

Study on Stability of Families and Selection of Superior Families of Hybrid Larch

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 张含国;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在草河口、吉林、尚志、错海、林口、富锦、铁力和北安8个地点对21个处理进了区域化试验,以苗期7个地点的13个处理和幼龄期8个地点的21个处理为研究对象,运用基因型与环境互作的原理,利用Eberhart和Russell模型、George模型、AMMI模型、Shukla模型和秩次分析法分析了家系生长性状的稳定性,并对生长、保存率以及光合性状进行了分析,揭示了其遗传变异规律,家系在各地点的生长表现,适应性和稳定性,探讨了光合生理性状与生长性状之间的关系,筛选出优良家系。对杂种落叶松优良家系选育以及大面积的推广具有重要的指导意义。主要研究结果如下:1苗期和幼龄期绝大多数性状处理间和处理内变异丰富。2年生苗高处理间变异系数在22.8%-32.3%之间,平均变异系数为27.85%。兴12×兴2的变异系数最大;兴5×兴9的变异系数最小;6年生树高处理间变异系数在31.9%-43.4%之间,平均变异系数为36.64%,日3×兴9变异系数最大,兴7×日77-2的变异系数最小;胸径处理间变异系数在50.1%-71.2%之间,平均变异系数为56.16%,长73-4变异系数最大,日5×兴12的变异系数最小。6生年保存率处理间变异系数在45.78%-63.63%之间,平均变异系数为54.83%,变异系数最大的是长73-4,变异系数最小的是日3×石51。6年生净光合速率处理间变异系数在3.1%-10.7%之间,平均变异系数为5.43%,遗传变异较小;蒸腾速率家系间变异系数在29.6%-53.9%之间,平均变异系数为41.87%,日11×兴2的变异系数最大,日3×石51的变异系数最小;气孔导度家系间变异系数在30.8%-85.2%之间,平均变异系数为38.5%,兴7×日77-2的变异系数最大,日5×兴12的变异系数最小。2 2年生苗高和6年生树高家系生长表现出极显著正相关,相关系数为0.796。6年生净光合速与树高、胸径率极显著正相关,相关系数是0.588和0.688,有助于间接选择。净光合速率与蒸腾速率、气孔导度都表现正相关,与气孔导度相关性高,与蒸腾速率相关性低。3 2年生苗高每个地点处理间均差异极显著;6年生树高草河口、错海、富锦、林口、铁力处理间差异极显著,胸径错海、富锦、吉林、林口处理间差异极显著。根据6年生树高选出一批适合当地环境条件的优良家系:草河口,日5×长77-3、日5×兴9,树高遗传力为86.35%,遗传增益为62.79%。北安,兴9×日76-2、兴5×兴9,树高遗传力为39.02%,遗传增益为42.21%。错海,日12×兴9、兴6×和6,树高遗传力为75.66%,遗传增益为36.71%。富锦,日5×长78-3、日5×兴12、日5×兴9、兴7×日77-2,树高遗传力为81.07%,遗传增益为37.66%。吉林,日5×长78-3、日3×石51,树高遗传力为39.69%,遗传增益为27.37%。林口,日5×兴9、兴7×日77-2,树高遗传力为88.94%,遗传增益为62.26%。尚志,日5×长78-3、日3×兴9、兴9×日76-2,树高遗传力为11.66%,遗传增益为19.92%。铁力,日5×兴9,树高遗传力为54.41%,遗传增益为31.63%。4幼龄期家系平均保存率为40.19%,保存率较好高的家系是日3×石51、日5×长77-3、兴7×日77-2、日5×兴9、兴5×兴9,平均保存率为43.82%;保存率较好的家系分别超出白刀山种源、小北湖种源、乌伊岭种源的10.1%、17.29%、27.76%。5苗期稳定性分析结果表明,兴9×日76-2、兴5×兴9、日11×兴2和日5×长78-3属于高产稳产家系,4个家系的均值分别超出白刀山种源、小北湖种源的31.24%、27.36%。日5×长77-3、兴12×兴2、日5×兴9、日3×兴9属于高产不稳产家系。AMMI模型并结合George模型适合评价苗期处理的稳定性。幼龄期稳定性分析结果表明,日5×兴9、日5×长78-3和兴10×日13属于高产稳产家系,3个处理的均值分别超出白刀山种源、小北湖种源、乌伊岭种源的32.75%、25.93%、23.29%。日5×长77-3和兴7×日77-2属于高产不稳产家系。秩次分析法并结合Shukla模型适合评价处理的稳定性。

