

Study on Xing Shao

【作者】 杨化坤

【导师】 王京州;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 邢劭是一位内涵较为丰富的作家:他身为儒者,谨遵传统道德规范,但又率性洒脱,颇有名士风度;虽生于佛教大兴的北朝,但不为习俗浸染,反而高举“神灭论”大旗反对佛法;虽在文学上主张学习南朝,但又认为“河北江南,意制本应相诡”,坚决捍卫北朝文学的独立性。可见,邢劭的确值得深入研究。本文从其文集及传记材料的整理考辩入手,全方位、多角度地对其生平、著述、思想及文学成就展开研究,并将其置于南北文化交融这样特定历史时期内,再现他在北朝文学史上的地位和作用。本文正文部分由三章组成,分别为:《邢劭生平及作品丛考》,《邢劭思想探微》,《邢劭文学述论》;附录部分由《邢劭诗文校注》及《邢劭诗文佚句辑存》组成。第一章包括《生平丛考》及《作品丛考》两节。第一节中《邢劭之名考》认为邢劭之名作“劭”,“邵”、“卲”皆误;《邢劭称号考》对邢劭六种称号得来的缘由、时间及涵义进行考证;《邢劭任奉朝请时间考》认为邢劭任奉朝请时间应为延昌末(515),辩驳了传统正光末(525)的说法;《邢劭交游考》对邢劭与魏收之间的交游进行考述,并勾稽出与其他文士间的交游。第二节中《邢劭著述考》对邢劭参撰或独撰的七种著作进行考述;《〈奏立明堂太学〉真伪考》对《奏立明堂太学》一文是否为邢劭所作辨析,因文献不足征,暂作存疑,但提出了自己的看法;《〈百官贺平石头表〉真伪考》认为《百官贺平石头表》确为邢劭作,反驳了梅鼎祚、李建栋的观点;《〈冬夜酬魏少傅直史馆〉系年考》认为《冬夜酬魏少傅直史馆》作于天保八年(557),反驳了李建栋河清元年(562)的观点。第二章包括《儒学思想》、《神灭论思想》、《文学思想》三节。第一节首先对邢氏家族的儒学传统进行考述,认为邢劭儒学思想源于郑玄,但对其直接产生作用的则是其父邢虬。其次,总结了邢劭儒学思想的特点,主要为:一、博学多才,不独守一经;二、深明旨义,不陷入章句之末节;三、学以致用,不死守旧制。最后,对邢劭儒学思想特点的成因予以分析,认为玄学的影响起着至关重要的作用。第二节首先对邢劭神灭论思想产生的背景进行了概括。其次,归纳出其神灭论思想的主要内容:一、对“人死还生”的观点持否定态度;二、认为“神不灭论”只是圣人有所劝奖而提出;三、提出物种“类化”之说。最后,分析了邢劭神灭论思想在哲学史上的意义。第三节首先对《萧仁祖集序》中的文学思想进行论述,并与沈约《宋书·谢灵运传论》、江淹《杂体三十首序》比较,指出其独特性在于对北朝文学自我价值的肯定。其次,对邢劭择善而从的文学主张评述,认为其学习沈约,并未单纯模仿,而是能够突破藩篱,自铸伟辞。最后,指出了邢劭情辞兼重的文学主张。第三章包括《邢劭的诗歌》、《邢劭的骈文》、《与温子升、魏收的比较》三节。第一节从风格特征与艺术特色两方面对邢劭诗歌进行分析,认为其诗风存在多样化的特征,但均为雅致之作,并认为其诗风的成因在于北朝质朴文风及取法沈约的双重作用。最后,对邢劭诗歌的不足进行了评述。第二节亦从风格特征和艺术特色两方面对邢劭骈文进行分析,认为其总体风格是典丽,但不同文体间稍有区别,分别为:宏大壮丽的风格、典雅凝重的风格、俊逸遒劲的风格及铺张扬厉的风格。其次,从具体的艺术手法对邢劭骈文进行了分析,分别为:繁密而恰当的用典艺术、对仗与骈散结合的灵活句法、虚字与“潜气内转”法的并行使用。第三节首先通过与温子升、魏收的比较,指出邢劭与二人的异同,以此凸显出邢劭文学创作的独特性。其次,对邢劭的文学史意义进行阐释,认为其价值在于:与温子升、魏收共同代表了当时北朝文学发展的最高水平,提出了适合北朝文学发展的主张,对后进的奖掖与提拔。

