

Diet Composition of Quasi-wild Elaphurus Davidianus in Milupark of Beijing

【作者】 王轶

【导师】 王文;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2010年1月-2010年12月在北京南海子麋鹿苑,将收集的240组粪样8个复合样本和11科19种(属)植物标本进行分析,主要研究方法为,以样方法调查麇鹿采食区域各种植物的丰富度,以粪便显微组织学分析法鉴别糜鹿的食物种类,以概略养分分析法测定其主要食源植物的营养成分,研究结果如下:(1)春季,麇鹿主要采食紫花苜蓿(4.03%)、狗尾草(11.87%)、野苋菜(9.51%)、黑麦草(8.13%);夏季,紫花苜蓿(27.61%)、狗尾草(15.45%)、禾本类其它植物(11.82%)、野苋菜(8.07%);秋季,紫花苜蓿(22.57%)、蒿(12.55%)、狗尾草(11.26%)、黑麦草(11.17%);冬季,紫花苜蓿(17.16%)、狗尾草(14.48%)、蒿(13.63%)、野苋菜(13.19%)。(2)主要食源植物营养成分的测定结果表明,H20含量较高的植物依次是:紫花苜蓿(11.68%)、酢浆草(11.43%)、狗尾草(11.35%)、匍匐剪股颖(11.35%);Ca含量较高的植物依次是:泥胡菜(34.00%)、灰菜(6.15%)、狗尾草(4.28%)、匍匐剪股颖(4.23%);P含量较高的植物依次是:二月兰(1.74%)、灰菜(1.68%)、酸浆(1.63%)、茜草(1.60%);CP含量较高的植物依次是:山莴苣(29.49%)、酢浆草(28.93%)、蔊菜(25.58%)、二月兰(25.13%);NDF值较高的植物依次是:匍匐剪股颖(48.23%)、马齿苋(43.88%)、独行菜(39.43%)、蔊菜(39.14%);ADF值较高的植物依次是:狗尾草(66.53%)、马唐草(66.44%)、灰菜(54.90%)、蒿(47.09%)。(3)食性选择分析表明,麇鹿于各季节具一定的食物选择倾向,但食性选择性不是很强。分析表明,麋鹿采食主要受植物相对丰富度及营养成分的影响。

【Abstract】 The main methods are as follows,The field sample method is adopted to investigate relative aboundance of plants,food composition is determined by microhistological analysis from fecal samples,microscopic analysis is used to identify the food plants,the nutrient contents of main plant species grazed by Elaphurus davidianus were measeured by feed proximate analysis,The correlation and principal component analysis is used to discuss the foraging strategy of Elaphurus davidianus from January 2010 to December 2010 in milupark of Beijing,meanwhile,Try to apply the food preference evaluation to analyze the correlative factor of food preference of Elaphurus davidianus.The results are listed below.(1)Based on 8 piles of faeces and 19 categories of plantspecimen collected from milupark. We found that diet of Elaphurus davidianus belonged to 11 families and 19 species in the whole year. The results revealed that Medicago sativa, Setaria, Amaranthus viridis, Lolium perenne were staples of the Elaphurus davidianus in spring. The percentages of the above items in the diet were 4.03%,11.87%,9.51%,8.13% respectively. Medicago sativa., Setaria, others, Amaranthus viridis were staples of the Elaphurus davidianus in summer. The percentages of the above items in the diet were 27.61%,15.45%,11.82%,8.07% respectively. Medicago sativa, Artemisia spp.,Setaria, Lolium perenne were staples of the Elaphurus davidianus in autumn The percentages of the above items in the diet were 22.57%,12.55%,11.26%,11.17% respectively. Medicago sativa, Setaria, Artemisia spp., Amaranthus viridis L.were staples of the Elaphurus davidianus in winnter. The percentages of the above items in the diet were 17.16%,14.48%,13.63%,13.19% respectively.(2)The results of nutriellt contents showed that Medicago sativa, Oxalis corniculata, Setaria andAgrostis stolonifera have high water content of main plants during the year. The percentages of the above items are11.68%,11.43%,11.35%,11.35%. Hemisteptalyrata, Chenopodium album, Setaria, Agrostis stolonifera have tall contains calcic amount of main plants during the year.The percentages of the above items are34.00%,6.15%,4.28%, 4.23%.Orychophragmus violaceus, Chenopodium album, Physalis alkekengi andRubia cordifolia have high phosphorus content of main plants during the year.The percentages of the above items are 1.74%,1.68%,1.63%,1.60%.Lactuca indica, Oxalis corniculata, Brassicaceae and Orychophragmus violaceus have high Calorific Power of main plants during the year.The percentages of the above items are 29.49%,28.93%,25.58%,25.13%.Agrostis stolonifera, Portulaca,Lepidium apetalum and Brassicaceae have high NDF of main plants during the year.The percentages of the above items are 48.23%,43.88%,39.43%,39.14%.Setaria, Digitaria, Chenopodium album and Artemisia spp. have high ADF of main plants during the year.The percentages of the above items are 66.53%,66.44%,54.90%,47.09%。(3)Resuits from food Preference index indicate that Elaphurus davidianus has distinct food Preference to certain extent. The analysis showed that the relative aboundance and the nutrition constituent are the most important factors determining the feeding of Elaphurus davidianus
