

Analisys of Words Reduplication Errors Based on HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus

【作者】 杨博然

【导师】 李宝贵;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 词语重叠是汉语中比较常见的语言现象,它也是对外汉语教学的难点之一。本文对外国留学生习得汉语词语重叠的情况进行了分析,并从教师教学、学生学习、教材编写等方面对对外汉语教学提出了相应的建议。绪论部分先对词语重叠在本体方面的研究成果进行了总结,尤其是词语重叠方面的偏误研究。然后,介绍了研究的理论基础,包括对比分析理论和偏误分析理论。接着,介绍了本文所采用的研究方法及选取语料的来源。第一章按词性及偏误类型将HSK动态语料库中涉及的所有词语重叠偏误进行了分类分析并统计结果。第二章根据中介语理论和偏误分析理论对词语重叠偏误的形成原因进行分析,利用鲁健骥的中介语理论的分析方法,从母语、目的语、文化、学习方式、教学及教材角度分析偏误产生的原因。第三章根据找出偏误成因提出合理教学对策及教材编写建议。结论部分将得出的研究结果进行总结,说明文章的创新之处及不足之处。

【Abstract】 Reduplication is a frequent phenomenon in Chinese language. It is also one of the difficulties in teaching Chinese as a second language.This thesis paper analyzes the reduplication of Chinese terms in accordance to the acquisition of foreign students as well as proposes suggestions for teaching, studying and creating teaching materials for Chinese as a foreign language.The introduction first gives a summary of reduplication within the Chinese language, specifically focused on the research of reduplication errors. The following section introduces research on the fundamental theories, including the theory of comparative analysis and theory of error analysis.The next section introduces the research methods used in this paper and specification of the material that was analyzed.Chapter I gives classification and statistics of all reduplication errors found in HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus, first dividing them by parts of speech and further by types of errors. For instance verbs reduplication errors divide further to four subcategories:‘Verbs that should be, but were not reduplicated’,‘Verbs that should not be, but were duplicated’,‘Verbs duplication patter errors’and‘verbs reduplication mixed errors’.Chapter II analyzes causes of different types of reduplication errors by applying Interlanguage theory and error analysis theory.Chapter III summarizes the results of reduplication errors causes analysis and proposes teaching strategies.Conclusion section summarizes the results of the research.Author put his best effort into making the research useful and hopes it can become a reference material in teaching Chinese.

【关键词】 词语重叠偏误分析对外汉语教学
【Key words】 ReduplicationError analysisTCSL
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】548