

The Effect of Different Measures on Amelioration to Da an Soda-alkali Soil and Plant Growth

【作者】 魏博微

【导师】 窦森; 河合成直;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 土壤学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在人口日益增加,耕地日益减少的今天,盐碱土作为一种重要的土地资源,对其的开发和利用成为我国发展可持续农业中的重大课题之一。在中国从东北部到中西部盐土和碱土广泛分布,面积约为32万km2。吉林省大安市现有盐碱土面积约为25万hm2,占全市土地面积的50.39%,其中碱土面积占盐碱土总面积的77%。近几十年来由于生态环境的不断恶化,大安市盐碱化土壤面积迅速增加。如何解决日益严重的土壤盐碱化问题,已成为大安市农业经济可持续发展的主要任务。论文以大量的文献为基础,对国内盐碱土概况、大安市盐碱土现状以及盐碱土改良研究等进行论述。试验以黄金蛭石(VE)、尖二辉橄榄岩(LE)、硫酸铝、硫酸钙为改良物质,供试土壤取自吉林省大安市,该区盐碱土类型属于内陆型苏打盐渍土,土壤碱化严重,且土壤渗透性差,潜水位接近地表,所以蒸发强烈,土壤极易积盐,返盐。论文主要从盐碱土的物理性状、化学性状、盐分含量、腐殖质组成、粘粒矿物组成及对植被生育影响等方面进行分析,在分析盐碱土壤机械组成、土壤团聚体、土壤有机质、土壤pH值、土壤阳离子交换量、土壤交换性钠、土壤碱化度、土壤碱解氮、土壤有效磷、土壤全盐量及土壤腐殖质组成等作为评价指标的基础上,还对供试作物各项生理进行了分析。试验结果表明:(1)在培养试验中施用硫酸铝和硫酸钙可以减低土壤的pH值,其中随着硫酸铝用量的增加pH降幅增加,最大降幅达到2.39,硫酸钙的试验处理土壤pH的降幅达0.46。其次在硫酸铝和硫酸钙施用后土壤的CEC也明显增加,与对照相比施用硫酸铝后土壤的CEC提高了2.51 cmol/kg,硫酸钙增加了2.2 cmol/kg。与此同时,交换性Na+含量和全盐量降低。由于供试植物碱茅对EC>2ds/m的土壤环境敏感,培养实验中的碱茅几乎没有发芽。(2)通过田间改良试验,比较施用硫酸铝和硫酸钙对土壤的改良效果为:硫酸铝施用量为6kg/a和硫酸钙施用量9.0kg/a时的改良效果最好,作物的生物量明显增加,由此判断作物的抗盐性能得到提高。同时分析前后两年苜蓿体内无机元素的变化,发现后续的苜蓿植株体本身也可改良土壤性质,且效果与添加改良物质的处理相比更为有效。(3)在培养试验中施用矿物改良物质对土壤理化性质有明显改善。施用蛭石能够有效的改良土壤化学性质,尤其是对降低土壤EC作用显著,与对照相比降低了43.02%,正因如此,在施用蛭石的处理中施用碱茅可以促进其生长。而施用尖二辉橄榄岩对土壤的pH、EC影响不大,但是对土壤CEC的增加作用明显。当尖二辉橄榄岩施用量为0.5%的时候碱茅的生长状况最好,具体的改善顺序为:LE 0.5%> LE4%> LE 2%> LE 1%>CK。(4)改良物质组合施用可以有效的改善土壤的化学性质, Na+含量、K+含量、和Na+/K+值的变化讨论植物抗性的变化。结果证明在盐浓度较高的环境中施用改良物质和肥料可以有效地增加植物的K+含量、减少Na+吸收,从而降低Na+/k+值,促进作物生长。(5)暗管改良和施用MM粉可以促进土壤颗粒和土壤团聚体组成中大粒级的形成,从而改善土壤透性。其中土壤团聚体的优势粒级为2~0.25 mm和0.25~0.053 mm的团聚体。土壤颗粒中的FA, HA碳量较高,且含碳量HA大于FA,说明该土壤利于HA的积累,腐殖化程度较高。土壤颗粒的PQ值变化与FA, HA含C量的变化顺序相似,说明腐殖质逐渐氧化降解为FA, FA又转化为HA,使土壤的腐殖化作用增强,肥力提高。(6)通过XRD、IR、和DTA分析在不同改良措施作用下对盐碱土耕层粘粒矿物的结构特性的影响。由分析可知,大安苏打盐碱土的主要粒矿物类型主要为2:1型的蒙脱石同时含有一定量的蒙伊混层矿物、伊利石和蛭石。由以上两组的结果可知,在苏打盐碱土中加入MM粉和施用暗管对土壤粘粒的矿物组成的种类没有影响,但通过衍射峰强度的变化可知不同改良措施对粘粒矿物含量有影响。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, as growing with population and diminishing with farmland, Saline alkali soil as an important part of land resources,it was an important project for exploitation and utilization in the development of our country’s sustainable agriculture. Saline and alkaline was widely distributed from the northeast to the Midwest of China,and the area is about 320,000 km2. Tn Da’an of Jilin province, the area of saline soil is approximately 247680.28km2, as 50.39% of the whole city, and the alkaline area accounts for 77% of the saline soil area. In recent decades, while the deterioration of ecological environment, the area of soil salinization of Da’an is increasing rapidly.How to solve the increasingly serious problem of soil salinization has become the main task of sustainable development on agricultural economy in Da’an. The base of this thesis on abundant literatures, discussed on definition of saline-alkali soil,it discussed the actuality of saline-alkali soil in Zhenlai county,and the amelioration measures of saline-alkali soil.In this experiment,materials include gold vermiculite (VE),sharp lherzolite (LE), aluminum sulfate and calcium sulphate. The tested soil is collected from the county of Daan,the type of saline-alkali soil belong to inland Soda saline soil in this area,the alkalization is serious,the permeability is poor,the groundwater close to the surface,so the salt accumulated easily in the surface.This thesis analysed the research of physical properties、chemical properties and nutrient of soil,and humus composition of soil. Detailed analysis of the mechanical composition of soil salinization, soil aggregates, soil organic matter, soil pH, soil cation exchange capacity, soil exchangeable sodium, soil alkalization, soil nitrogen, soil phosphorus,soil salinity and soil Humus composition