

Study of the Rheological Properties of Tailings Backfilling Slurry and the Transport Properties of High-density Backfilling Slurry

【作者】 郑伯坤

【导师】 李向东;

【作者基本信息】 长沙矿山研究院 , 采矿工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文基于工程流体力学、流变学、两相流输送理论等相关理论,利用试验研究、理论分析、数值模拟等研究方法,针对某矿山高浓度尾砂胶结充填料浆自流输送技术应用的实际问题,对高浓度尾砂胶结充填料浆进行系统、深入研究,主要研究内容和结论如下:(1)本文研究高浓度充填料浆的主要对象是某矿山分级尾砂或全尾砂作为骨料的高浓度料浆,对尾砂进行物理化学性质研究做为研究料浆性能的基础,从尾砂的物理化学性质、粒度分布、沉降性能、渗透性能等方面进行研究。尾砂的物化性能稳定,沉降性较好而渗透性较差,分级尾砂粒度粗细搭配较全尾砂更为合理。(2)选取灰砂比和浓度等因素多水平进行配合比全面试验,从而研究尾砂料浆配合比对所形成充填体强度的影响。以试验数据为基础,采用极差分析和方差分析进行充填体影响因素的定性和定量分析,从而为充填体质量控制措施提供依据。经拟合分析获得了满足充填采矿工艺要求的最佳灰砂比。(3)为更准确、更有效地测取管道输送参数,本研究设计并重建了长沙矿山研究院环管试验系统。在高浓度料浆环管试验开始前,本文对不同浓度料浆的流动性、泌水性、沉降性开展研究,确定了高浓度料浆的浓度范围,选取了全尾砂和分级尾砂各3个浓度进行环管试验,测得了众多不同工况条件下的管道阻力损失数据,以此为基础对影响阻力损失的各因素进行分析,从而获悉确保高浓度充填系统稳定性的关键因素。(4)对多种流体模型的研究,确定宾汉模型基本符合高浓度料浆的流变模型。基于环管试验的管道阻力损失数据,结合理论分析进行数据处理,确定不同种类高浓度料浆的流变参数,同时证实了高浓度充填料浆对宾汉模型的适用性。对各浓度料浆的流变参数进行拟合分析,结合流变模型和流体力学等理论,获得经验公式。分析自流输送系统,获得自流输送系统倍线计算公式。并将这些公式应用于具体矿山高浓度充填料浆自流输送的适用性研究。(5)对分级尾砂高浓度料浆进行研究,表明分级尾砂一定配合比的高浓度料浆具有良好的流动性和较少的泌水和沉缩特征,说明级配合理的分级尾砂,也可实现高浓度充填。且其输送性能不逊色于全尾砂,而形成充填体质量则优于全尾砂。(6)应用FLUENT软件建立某矿山实际管网的全尺寸管道模型,通过数值模拟分析高浓度料浆在实际管网中输送的流动状态细节和压力分布情况,从而为优化管道布置和运营提供参考。

【Abstract】 This article based on the engineering fluid dynamics, rheology, two-phase fluid pipeline transportation theory and so on. The integrated use of literature search, laboratory testing, mechanical analysis and other means were performaced to solve the practical issue of a mine,about high-density slurry gravity flow pipeline transportation backfill system. Aiming at high-density cemented backfilling slurry, this paper put up systematic and deep research to theory and technology. Main contents and main conclusions of this paper are summarized as follows:(1) The thesis is focused on the discussion of high-density cemented backfilling slurry of the classified tailings 0r the unclassified tailings. We analysed the physical and chemical properties of the tailings form the several aspects such as material physicochemical property, particle size distribution, settle ability and permeability. It’s the foundation and the Premise of backfilling slurry study. The tailings have stable physical and chemical properties, good settle ability and poor permeability. The particle size distribution of the unclassified tailings is more appropriate.(2) The study of influence factors of filling body intensity is by performing a series of ratio tests. The search for control measures of filling body intensity bases on quantitative analysis of tests data. By curve fitting analysis, optimal ratio is presented.(3) Using round-pipe experiment system of Changsha Institute of Mining Research,we get some friction resistance losses under various operating conditions and research the main factors that determinates the pipe conveying parameteer scope,to find the critical factor of the stability and reliability of high-density slurry gravity flow pipeline transportation backfill system.(4) The study of several fluid model determine which high-density cemented backfilling slurry is. The research based on round-pipe experiment data of resistance losses resistance losses, analysed the rheological properties of high-density cemented backfilling slurry and get experiential formulas through academic analysis.We get the formula for calculating times of line by analysing gravity flow system.These formulas were applied to feasibility study of mines gravity flow system.(5) Research of the classified tailings high-density backfilling slurry suggests that the slurry has good flow property, little bleeding and subsiding. It says that classified tailings with a suitable particles grade match can be applied to high density filling. In addition its transportation performance is not inferior the unclassified tailings and achieve better filling mass quality.(6) The article developly utilized software FLUENT to established model of a mine actual pipe systerm and to numerical damage simulate the high-density cemented backfilling slurry gravity flow in the pipe systerm. Simulation results show the pressure distribution and liquid status of pipe systerm, provide reference for optimization arrangement of pipline and system operation.
