

【作者】 张卓

【导师】 王利;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 区域(发展)定位问题是区域发展规划中最重要的问题。本文阐述了发展定位的基本概念、基本理论、在发展规划中的位置、研究的一般逻辑思路以及研究的一般模式,在理论上给予区域发展定位一定的支撑。结合大连市新时期发展的需要,进行了发展定位的案例分析。当前,我国已经进入战略机遇期,国内外环境正发生巨大的变化。在这一背景下,新时期区域发展定位的研究就显得很有必要。大连定位的明确对于辽宁省“十二五”期间的发展甚至整个东北经济区和环渤海地区经济的发展都具有极其重要的作用。本文主要内容分为如下几个部分。第一部分是研究综述。第二部分是区域发展定位的基础理论分析。第三部分是大连与周边城市的发展基础条件分析。第四部分是大连与周边城市经济发展现状与发展战略分析。第五部分是对大连的发展定位,从时间和空间两个角度展开。最后一部分是对全文的总结。全文从时间定位和空间定位的角度对大连市在新时期的定位给予了明确的回答。其中时间定位严格依据罗斯托的发展理论,空间定位从空间定位的三项内容和空间定位的三重空间进行展开。全文采取定性与定量相结合、静态与动态两条路径同时展开的研究方法,通过对大连城市定位的研究加深了对区域发展定位理论的认识,为进一步探索区域发展定位问题提供了现实依据。

【Abstract】 Regional (Development) positioning is one of the most important regional development planning issues. This paper describes the development orientation of the basic concepts, basic theory, the position in development planning, research and study of the general logic of the general pattern of ideas, positioning in theory, give some support regional development. According to the needs of the development of Dalian new period, study the development orientation. At present, China has entered a period of strategic opportunities, domestic and international environment is undergoing tremendous changes. In this context, the new era of regional development orientation becomes necessary. Dalian, Liaoning Province, targeted specifically for“Twelfth Five-Year Plan”period of development and even the entire northeast economic zone and the Bohai region’s economic development has an important role.This paper is divided into the following sections. The first part is research reviewed. The second part is the basis for regional development orientation theory. The third part is the development of the surrounding cities of Dalian and the basic conditions for analysis. The fourth part is the economic development of the surrounding cities of Dalian and the Current Situation and Development Strategy. The fifth part is the development of Dalian’s location from time and space two .The last part is a summary of the full text.Full text gives clear answer of the Dalian orientation in new period from time orientation and spatial orientation .According to the Rostow’s development theory, time orientation was written. Spatial orientation is from spatial orientation three contents and spatial orientation triple space launches.Text to qualitative and quantitative, static and dynamic two paths simultaneously research methods. Through the positioning of the city of Dalian on regional development orientation has deepened understanding of the theory, and further explore the positioning of regional development provides a realistic basis.
