

Comparison and Analysis of NO2, O3 and SO2 in Atmosphere in Urban and Rural Areas of Nanjing

【作者】 李月清

【导师】 朱彬;

【作者基本信息】 南京信息工程大学 , 大气物理学与大气环境, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化、工业化的快速发展,大气污染状况越来越严重,作为经济高速发展的长江三角洲地区重要的经济中心,南京地区的环境问题越来越引起人们的重视。本文结合两类大气成分观测仪器的技术特点,对OPSIS AB DOAS系统和Thermo SCIENTIFIC EMS系统分别监测的南京郊区2009年冬季和2010年春季NO2、O3、SO2浓度数据进行了质量控制,利用统计方法分析了两套系统测量值的相关性。结果表明:两套系统对相同气体的测量结果相关性较好,DOAS系统的测量值普遍高于EMS系统,绝对值相差范围在14%-25%之间。对2009年秋季、2010年夏季和2011年春季分别采用两种仪器观测的南京郊区和城区的污染情况进行了对比,分析了城郊差异。结果表明:一次污染物SO2和NO2的浓度主要受排放源影响,二次污染物03的浓度主要受前体物的影响;春、秋季节污染较重,夏季相对较轻;NO2、SO2日变化特征季节差异明显,春季NO2浓度白天郊区较高,夜间城区较高,夏季全天郊区高于城区,秋季反之;郊区监测点邻近大型工业区,SO2排放量较大,春、夏季节浓度高于城区,秋季因人为采暖活动出现部分时间段内城区高于郊区的现象;O3日变化均呈单峰型,夜间郊区浓度较高,而太阳辐射强烈的午后城区浓度较高;受人们出行活动的影响,NO2和O3日变化呈现明显的“周末效应”;污染物城郊差异受降水、风速等一系列因素影响,降水在NO2、SO2的清除过程中起到了重要的作用,秋季风速超过2.0m/s的偏北风对污染物的稀释作用较为明显。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, the air pollution is getting worse than before. Nanjing, as an important economic center of Yangtze River Deltaic Area, more and more people pay attention to its environmental problem.Observation of concentration of pollutants in atmosphere by OPSIS AB DOAS system and Thermo SCIENTIFIC EMS system was performed in rural areas of Nanjing during the winter of 2009 and the spring of 2010. Based on technical characteristics of the two systems, quality control of the observation data and comparison of the two systems were carried. Quite good correlation can be established between the observation data of the two systems. The observation data of DOAS system are generally higher than that of EMS system, with a rate from 14% to 25%.The comparison of pollution characteristics between urban and rural areas measured by the two different systems during the autumn of 2009, the summer of 2010 and the spring of 2011 was also carried. It showed that as primary pollutant in air, the concentration of NO2 and SO2 was most influenced by the emission source, while as secondary pollutant, the concentration of O3 was most influenced by its precursors. The pollution in spring and autumn was worse, while that in summer was better. It showed significant seasonal differences in diurnal variation of NO2 and SO2, the concentration of NO2 was higher in rural areas during the day in spring, but during the night, the concentration in urban areas was higher. In summer, the concentration in rural areas was higher during the day and night, while quite the reverse was true in autumn. There were large industrial zone near the monitoring point in rural areas, so the emissions of SO2 were larger than that in urban areas, and the concentration was higher in spring and summer, however, it was lower during a short time in autumn, which was caused by heating. The diurnal variation of O3 showed one peak in both urban and rural areas, the concentration was higher in rural areas at night, while it was higher in urban areas at afternoon when the solar radiation was very strong. Affected by travel activities of people, the diurnal variation of NO2 and O3 shows obvious weekend effect. The differences between the pollutants in rural areas and urban areas were influenced by precipitation, wind speed, and so on. Precipitation played an important role in the elimination of NO2 and SO2, and northerly wind with a speed higher than two meters per second in autumn would help a lot in the dilution of pollutants.

【关键词】 质量控制NO2O3SO2城郊对比周末效应
【Key words】 quality controlNO2O3SO2comparison between urban and rural areasweekend effect