子建笔下的婚恋小说呈现出一种别样的空灵之美、自然之美,弥漫着诗一般的意蕴。

【Abstract】 Chi Zijian is a writer with unique value and charm in contemporary Chinese literature. Since her debut in 1985, Chi has been farming diligently and quietly on her own literary fields. The changing outside world never concerned her, nor did she submit to popularity or conformity. Love is the core theme of her works for over 20 years, no matter they are on human, landscape or history. Chi stays with love and brings warmth with her into the Chinese literature arena.This thesis is to explore the sentiments and affections of the heroines, women’s experience and perception of marriage and love, and peculiarity of the feminine narration in her works. The foreword will introduce Chi’s significance in contemporary Chinese literature, the studies about her and the perspectives and the good of this thesis. The thesis will be divided into four parts on:Part one of this thesis explores, in sight of males and females in matrimony, the sentiments and affections of women, from the perspective of females. In her works over two decades, Chi has shown us various living female figures in all different life stages, be her a young girl fancying, but confused with love, or an mid-aged woman playing daughter, mother and wife’s role. And Chi has been tolerant and generous in love for her male characters, though tapped on their personality flaws sometimes.Part two digs into the women’s experience and perception of their own marriage and love in picked Chi’s works. While Chi’s earlier works showed us maids hesitating about marriage, her works on affectionate couples of ordinary people brings harmony among love, marriage and routines. Under her brush, sex in harmonious marriage, sex based on unconstrained life impetus and sex powered by and to compliment natural wildness all lead to the nature and essence of human being.Part three discusses over the narrative peculiarities of Chi’s marriage-love novels. As a female writer, Chi always goes from a female’s perspective, but not contained in one way. Her works are full of suspensions by blocking-up plots, but will always come to a regression, telling us her understanding of the uncertainties and contingencies of life and her tender feelings for this world. Imageries pervade her novels with a beauty which seems intangible, natural and poetic.

【关键词】 迟子建女性婚恋叙事特征
【Key words】 Chi ZijianFeminineMarriage and loveNarrative peculiarities
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】302