

An Investigation on Multimedia-Assisted Listening Teaching in the Course of Integrated English in Hulunbeir College

【作者】 孙丽红

【导师】 武海燕;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着多媒体信息技术的普及和发展,全国各个高校都在运用多媒体技术辅助外语教学。国家教育部教育司颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《要求》)明确指出,“各高等学校应充分利用多媒体和网络技术,采用新的教学模式改进原来的以教师讲授为主的单一课堂教学模式”。《要求》肯定了多媒体网络辅助大学英语教学的模式,为各高校大学英语多媒体网络教学模式的探索指明了方向。自《要求》颁布之日起,国家建立了65个试点,逐渐在各个高校进行了多媒体辅助大学英语教学,而且有许多学者从多个方面对多媒体辅助英语教学的情况进行过调查研究,但调查大都在呼伦贝尔以外的高校进行,因此不一定能完全反映呼伦贝尔学院的多媒体辅助英语教学的现状。此外,针对多媒体辅助综合英语课程中的听力教学方面的调查研究还未曾涉及到。鉴于这两方面原因,本文调查了解了呼伦贝尔学院的多媒体辅助综合英语课程中的听力教学的现实情况,以期对呼伦贝尔学院的多媒体辅助综合英语课程中的听力教学模式的建立和完善有所启示。本文的调查对象为呼伦贝尔学院英语专业师生。调查方法为问卷调查、课堂观察和访谈。经调查表明:呼伦贝尔学院外国语学院已配备多媒体教室辅助综合英语的课堂听力教学,大多数英语专业师生对多媒体辅助综合英语的课堂听力教学持肯定态度,多媒体网络资源的利用已有显著效果。但多媒体技术在辅助综合英语课程中的听力教学仍处于初步发展阶段,多数英语专业学生希望能在综合英语课上获得更多的听力方面的指导,而事实上很多综合英语教师并没有对此有足够的重视;多数教师对多媒体辅助英语教学的建构主义等理论还不够了解;大多数学生还没有掌握如何灵活搜索并利用符合自己英语听力水平资源的能力等许多因素还影响着它的发展及其模式的建立,还存在很多不足。经过对多媒体辅助综合英语课程中的听力教学的现状调查并对结果进行分析,本文从中得到了丰富的启示:呼伦贝尔学院外国语学院应为英语专业教师提供更多的现代教育技术的培训机会,以提高教师多媒体教学的操作水平和理论水平。英语专业教师应不断更新他们多媒体网络综合英语课程中听力教学的知识;加强教师之间的合作以提高多媒体网络综合英语课程中听力教学的时效性;同时帮助英语专业学生培养他们自主提高听力学习和运用多媒体网络收集符合自身听力水平资源的能力。学生要培养运用丰富多媒体资源提高听力的意识和习惯。本研究也存在着一定的局限性和不足,例如,本文的调查对象只限于呼伦贝尔学院外国语学院的英语专业师生,不具有广泛代表性,研究还需更加深入。

【Abstract】 With the rapid popularization and the dramatic development of multimedia information technology, all the universities and colleges are utilizing multimedia technology to assist foreign language teaching. The College English Curriculum Requirements (hereafter Requirements), issued by State Education Ministry in June 2007, specify that "colleges and universities should remould the existing unitary teacher-centered pattern of CET (College English Teaching) by introducing new teaching models with the help of multimedia and network technology", which provides the guidance for institutes to explore a computer-and network-based multimedia CET mode.Since the Requirements were issued, more than 65 State-level Demonstration Sites had been set up for College English Educational Reform. Many researchers at home have already conducted surveys on the state of multimedia technology-assisted CET (hereafter MTACET) from a variety of aspects. However, of the respondents, most of the surveys, in terms of survey region, were confined in universities or colleges outside Hulunbeir. Therefore, the research results may not virtually reflect the actual situation of multimedia-assisted college English teaching in Hulunbeir College. Moreover, their researches didn’t concern multimedia-assisted listening teaching in the course of Integrated English. Thus, this thesis is to clear up a little ground for the situation of multimedia-assisted listening teaching in the course of Integrated English in Hulunbeir College, in order to offer some implications for establishing and remoulding multimedia-assisted listening teaching in the course of Integrated English model in this college.This survey is conducted among English majors and their teachers in the Foreign Language Institute of Hulunbeir College utilizing questionnaire, classroom observation and interview. The major findings are that:the Foreign Language Institute of Hulunbeir College has already equipped with multimedia classroom for the course of Integrated English and most teachers have already employed it; most English majors and teachers think highly of multimedia-assisted listening teaching in the course of Integrated English; multimedia and network has played an important role in CET. However, the development of multimedia-assisted listening teaching in the course of Integrated English is still in the early stages. Most English majors are eager to gain more instruction on listening, while many Integrated English teachers don’t pay much attention to it. And many professional teachers know little about the constructivism and relevant theories. Meanwhile, most of students didn’t grasp the ability to flexibly search and utilize resources appropriate to their own listening level on the Internet. Some blocks impede the improvement of multimedia-assisted listening teaching in the course of Integrated English and its model establishment. The survey researches on the state of multimedia-assisted listening teaching in the course of Integrated English. Some possible pedagogical implications drawn from the findings are:the Foreign Language Institute of Hulunbeir College needs to provide more opportunities for teachers to obtain technology education and professional development. English majors should be cultivated to enhance their awareness and skills of gathering suitable listening information from the information technology to practice listening. English professional teachers should update the knowledge concerning multimedia-assisted listening teaching in the course of Integrated English and enforce the cooperation. Meanwhile, they should help students to cultivate the autonomous learning competence, and develop the skills of gathering information from Internet or the multimedia-enriched environment. English majors themselves need to meliorate their computer and autonomous learning competence, and enhance the awareness of using multimedia and network to learn English as well.This study has its limitation and disadvantages. For example, it only includes a sample from the Foreign Language Institute of Hulunbeir College, which can’t show the situation of other colleges. Therefore, the relevant research should be conducted deeply.
