

Wind Turbine Power Performance Test and Study

【作者】 李倩倩

【导师】 王存;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于世界范围内的能源紧张以及人们对生存环境的日益关注,风能作为一种清洁可再生能源越来越受到关注,同时我国出台了一系列相关政策大力支持风电产业的发展。中国的风电装机容量增长迅猛,导致其他一些与风电配套的措施暂时滞后。其中,国内缺乏风电机组功率特性检测的相关技术服务就是一个重要方面。风电机组的功率特性是风电机组最重要的系统特性之一,是衡量整台机组经济技术水平的最佳指标。本文在认识风电机组的结构及工作运行原理等基础上,介绍了机组功率特性测试的相关理论知识。通过研究分析IEC标准中使用的功率特性测试方法,提出利用风电机组的机舱尾部风速计进行测风,并提出两种风速修正方法:1.根据能量守恒修正风速;2.根据Cp曲线及采集的风轮转速数据修正风速。研究影响风电机组功率曲线的因素,对采集到的数据进行筛选、处理及折算,从而能够得到每一台风电机组的功率曲线。然后,在VC开发环境下编程,实现数据处理,得到修正后的风速数据并绘制出风电机组的功率曲线。

【Abstract】 Wind energy is becoming increasingly popular renewable energy because of the worldwide energy crisis and people’s awareness of environment. Meanwhile, Chinese government has issued a series of policies designed to support wind power industry development. Chinese growth in wind power capacity has been dramatic. But, its related supporting measures lag behind temporarily. One of those is lack of power performance testing for wind turbines.The power performance is the most important factor in assessing the performance of a wind turbine and is the key index to evaluate the technical economy of a wind turbine. Based on the understanding of the wind turbine’s structure and working principle, this paper introduces the knowledge of the wind turbine power performance testing.The principle of power performance measurement standards has been studied that based on IEC. Then, a method is put forward that uses an anemometer located at the end of an aft cabin. And this paper proposes two methods for wind speed correction. First, wind speed can be corrected according to the law of conservation of energy. Secondly, wind speed can be corrected according to the Cp curve and the rotor-speed data of a wind wheel. This paper discusses the factors which affect the power performance of a wind turbine, and discusses methods of processing collected data. Based on the VC programming environment this paper is accomplished by C++ language. Then, this paper obtains the correct wind speed data and draws a wind turbine power curve.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期