as the evaluation index, in addition, the physiological tested of crops were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) The application of aluminum sulfate and calcium sulfate can reduce the soil pH in the culture test, which would increased with the amount of aluminum sulfate increased, the biggest drop to 2.39, and soil pH decrease of 0.46 in the calcium sulfate test. Second, aluminum sulfate and calcium sulfate in the soil after application of the CEC also increased significantly compared with the control soil after application of aluminum sulfate increased CEC 2.51 cmol/kg, calcium sulfate increased 2.2 cmol/kg. At the same time, exchangeable Na+content and salt content decreased. Puccinellia plants tested were sensitive to soil environment of the EC> 2, Puccinellia were almost no germination in the culture experiments.(2)Through the field improved test, the soil improvement effect that comparing application aluminum sulfate with calcium sulfate:the application aluminum sulfate amount of 6kg/a and the application calcium sulfate amount of 9.0kg/a which were the greater, and the crop biomass increased significantly which determine the salt tolerance of crops improved. Simultaneous analysis inorganic elements changed of the body before and after two years,it was found itself can also improve soil properties in the follow-up of the body, the effect of improved materials and add more effective than treatment.(3) Mineral fertilizer in the culture test can improved significantly soil properties. Application of vermiculite can effectively improve soil chemical properties, especially the significantly effect of reducing soil EC compared with the control 43.02%, which can promoted the growth of Puccinellia. The application pointed lherzolite for soil pH, EC had little effect, but the effect for soil CEC increased significantly. When the tip of lherzolite application rate was 0.5%, the growth conditions geater, improvement order:LE 0.5%> LE4%> LE 2%> LE 1%> CK.(4) Combined application of modified material can improved effectively the soil’s chemical properties, Content of Na+, K+ and changes of Na+/K+ values discussed plant resistance. The results proved that the higher concentration improved physical environment and fertilizer application can increased the K+content of plants, and reduced absorption of Na+, thereby reduced the Na+/K+ values, and promotedcrop growth.(5) The improvement of subsurface pipe and the application of MM powder can promoted the formation of large grain level in the composition of soil particles and soil aggregates, and improved soil permeability. The advantage size fraction of soil aggregate were 2-0.25mm and 0.25~0.053 mm. The carbon content of HA were higher than the FA, this explained this was benefit for the accumulation of HA in soil, the humification degree were higher, the PQ value change of soil particle was similar to the carbon contant change order of FA, HA, it showed that humus gradually degraded to FA,then FA transformed into HA,it made soil humification enhanced and soil fertility improved.(6) The different improvement measures effect for the alkali soil under the topsoil clay mineral characteristics of the structure analysised by XRD, IR, and DTA., The saline-alkali soil mineral types in DaAn are mainlytype 2:1 montmorillonite,also contain a certain amount of Mengyi mixed-layer minerals, illite and vermiculite by the analysis. The two group are known that the result is no effect for mineral composition of soil type which the sodic soil add in MM powder and application of underground pipe, but the different improvement measures are effected to clay mineral content by the intensity changes of diffraction peaks.
