

Introducing and Provenance Trial of Pinus Sibirica

【作者】 王成

【导师】 姜静;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 西伯利亚红松(Pinus sibirica)是欧亚大陆寒温带针叶林(泰加林)的著名成林树种,与红松(P. koraiensis)近缘,为材果兼优大乔木。较红松更耐严寒、耐瘠薄、耐水湿,适应范围更广,适应性更强。而我国的寒温性森林面积很大,自然环境条件与西伯利亚红松分布区基本相似或略好,但树种较单一,引种西伯利亚红松对于丰富引种地区的树种资源具有重要意义。因此,本研究从1990年开始,先后引进6个批次的种子,包含8个种源,分别在大兴安岭塔河林业局、大兴安岭新林林业局、张广才岭的东北林业大学帽儿山试验林场、长白山的汪清林业局以及松嫩平原地区进行引种以及种源试验。20余年的试验结果表明,西伯利亚红松在我国东北大小兴安岭、长白山及松嫩平原地区生长正常,无病虫鼠害,已经开花结实。引种获得成功。西伯利亚红松在大兴安岭地区引种21年,生长正常。其中,在新林林业局生长情况整体好于对照红松,红松冻害现象严重,西伯利亚红松18年生树高较对照提高168.93%。种源试验表明,大部分性状在不同种源间的差异均达到了显著和极显著水平,且为高度遗传。根据各性状多重比较结果,生长量较高的种源为托木斯克种源,其树高较对照提高205.39%,其次为蒙古种源,较对照提高126.84%。生长性状隶属函数分析也说明托木斯克种源和蒙古种源为优良种源。因此,适合引种的优良种源为托木斯克和蒙古种源。而对大兴安岭塔河林业局引种的西伯利亚红松生长情况调查表明,其连年生长量稳步上升,20年生平均树高、胸径、材积分别为394.99 cm、4.48 cm、0.1339m3,对照红松遭受很严重的冻害,死亡率高。试验证明西伯利亚红松适合引种到大兴安岭塔河林业局。西伯利亚红松在张广才岭东北林业大学帽儿山试验林场的种源试验表明,各生长性状种源间的差异均达到极显著的水平,且遗传力较高。根据各性状多重比较结果,一些西伯利亚红松优良种源的生长情况好于红松,生长量较高的种源为乌兰乌德、黑洛克、伊尔库斯克种源,其8年生树高较对照分别提高了:4.66%、2.99%、0.68%。生长指标隶属度分析表明,最好种源为乌兰乌德种源,平均隶属函数值为0.922,其次为伊尔库斯克、托木斯克、黑洛克。初步筛选最优种源为乌兰乌德,其次为黑洛克、伊尔库斯克、托木斯克种源。西伯利亚红松在吉林省长白山脉汪清林业局引种试验结果表明,其生长量总体上高于对照红松,19年生时,平均树高和胸径分别较对照提高了34.77%和70.78%。大部分性状间差异达到显著和极显著水平,且遗传力较高。经过种源试验筛选,生长情况较好的种源为托木斯克种源,其13年生幼树高较对照提高了25.54%。筛选适合引种的优良种源为托木斯克种源。

【Abstract】 Pinus sibirica is a well-known forest species of Eurasian boreal coniferous forest(taiga), which is excellent both for fruit and material, and relative to Pinus koraiensis. P.sibirica is more resistant to the cold、dry barren、water wet, and adaptability is more wide. Moreover, China has large area of cold temperate forests which have a single species, and natural environmental condition is similar or slightly better than P. sibirica distribution. So it is important to introduce P. sibirica for the rich resources of the region. Since 1991, we have introduced six batches of seeds, including eight provenances, and have conducted provenance trial at Xinlin and Tahe Forestry Bureau of Daxinganling、Zhangguangcai Maoershan Mountain、Changbai Mountain Wangqing Forestry Bureau and Songnen plain area respectively. The results showed that more than twenty years, P. Sibirica has grown normal in Daxinganling、Xiaoxinganling、Changbai Mountain and Songnen plain area, which has been flowering and there was no pest and rodent damaged. It is a successful introduction.P. sibirica growed normal which hasI ntroduced for twenty-one years in Daxinganling area. P. sibirica at Xinlin Forestry Bureau is totality better than P. koraiensis as control which is serious frost damaged, so the introduction of P. sibirica is successful. The height for eighteen of P. sibirica is 168.93% higher than control, and variance analyses show that there are significant variations in most characters of P. sibirica from different provenances. The heritabilities are high. Multiple comparison of all the characters indicates that the Tomsk is the better excellent provenance whose height is 205.39% higher than control, and next is Mongolia provenance whose height is 126.84% higher than control. Analysis of subordinate function indicates that the better provenance is Tomsk and Mongolia provenance. So provenances for the excellent introduction are Tomsk and Mongolia. The growth of the P. sibirica at Tahe Forestry Bureau of Daxinganling indicates that the growth steadily increased year after year and average height、DBH、volume are 394.99 cm、4.48 cm、0.1339 m3 respectively.P. koraiensis is serious frost damaged, and has high mortality. So, test proved that P. sibirica is suitable for introduction to Tahe Forestry Bureau of Daxinganling.We also have introduced P. sibirica to Zhangguangcai Maoershan Mountain. Investigation and analysis of every characters of P. sibirica show that there are significant variations in all the characters, and the heritabilities are high. The growth of some P. sibirica provenances is better than control. Multiple comparison of all the characters indicates that the better provenances are Ulan-Ude、Heiluoke、Irkutsk, the height for eight of which is 4.66%、2.99%、0.68% respectively higher than control. Analysis of subordinate function indicates that the better provenance is Ulan-Ude whose value is 0.922, and the next are
