

【作者】 许翠苹

【导师】 柴鹏程;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 学科教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 美妙的人声是任何乐器都无法替代的。童声合唱是大自然中最和谐的音响,是无以伦比的天籁之声。演唱优秀的童声合唱对于提高孩子的道德修养、陶冶他们的情操、丰富他们的形象思维有着积极地作用。作为童声合唱的个组成部分,小学音乐合唱这种独特的艺术活动形式,在我国的小学校园普遍得到开展。合唱教学的开展可以培养学生的团队精神,培养学生与学生之间相互合作、相互信任的意识。学校合唱训练更可以通过训练来教化我们的学生,净化孩子们的心灵,让学生在歌唱中充分体验真、善、美,对少年儿童的全面、健康发展具有十分重要的作用。本文从小学音乐合唱教学角度出发,针对其现状及所存在问题进行研究,从我国童声合唱的发展历程、国内外小学音乐合唱教学的现状、影响小学音乐合唱水平的因素、提高小学音乐合唱教学方法的研究等多角度进行阐述。期望能在小学音乐合唱教学研究方面有所突破,对小学音乐合唱教学实践提供依据,发挥一定的实际价值。

【Abstract】 Any instrument can’t replace wonderful voices. Children’s chorale chorus is the most harmonious sound in nature. Children’s chorale chorus plays a positive role in cultivating children’s moral accomplishment, edifying their character sentiment and enriching their image thinking. As an integral part of the children’s chorale choral music, the chorus of children is an unique artistic form of activity and it develop universally in our elementary school campus. The development of chorus teaching can cultivate students’ team spirit and help them form the consciousness of mutual cooperation and mutual trust. School chorus training can instruct our students, purify their minds and let students experience the true, the good and the beautiful fully, which plays an important role in students’comprehensive and healthy development.This paper is about elementary school music chorus teaching, which is based on the present situation and the development research, elaborate the course of development about children’s chorale chorus both at home and abroad, the factors which effect the levels of primary school music chorus teaching and the methods about development of primary school music chorus teaching. The paper aims at the breakthrough about the aspects on the primary school music chorus teaching research, providing the basis to the elementary school teaching practice and conducting some certain practical value.

  • 【分类号】G623.71
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】986