

Ecological Fragility Evaluation of Water Sources Protected Areas of Dalian City and Ecological Compensation Mechanism Research

【作者】 张彤

【导师】 张华;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 区域生态脆弱性评价是认识区域生态环境状况的重要内容之一,主要由自然因素和社会经济因素叠加而形成。在自然因素为背景的前提下,通过社会经济因素的扰动,所表现出来的向环境恶化方向发展的趋势。客观准确的评价区域的生态脆弱性及提出相应的生态补偿机制,对区域生态环境的有效保护和可持续发展有十分重要的借鉴意义。本文以大连市水源地保护区为研究区,考虑行政区划对水源地保护区环境整治和管理的影响,将研究区按行政所辖区划分为5个独立的评价单元(分别用G1-G5表示),然后从自然和社会经济两方面选取10个有代表性的影响因子(其中自然指标6个,社会经济指标4个)建立评价指标体系,并采用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,再通过研究区生态脆弱性指数的计算和等级划分,对大连市水源地保护区生态脆弱性进行综合评价,得出如下重要结论:(1)大连市水源地保护区生态脆弱性主要表现为轻微脆弱、一般脆弱和比较脆弱3种类型,其面积分别为1569 km~2、2092 km~2和698 km~2,其中一般脆弱和比较脆弱区域面积较大,合计为2790 km~2,占全区总面积的64%。由此表明,研究区生态脆弱性总体呈现出一般脆弱至比较脆弱的状况。(2)大连市水源地保护区生态脆弱性指数为轻微脆弱的区域为G1(庄河市所辖区域),面积1569 km~2,占全区总面积的36%;一般脆弱的区域为G2(普兰店市所辖区域)、G(3盖州市所辖区域),面积2092 km~2,占全区总面积的48%;比较脆弱的区域为G4(岫岩满族自治县所辖区域)、G5(瓦房店市所辖区域),面积698 km~2,占全区面积的16%。(3)从空间分布上看,轻微脆弱区位于大连市水源地保护区的东南部,一般脆弱区位于水源地保护区的西北部和南部,比较脆弱区位于水源地保护区的西南部和东北部。上述评价结果表明,大连市水源地保护区环境状况不容乐观,面临着生态破坏、环境污染、人为扰动等自然和社会经济两方面因素的严峻挑战,因此需要在参考国内外生态补偿机制研究理论及成果的基础上,从确定水源地保护区生态补偿主体和客体、生态补偿标准和方式、生态补偿途径和保障措施等方面着手,尝试建立切实有效的大连市水源地保护区生态补偿机制。

【Abstract】 Regional ecological fragility evaluation is one of the important contents in recognizing regional ecological environment condition, which mainly consist of natural and social-economic factors. Under the background of natural factors, disturbance of social and economic factors shows development trend of deterioration. Objective and accurate evaluation of regional ecological fragility and establishment of relevant ecological compensation mechanism have tremendous significance in effective protection of regional ecological environment and sustainable development. This paper uses water sources protected areas of Dalian City as the experimental site and considers the impact of administrative regionalization on environmental governance and management of water sources protected areas. The experimental site is divided into five independent evaluation units (marked by G1-G5). 10 representative affective factors (including 6 natural indexes and 4 social-economic indexes) are chosen to establish evaluation indicator system in the natural and social-economic two aspects. The analytic hierarchy process is used to determine the weights of total indexes. Ecological fragility is comprehensively evaluated through the calculation of ecological fragility index and grade division. The following important conclusions are:(1) Ecological fragility of water sources protected areas of Dalian City mainly shows slight fragility, general fragility and comparative fragility, the respective area is 1569 km~2、2092 km~2 and 698 km~2, the area of general fragility and comparative fragility are relatively larger and it is 2790 km~2, accounting for 64% of the total area. The results show that total ecological fragility of the experimental site ranges from general fragility to comparative fragility condition.(2) Ecological fragility index of G1 (included by Zhuanghe City) is slight fragility in water sources protected areas of Dalian City and the area is 1569 km~2, accounting for 36% of the total area; Ecological fragility index of G2 (included by Pulandian City), G3 (included by Gaizhou City) is general fragility and the area is 2092 km~2, account for 48% of total area; Ecological fragility index of G4 (included by Xiuyan County), G5 (included by Wafangdian City) is comparative fragility and the area is 698 km~2, account for 16% of total area.(3) From perspective of spatial distribution, the slight fragility region is located in the southeast of water sources protected areas. General fragility regions are located in the northwest and the south of water sources protected areas. Comparative fragility regions are located in the southwest and northeast of water sources protected areas.The results of evaluation indicates that environmental condition of water sources protected areas of Dalian City is not optimistic, facing the challenge of natural and social-economic factors such as ecological destruction, environmental pollution and human disturbance and so on. Therefore, based on the theory and achievement of foreign and internal ecological compensation mechanism, effective ecological compensation mechanism of water sources protected areas of Dalian City should be tried to establish according to compensation subject and object, standard, methods, ways and measures in ecological compensation.

  • 【分类号】X826;X171.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】259
  • 攻读期成果