

Design of a Testing Platform Based on Heat Transfer Property of Pelage and Its Implementation

【作者】 郑雷

【导师】 张伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 动物学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 体被作为动物体与外界环境进行热量传递的重要有机部分之一,对动物体的散热—保温平衡调节具有重要作用,其结构和功能的多样性在动物适应复杂环境过程中不可或缺。体被热物性参数是探索哺乳动物体被保温、适应、进化机制以及毛皮加工工艺等的基本数据,然而从国内相关文献的报道情况看,有关研究似乎并没有被纳入到相关研究的主流中,或未能引起相关学者的足够关注。基于此,进行体被热物性参数基础研究、积累测试经验和相关数据对相应设备的开发和应用意义深远。体被是特殊的生物传热材料,在借鉴国外相关研究方法和技术的基础上,与哈尔滨工业大学合作构建了动物体被稳态过程热物性参数测试平台。采集分布于小兴安岭通河林区黄鼬东北亚种(Mustela sibirica manchurica Brass)夏季与冬季的雌性、雄性成体各10张毛皮,共计40张毛皮为研究对象。对体被传热样本的制备方法、测试方法进行探索,初步确立了7项试验操作方法。在夏季与冬季体被传热系数测试中,黄鼬东北亚种夏季与冬季体被的传热系数存在极显著差异(P<0.01),且夏季体被传热系数高于冬季体被。为探索人为改变毛向与体被层厚度对传热系数测定产生的影响,以不同摆放方式实现样本毛向变化,通过25 kg重物压体被样本,实现体被层厚度的改变。测试结果显示:无风条件下,摆放方式对传热系数测定不产生显著影响(P>0.05),压扁体被对传热系数测定产生显著影响(P<0.05)。低风速条件下,摆放方式和压扁与否对传热系数测定产生影响,摆放方式对未压扁冬季体被和压扁夏季体被的测试影响显著(P<0.05);压扁与否对所有传热系数测定组别皆产生显著影响(all P<0.05),且对夏季体被测试产生的影响较冬季显著。所有人为组合处理条件下的传热系数测定试验中,压扁与否对体被传热系数测定的影响较摆放方显著。在体被样本冷、热面温度和热流密度三项物理量测定方面,相同热源温度条件下,压扁与否较摆放方式对无风条件下体被样本的冷、热面温度和热流密度的测定影响显著;压扁与否较摆放方式对低风速条件下体被样本的冷、热面温度和热流密度的测定影响显著;低风速和无风条件下,夏季体被样本的冷、热面温度和热流密度的测定值高于冬季体被样本。同一季节组别中,5个体被样本的传热系数测定值存在组内差异。为探索产生差异的原因,对测试中处于稳态换热状态下体被样本的含水率和体被厚度进行测定和比较。相关关系分析显示:传热系数测定值与样本含水率和体被厚度呈负相关关系。体被厚度增加将导致体被样本含水率上升,但上升幅度较体被厚度百分比小。体被厚度增加的保温效果较含水率升高所导致的蒸发冷却效果显著,造成传热系数测定值组内差异的主要因素是各体被样本间的体被厚度差异。将夏季与冬季体被传热系数测定结果与前人关于黄鼬东北亚种夏季与冬季毛的形态学研究相结合发现:皮板厚度对体被保温性能产生的影响较被毛小。毛的长度、细度、密度、髓质指数、无髓段比例、鳞片类型以及各鳞片类型在毛干上的分布比例与体被保温性能密切相关。利用SPSS17.0统计软件,对夏季与冬季和全部认为组合处理中体被传热系数的测定数据分别进行独立样本t检验与配对样本t检验。检验结果显示:该平台在动物体被季节、毛向和体被层厚度差异研究的应用中具有可行性。最后,就该平台的使用方法,对易于引起测定误差的两个注意事项,指出正确操作方法。针对现阶段取得的研究成果,提出该平台的局限性以及有待于拓展的功能。本研究积累了一定的体被传热系数测定经验和具有参考价值的资料,这些研究成果将为今后相关研究提供基础数据和有益参考。

【Abstract】 As one of the important part of the heat transfer between mammal body and environment, pelage has significant in mammals energy balance. The variety of its structure and function are important for animal adapt to the complex environment. The heat transfer property is a base date for explore the mechanism of insulation, ecological adaptation, evolutionism and the processing technique of pelage. In the domestic, there is not a complete research model for the heat transfer of pelage quantitative study. For the reason, carry on the systematic quantitative study of heat transfer property of pelage, accumulate test experience and data is significant for the corresponding equipment research, development and application. Pelage is a specific biological heat transfer materials. This study draws on the methods and techniques from foreign. In cooperation with the Harbin Institute of Technology, we design a test platform for of thermothysical parameters for integument during steady process. We take samples of summer and winter 10 female and male siberian weasel integuments (Mustela sibirica manchurica Brass) respectively, and investigated the methods of sample preparation and test. In the test of summer and winter pelage, there is significant difference between summer integument and winter integument in heat transfer properyt, and the insulation of summer integument is lower than winters significantly.In order to explore the influencing of hair direction and thickness of fur layer deal with experimenter artificially, we place test sample in different ways to achieve change in hair direction and squash the integument sample by 25 kg weight to achieve the thickness change of the fur layer. The results show:in no wind conditions, laying mode does not produce significant effects to the test, squashed treatment have a significant impact to the test, in low wind speed conditions, laying mode and squashed treatment are both factors; squashed treatment produce a greater impact than laying mode. Furthermore, laying mode produces impact to the winter non-squashed and summer squashed integument significantly. Squashed treatment produces impact both in summer and winter integument, especially to the summer integument. In all conditions, squashed treatment produces a greater impact than laying mode.With the same heatsource, in no wind condition:squashed streatment effect the measuremen of hot, cold surface temperature and heat flux significant than laying mode; squashed treatment and laying mode both effect the mentsurement of hot、cold surface temperature and heat flux tested value in low wind speed condition, and squashed treatment produces a greater affect than laying mode.It was found, the heat transfer coefficient of pelage in the same season groups are differences. In order to explore which reason cause discrepancy in same grope, compared the water ratio and thickness of each sample in same group. The results show:the heat transfer coefficient is negative correlated with water ratio and thickness. The hoist of thickness of integument can raise the water ratio of integument, bur water ratio is not the real factor, the thickness change of integument has higher influence than evaporative cooling. In contrast to water ratio, thickness change in fur layer is one of the main factors to cause discrepancy in same grope.To link with our study with the researches on the morphology of summer and winter integument previously, it suggests:compared to the hair, thickness of fur has less impact on insulation of integument. On the other hand, the length, diameter, density, medulla diameter, absent medulla proportion, scale type, the number of scale of unit length and proportion of each scale type of hair have significant influence to the insulation of integument.SPSS statistic software is applied to analyze the test date. It suggest that the test platform has feasibility on the study of compared the discrepancy of insulation quantitatively in season, hair direction and thickness of integument. Finally, concerning the operation easy to cause the error of measurement, we propose the general testing practices. In connection with the result of this study, we propose the limitations of platform and the function to be expanded. This study has accumulated certain amount of operational experience and reference information of thermal parameters of test. The results of this study will provide the basic data and useful reference for future study.
