

【作者】 徐琦

【导师】 杨争光;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 青春电影是一种亚类型电影。日本和韩国的青春电影在上世纪九十年代得到快速的发展并且迅速占领亚洲电影市场。进入新千年后,在台湾电影整体颓废的状态下,台湾青春电影屡屡突破台湾电影市场环境低迷的制约,成为台湾电影低迷状态下的一道曙光。台湾青春电影的雏形建立在上世纪八十年代的台湾电影新浪潮的成长经验类型电影之上,随着新浪潮和新新浪潮的退出舞台,青春电影一度未见作品。直到新世纪伊始,新生代导演易智言拍摄了电影《蓝色大门》,这部被评为最感动台湾的电影,以其清新恬淡的视觉享受和青春十足的故事质感,一经公映便掀起热潮。同年张作骥拍摄的《美丽时光》,以其新鲜敏锐的视角,将荣民二代的复杂生活摊在阳光下,其中对于当时社会的批判态度引起广泛争议。2003年起,林育贤、周美玲、陈正道等一批“七年级生”导演跃上舞台。这些被称为新新导演的新锐导演们,具有独立的创作意识和强烈的个人风格,融合多元的背景环境,以独特而创新的视角不断发现不断探索,在大片冲击和国片不振的夹击下形成一道亮丽的景色。学术界目前对台湾青春电影的整体研究处于相对空白的状态,少量研究结果只立足于对个案的分析,整体类型化的分析仍旧欠缺。本文重点着手于以类型化的研究方式对新千年以来的台湾青春电影进行系统的论述。全文除绪论和结论之外主要分为五个部分。绪论部分将对台湾青春电影的发展进行概述,同时对本课题的研究背景和方法进行综述,并概述本选题的内容。第一章,具体落实到从社会、体制、创作三个背景原因来探讨分析台湾青春电影的兴盛;第二章以电影的主题和题材内容为分类依据,从同性题材、社会意义、身份认同三种类型着手,论述台湾青春电影的主题类型化策略,并且对每一样式进行详细的分析:第三章从电影的人物形象和叙事视角两大方面入手,对台湾青春电影的叙事做类型化分析,并对每个方面的具体内容进行阐释;第四章从时空意境的营造、对自然环境的充分利用和音乐三个方面,对台湾青春电影的影像语言类型化进行相关论述;第五章立足于台湾电影的发展现状,阐述台湾青春电影目前的发展状况,指出台湾电影现阶段发展面临的问题,结合青春电影的特色,简要分析台湾电影实现自我救赎的可能性。结语部分综合本课题的研究,对全文内容进行概括性的总结阐述。对新千年以来的台湾青春电影的整体性分析研究,是笔者对发展中的台湾青春电影持续关注的研究成果汇报。关于台湾电影和台湾青春电影的研究还有很长的路要走,笔者会持续对于此研究课题不断的关注,并给予更多突破的期待。

【Abstract】 Youth movie is a kind of the genre movie. Japanese and south Korean youth movie in the 1990s to get fast development and Asian film market rapidly occupation. After entering the new millennium in Taiwan, movies under the condition of the whole decadent, Taiwan youth movie often break Taiwan film market environment, become Taiwan constraints of the downturn in the movie recession jungle.Taiwanese youth movie based on the prototype of the eighties of last century the growth of Taiwan’s New Wave type of film on the experience. With new wave and new wave of exit stage, youth film was no work. Until the new century, new generation of film directors Yi Zhiyan made the film "Blue Gate" which was rated as the most moving film in Taiwan. With its fresh and tranquil and full of visual enjoyment and the story of youthful texture, it set off a wave upon release. Chang shot the same year, "beautiful days ", with its fresh and keen perspective, the complexity of the second generation of veterans shared life in the sun, which for the critical attitude of society at that time caused widespread controversy.2005, to Lin Yuxian, Zhou Meiling, Chen Ching and a number of "in seventh grade, " leapt to the stage director. These are known as the new director of new cutting-edge directors and have the creation of an independent and strong sense of personal style, blending diverse background environment, unique and innovative perspective to continue to continue to explore that in a large impact and attack of sluggish domestic films The formation of a beautiful view.Academic community in Taiwan is currently the overall youth of the film in a relatively blank slate, only a small amount of research results based on the analysis of the case, the overall type of analys is is still lacking.This article focuses on a systematic discussion of the Taiwan film since the new millennium with the typed research methods. In addition to introduction and conclusions beyond the text is divided into five parts. The introduction part is about an overview of the development of Taiwan’s youth film, while the background of this issue and methods are reviewed, and an overview of the topic content.The first chapter, the concrete implementation of the social, institutional, creation of the three backgrounds to discuss the rise of Taiwanese youth film; second chapter to the film’s themes and subject matter into classification basis, from the gay subject matter, social significance, the three identity Type set, discusses the theme of the film the types of Taiwanese youth strategy, and on a detailed analysis of each style; third chapter of the characters from the film and the narrative perspective of the two-pronged approach to the narrative of Taiwan’s youth to do the type of film analysis and term of the specific content of each interpretation;Ⅳfrom a creation of mood of time and space, the full utilization of the natural environment and music three aspects, discourse the image of Taiwan’s youth film language type of the associated; based on the Taiwan Chapter Development of the film, describes the development of Taiwan’s current situation of youth film and pointing out that Taiwan’s current stage of development problems facing the film, combine the characteristics of youth film, analysis Taiwan’s film the possibility of self-salvation in brief. Conclusion part of the comprehensive study of this subject.full content of the general summary of elaboration.The analysis of the integrity of Taiwanese youth movie since the new millennium is the author of the development of its’research report continuing concern. The research about Taiwan Film and on the Taiwan Film of youth is still a long way to go,1 will continue to research for this constant attention and give more breakthrough expectations.
