

"Tongjia" Method and the Textual Criticism of Ancient Documents

【作者】 郭爱玲

【导师】 洪飏;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 有清一代,是小学的辉煌时期,上古音研究取得了重大突破,成绩斐然。古音学上的成果为训诂学研究提供了重要的条件,加速了清代训诂学的繁荣。“因声求义”理论在这一学术背景下被正式提出来并被广泛地应用到训诂实践中,其中乾嘉学者戴震、段玉裁、王念孙及王引之等是最杰出的代表,他们不仅是训诂学大家,而且在上古音研究上也取得了突出的成就。他们把自己的音韵学成果运用到训诂实践中,以古音求古义,突破汉字形体的限制,破获了一大批通假字,解决了许多前人无法解决的问题,取得了惊人的成绩。他们的代表作《方言疏证》、《说文解字注》、《读书杂志》和《经义述闻》都是运用通假方法考证古文献的经典著作,书中考证通假的成功例子俯拾即是,美不胜收。乾嘉学者的学风朴实、严谨,每考一字,必要旁征博引,有十分的把握才肯下判断,考证时少则几十字,多则上千字,每一条都有理有据,令人叹服。本文以乾嘉学者戴震、段玉裁和王氏父子为例,通过选取他们代表作中的典型例子,来考察他们在文献考证过程中对通假方法的运用情况。除了绪论和结语外,正文主要包括四个部分。第一部分是关于运用通假方法考证古文献的相关学术背景的介绍,分为“清代音韵学研究成果显著”和“清代训诂学进入繁盛时期”两个方面。清代的古音学研究取得了辉煌的成绩,不仅使音韵学的研究得到了进一步发展,而且还促进了训诂学的繁荣。清代的好多学者不仅善于训诂学考释,而且还精通古音学研究,他们把自己的古音学成果运用到训诂实践中,以古音求古义,考证出了古文献中的许多通假字。第二部分是论述古文献考证中确定通假的条件,包括“音理上的要求”和“文献例证上的要求”两个方面。在考证通假关系时除了要求两个字的音同或音近外,还必须要有文献上的相关例证,只有两方面的条件都具备了,所确定的通假关系才更加真实可靠。第三部分是以具体例子来说明清代学者在古文献考证中对通假方法的使用,这是全文的核心和重点,分为“戴震《方言疏证》中通假方法的使用”、“段玉裁《说文解字注》中通假方法的使用”、“王氏父子《读书杂志》和《经义述闻》中通假方法的使用”三方面内容。在每一小部分中,我们先介绍作者及其作品,然后选取典型的通假例证加以论述,分析作者是如何有效地运用通假方法进行古文献考证的。第四部分是论述运用通假方法考证古文献对后世的影响,分为“为学术界树立了一个标杆”和“被成功应用到古文字考释领域”两个方面。清代乾嘉学者的考证方法为我们的学术研究树立了一个标杆,是值得后人借鉴和学习的。清末的古文字学家把这一考证方法运用到对古文字的考释中,识读出了许多古文字资料中的通假字。

【Abstract】 Qing Dynasty is bright period of“Xiaoxue”, the research of old Chinese phonology made a major breakthrough and achieved splendid results. The achievements of archaic Chinese sounds provided important conditions for textual exegesis research and cause the prosperity of it. The theory of“inference meanings from sounds”was presented formally and applied to Exegetical practice widely under this scholarly background. The“QianJia”scholars of Dai Zhen, Duan Yu–cai, Wang Nian–sun and Wang Yin–zhi are outstanding representatives of this theory. They were not only famous scholars of Chinese Exegetics, but also were good at the research of old Chinese phonology. They applyed the achievement of phonology to Exegetical practice. They sought the ancient meanings through archaic Chinese sounds, throwing restriction of the form of Chinese character. They found a large number of“Tongjia”words and achieved splendid results. Their masterpieces fang yan shu zheng, shuo wen jie zi zhu, du shu za zhi and jing yi shu wen are Classical Literatures which research ancient documents using“Tongjia”method. There are many examples which researched“Tongjia”in these books. The style of study of“QianJia”scholars is plain and strict. They collected lots of evidences when they researched. Their conclusions really carry conviction.This article takes Dai Zhen, Duan Yu–cai, the Wang Father and his Son as examples, though choosing the typical examples of their masterpieces to investigate the condition that they used“Tongjia”method in the textual criticism of ancient documents. In addition to the isagoge and conclusion, text mainly includes four parts.The first part is the introduction of relevant academic background about using the“Tongjia”method to research ancient documents. Phonology study of Qing dynasty made brilliant achievements. It’s further development promoted the prosperity of textual exegesis study. Many scholars were not only famous scholars of textual exegesis, but also were good at the research of old Chinese phonology. They applyed the achievement of phonology to Exegetical practice. They sought the ancient meanings through archaic Chinese sounds, throwing restriction of the form of Chinese character. They found a large number of“Tongjia”words and achieved splendid results.The second part is the conditions of confirming“Tongjia”. Including phonetic requirement and Literature examples. When we confirm“Tongjia”relation, we must have two conditions of speech and documents at the same time. Only two conditions are met, the result will be correct. The third part is the analysis about specific examples in those books of Dai Zhen, Duan Yu–cai, Wang Nian–sun and Wang Yin–zhi. This part is core and emphasis in full text. It consists of three parts. The using of“Tongjia”method in fang yan shu zheng, the using of“Tongjia”method in shuo wen jie zi zhu, and the using of“Tongjia”method in du shu za zhi and jing yi shu wen. In every part, we introduce the author and works first, then choose and analyse pecific examples.The fourth part is the discussions about the influence using“Tongjia”method to research ancient documents. The textual research method of“QianJia”scholars set a benchmark for our academic research. Their experience deserves our reference and study. Ancient literal scholars in late Qing Dynasty applyed this textual research method to the textual criticism of ancient literal and found a large number of“Tongjia”words.

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