【Abstract】 The regional test of twenty-one treatments on hybrid larch was conducted at eight sites in Caohekou, Jilin, Shangzhi, Cuohai, Linkou,Fujin,Tieli and Beian,in this study takes 13 treatments of seeding at 7 sites and 21 treatments of juvenile at 8 sites as the experiment material, using the principle of genotype and environment interaction, using Eberhart & Russell, the George C. C. Tai,the additive main-effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI), Shukla and Rank analysis method to analysis stability of growth traits and the growth,survival rate,genetic variation and photosynthetic traits, It can be a true reflection of genetic variation, growth performance in various locations, adaptability and stability, the relationship between physiological traits and growth traits, selection good families.The conclusion had a certain instruction:breeding good families of Hybrid Larch, the promotion at a large area.Themainfindingsareasfollows:1 There was larger variation in most traits of within treatments and treatment in seeding and juvenile age.the coefficients of variation of two-year old seeding height within treatments were 22.8%~32.3%, the average coefficient of variation was 27.85%.the greatest coefficients of variation was Larix. gmelinii12×L. gmelinii2, the smallest coefficients of variation was L. gmelinii5×L. gmelinii9.Juvenile age,the coefficients of variation of six-year old tree height within treatments were 31.9%~43.4%, the average coefficient of variation was 36.64%.the greatest coefficients of variation was L.kaempferi3×L. gmelinii9, the smallest coefficients of variation was L. gmelinii7×L.kaempferi77-2; the coefficients of variation of six-year old diameter at breast height (DBH) within treatments were 50.1%~71.2%, the average coefficient of variation was 56.16%.the greatest coefficients of variation was L.olgensis 73-4, the smallest coefficients of variation was L.kaempferi5×L. gmelinii12.the coefficients of variation of six-year old survival rate within treatments were 45.78%~68.63%,the average coefficient of variation was 54.83%, the greatest coefficients of variation was L.olgensis 73-4, the smallest coefficients of variation was L.kaempferi3×shi51. the coefficients of variation six-year old of net photosynthetic(Pn) within treatments were 3.1%~10.7%, the average coefficient of variation was 5.4%. genetic variation was less; the coefficients of variation of transpiration rate(Tr)within treatments were 29.6%~53.9%,the average coefficient of variation was 41.87%, the greatest coefficients of variation was L.kaempferi11×L. gmelinii2, the smallest coefficient of variation was L.kaempferi3×shi51.the coefficients of variation of stomatal conductance(Gs)within treatments were 30.8%~85.2%, the average coefficient of variation was 38.5%, the greatest coefficients of variation was L. gmelinii7×L.kaempferi77-2, the smallest coefficients of variation was L.kaempferi5×L. gmelinii12. 2There was a very significant positive correlation between two-year old seeding height and six-year old tree height(r=0.796), between six-year old Pn and tree height,DBH(r=0.588,r=0.688). Pn and Tr,Gs were positively correlated,high correlation with Gs,low correlation with Tr.3 The differents of treatments in two-year old seeding height were extremely significant at each locations. The differents of treatments in six-year old tree height were extremely significant at Caohekou,Cuohai,Fujin,Likou,Tieli. the excellent families which were suited for environment were selected according to tree height.L.kaempferi5xL.gmelinii9,L.kaempferi5×L.olgensis77-3 in Caohekou, heritability of tree height was 86.35%, genetic gain was 62.79%. L.gmelinii9×L.kaempferi76-2,L.gmelinii5xL.gmelinii9 in Beian, heritability of tree height was 39.02%, genetic gain was 42.21%. L.kaempferil2×L.gmelinii9,L.gmelinii6xhe6in Cuohai, heritability of tree height was 75.66%, genetic gain was 36.71%. L.kaempferi5xL.olgensis78-3,L.kaempferi5×L.gmeliniil2,L.kaempferi5×L.gmelinii9,L.gmelinii7xL.olgensis77-2 in Fujin, heritability of tree height was 81.07%, genetic gain was 37.66%. L.kaempferi5xL.olgensis 78-3,L.kaempferi3×shi51 in Jilin, heritability of tree height was 39.69%, genetic gain was 27.37%. L.kaempferi5xL.gmelini9, L.gmelinii7xL.olgensis77-2 in Linkou, heritability of tree height was 88.94%, genetic gain was 62.26%. L.kaempferi5xL.olgensis78-3L.kaempferi3xL.gmelinii9,L.gmelinii9xL.kaempferi76-2 in Shangzhi, heritability of tree height was 11.66%, genetic gain was 19.92%. L.kaempferi5xL.gmelinii9 in Tieli, heritability of tree height was 54.41%, genetic gain was 31.63%.4The average survival rate of the families was 40.19%, the better preservatly families were L.kaempferi3×shi51,L.kaempferi5xL.olgensis77-3,L.gmelinii7xL.olgensis77-2,L.kaempferi5xL. gmelinii9,L. gmelinii 5xL. gmelinii9, The average survival rate was43.82%, the families which survival rate was good exceeded Bai daoshan provenance,Xiao beihu provenance,Wu yiling provenance in 10.1%,17.29%,27.76%.5The analysis of seeding stability showed that L. gmelinii9×L.kaempferi76-2,L. gmelinii 5×L. gmelinii9,L.kaempferill×L. gmelinii2, L.kaempferi5×L.olgensis78-3 were the families of good growth and high stability, The average seedling height of four treatments exceeded Bai daoshan provenance,Xiao beihu provenance in 31.24%,27.36%, L.kaempferi5×L.olgensis77-3,L. gmelinii 12×L. gmelinii2,L.kaempferi5×L. gmelinii9,L.kaempferi3×L. gmelinii9 grew well in some areas. AMMI model and the George model were suitable for evaluating stability. The analysis of juvenile stability showed thatL.kaempferi5×L gmelinii9,L.kaempferi5×L.olgensis78-3,L. gmepo0-linii10×L.kaempferil3 were the families of good growth and high stability, The average height of four treatments exceeded Bai daoshan provenance,Xiao beihu provenance,Wu yiling provenance in 32.75%,25.93%,23.29%. L. gmelinii 7×L. L.olgensis77-2,L.kaempferi5×L.olgensis77-3 grew well in some areas. Ranking analysis and Shukla model model were suitable for evaluating stability.
