

The Adverb Study of "Shuo Yuan"

【作者】 侯宝英

【导师】 陈榴;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文选取上古汉语后期重要口语语料《说苑》中的副词作为考察对象,运用专书语法研究的理论,以杨荣祥《近代汉语副词研究》中对副词的界定为参照,同时参考杨伯峻、何乐士《古汉语语法及其发展》的语法体系,从语法和语义相结合的角度对书中副词作出界定、分类和全面描写,并在此基础上总结《说苑》副词系统的整体特征,力求反映出《说苑》副词的真实面貌及其在汉语史上的地位,对《汉语大词典》的书证进行补充,为古汉语语法的研究提供实践性成果。全文共分五个部分:绪论:是本论文的综述部分。介绍《说苑》一书的作者与成书年代、语言特点、语料价值、流布与版本以及研究现状;探讨古汉语副词研究的现状及意义,包括副词的定义及语法功能的界定、副词与其它词类的区分、副词次类划分、近年来副词研究的新角度等几个方面;提出本论文的选题意义及研究方法,并在此基础上对《说苑》副词作出界定。第一章:《说苑》副词的分类描写。将《说苑》中副词分为总括副词、限定副词、统计副词、类同副词、程度副词、时间副词、频率副词、累加副词、情状方式副词、语气副词、否定副词等十一个次类,并按各次类内部的语义特征细分小类,按小类分别考察,统计所有副词的出现次数,描写其分布特征、语法功能,重点描写具有代表性以及一些汉代新兴的副词。第二章:对《说苑》副词系统的整体特征进行总结。列表统计书中副词的使用情况,从词量、词频、组合能力、副词兼类和副词连用等几个方面总结整体特征。第三章:以汉代新兴副词“全”、“绝”、“尤”、“一何”、“浸益”为例,通过与先秦诸子文献和《史记》等比较,考察《说苑》副词的传承流变情况,并探讨了“甚”在本书中的词性归属问题。第四章:结语。在对《说苑》副词系统进行全面分析的基础上,对其整体特征做出归纳总结,为副词在上古后期的发展趋势提供佐证。

【Abstract】 This article selects the adverb of "Shuo Yuan" as an important spoken language corpus in the later period of ancient Chinese,using the theory of the special grammar research,takes the definition of adverb in Yang Rongxiang "Modern Chinese Adverb Research" as the reference. And consults the grammar system in Yang Bojun, He Leshi "Ancient Chinese Grammar And Development". Makes a definition, classification and comprehensive description to the adverb of this book from the standpoint of coalescent of the grammar and semantics, summarizes the overall characteristic of the adverb system,trying to reflect real appearance and status of the adverb in " Shuo Yuan ",supplying some examples to "Chinese Big Dictionary",to provide achievement for the research of ancient Chinese grammar. The full text altogether divides into five parts:Introduction:This is the theory guide.Introduces the author and publication, the language characteristic , value of the language materials ,diffusion, edition , situation of study of" Shuo Yuan " ; Discusses the present situation of study and the significance of ancient Chinese adverb system, including the adverb definition and the grammatical function, the discrimination of the adverb and other parts of speech, the division of sub-category, new angle of adverb research in the recent years; Proposes selected topic significance and the research technique of the paper, and in this foundation to make a definition for the adverb.in " Shuo Yuan ".First chapter: The adverb classified description of " Shuo Yuan ".The adverb divides into all-inclusive adverb, definition adverb,statistical adverb, affinity adverb, degree adverb, time adverb, frequency adverb, accumulation adverb, situation way adverb, expression adverb, denial adverb and so on, and classifies according to each kind of internal semantic characteristic, adds up all adverb appearance times,describes its distribution characteristic, the grammatical function, the key description are the typical as well as some Han Dynasty emerging adverbs.Second chapter:Summarizes the adverb system overall characteristic of "Shuo Yuan".Use tables to investigates the usage condition of adverbs , to summarize the overall characteristic from the word quantity, the word frequency, the combination ability, the adverb concurrently and the adverb used together and so on.Third chapter: Take the Han Dynasty emerging adverb“Quan”,“Jue”,“You”,“Yi He”,“Jin Yi”as the example, compares with the pre-Qin thinkers literature and " Shi Ji ", inspects the adverb inheritance changing situation of " Shuo Yuan ", and discusses the lexical category ownership question of“Shen”in this book.Fourth chapter: Conclusion.In the foundation of the comprehensive analysis of the adverb system in" Shuo Yuan ", makes the summary for its overall characteristic ,provides the evidence for the trend of development in the antiquity later period.

  • 【分类号】H141
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