【Abstract】 Xing Shao is a writer who has rich conntation: as a confucian, he strictly follows the traditional ethics specifications prudentially, also he is a willfull free and easy gentleman. Though born in north dynasty when the buddhism was prosperous, he was not affected, and hold highly the "destruction of god" flag to against the buddhism; Though advocated studying the Southern literature, he also thinks "Northern and South, their means and form should be different", firmly defending the independence of Northern literature. Visible, Xing Shao is certainly worthy of further studying. This papers studies his life、thought、and works, comprehensively and multi-angle from his works and biography, and put him into a large historical period of North-South integration, thus to reproduc his status and value in Northern literature history. The body part consists of three chapters, namely: "Research on Xing Shao’s Life and Works", "Exploration on Xing Shao’s Thought", "Discussion on Xing Shao ’s Literature"; Appendix is "Notes on part of Xing Shao’s Poetry and article" and "Collection on Xing Shao’s Poetry and article".The first chapter, "Research on Xing Shao’s Life and Works", is divided into two sections, namely "Research on Xing’s Life" and "Research on Xing’s Works". In the first section, "Research on Xing’s name" research out Xing’s name is "Shao("劭), that as "Shao("邵)and "Shao"(卲)are wrong; "Research on Xing’s Titles" researchs on the cause, time and context about the six titles; "Research on the time when Xing was Fengchaoqing(奉朝请)" persists that the time when Xing was Fengchaoqing should be Yanchang’s end(515), refutes the traditional opinion of Zhengguang’end(525); "Research on Xing’s Communication" researchs the communication between Xing Shao and Wei Shou, meanwhile giving the material of communication between Xing Shao and the thirteen writers. In section II, "Research on Xing’s Works" Researches on the seven books that Xing Shao have been participated or independently completed. "Research on<Announce to estabilish Mingtang Imperial College> ’s Truth" researchs whether the article’s author is Xing Shao or not, yet due to lacking of full literature, temporary as doubtful, but have presented my owner views; "Research on<Officals congratulate the conquest to stone table> ’s Truth" research out <The Table of Officals congratulate the conquest to stone city > ’s author is indeed Xing Shao, which refutes the opinion holding by Mei Dingzuo and Li Jiandong. "Research on the time of <Respond to Wei Shaofu’s Duty in Academia Historica>" persists that the writing time is Tianbao’s eighth year (557), refutes Li Jiandong’s opinion of writing on Qing He’s first year (562).Chapter II includs "Thought on Confucianism ", "Thought on God’s death", "Thought on literary ". The first chapter researchs the Xings’Confucianism tradition of hejian, thinks that Xing Shao’s Confucianism originaed from Zheng Xuan, but the direct teacher is his father. then, sums up the character of Shao Xing’s Confucianism as: First,learned, gifted,and not specializing the only scripture; Second, aware of the purpose sense, not falling into the distal interpretation; Third, apply his knowledge into practice, not guarding the old-fashioned system. At last, analysises the cause of Xing Shao’s Confucianism and thinks metaphysics is the most important reason. Section II first analysis and summarize the theoretical background of this thought. then summalizes its main content as: First, negativing the opinion that "once a person die also meaning be born"; Second, the reason of "God will not perish" is only to encourage people; Third, proposing the opinion of "species change by category". Finally, evaluates the meaning of Xing Shao’s this thought on philosophy. Section III first comments the literature opinion of "Xiao Renzu’s Collection", and compared to Shen Yue’s <Xie Lingyun’s biography and comment in Song dynasty">and Jiang Yan’s <The sequence of thirty Poems>, point out that its unique sense is his emphasis to the self-affirmation of Northern literature’s value. After this is to discuss Xing Shao’s literature opinion, thinking that he does not simply imitate, but be able to break through the barriers, and make out his owner good words. Finally, points out Xing Shao’s opinion of thinking equally about contents and rhetoric.The third chapter includes "Xing Shao’s poetry", "Xing Shao’s double prose", "compared to Wen Zisheng and Wei Shou". The first Section discusses Xing Shao’s poems from the two aspects of the style characteristics and artisticcharacteristics , thinking that the style of Xing Shao’s poems is multiple, butthe whole is elegant, and points out the cause is the interation of the Northernsimple literature style and studying from Shen Yue. Finally, this section comments the lackness of Xing Shao’s poems. The second Section also discusses Xing Shao’s double prose from the style and artistic characteristics, Firstly, the overall style of Xing Shao’s double prose is elegant and gorgeous, but also there are some difference during the different type of writings, respectively as: grandand magnificent, dignified and elegant,chic and vigorous, listed and exagg erated.Secondly, this analysis Xing Shao’s double prose from the specific artistic techniques, respectively as:dense and appropriate allusions art, antithesis syntax andcombining parallel with seperate syntax, virtual characters and the"hidden insidethe gas transfer"method used in parallel.The third section first compare Xing Shao to Wen Zisheng and Wei Shou, then pointing out the similarities and differences between them, so as to show Xing Shao’s unique nature of literary creation. Then, this part points out Xing Shao’s unique significance of literary history,as:represented the highest level in Northern literature with Wen Zisheng and Wei Shou, proposed the appropriate literary opinion for Northernliterature’s development, motivated and promoted younger generation to progress.
