

【作者】 李成

【导师】 曹玮;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 考古学与博物馆学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 葬用独辀马车是先秦时期贵族身份的代表。由于文化、用途不同,马车有不同的工艺装饰,墓葬中的马车和鼎簋一样,具有标志贵族身份等级的作用。目前经考古发掘的东周车马坑已超过150座,车舆形态基本完整的有100多辆。这些车马坑或墓葬中的马车类型是当时丧葬礼制的重要体现,也在一定程度上代表了东周时期的生活用车。已经发现的东周马车分布广泛,从各国马车形态总体来看,相同成分较多,而差异也是存在的。先秦马车研究涉及的范围已经很广,学术界从不同角度的研究有车制的研究、车马器饰的类型学分析和分期断代、车马埋葬(殉葬)制度、车马祭祀,车马赙赠、马车与战争、马车的起源问题、与古文献、古文字结合的相关研究等。作为物质形态的研究和宏观的车制研究都在逐步深入。本文试图整理东周时期出土的车马资料,在文献学基础上对其进行分型,进而作分期、分区以及马车器用制度研究。归根到底,马车不同于一般礼器,它是一个综合了多种复杂因素的生活用器,因而在讨论墓葬中的马车时,尽可能从复原其使用时的原貌出发。第一部分,综述东周马车的发现情况,对从文献和从考古角度出发的马车类型研究现状进行了评析;说明本文的研究意义、目的、研究方法和研究对象。第二部分,对传世文献中所见马车种类进行梳理。第一节,梳理了历史文献记载的马车类别、定名、与马车相关的礼仪、马车使用、马车制造、马车形制、马车的发明情况。第二节,对文献中马车类别的划分标准进行了讨论,文献中对现实生活中用车的情景描述较多,对丧葬用车的形制、车类较少涉及,本文使用相关资料时与葬用马车进行了区分。第三部分,关于出土文献所表现的马车类别。第一节,对金文中的车马器、金车、驹车进行讨论;第二节,梳理竹简、秦石鼓文中马车类别;第三节,认识东周时期铜器、岩画、漆器上的马车形象,古文字以及图象材料对于我们认识或更真实地理解商周时期的用车有着重要启发。第四部分,综合多种因素对东周马车进行类型学分析,并在此基础上分期。探讨各期马车的特征。东周马车可以分为三期。第一期:春秋早、中期第二期:春秋晚期到战国早期第三期:战国中、晚期与西周相比,东周时期的战车用途更加细化,有小型战车,重型战车和指挥车,这三者有车舆大小和车上设置的不同;安车是乘车的一种,在东周时期一直都有,春秋晚期到战国早期,安车装饰更加豪华,到了战国晚期,安车设计的更为舒适。第五部分,将东周墓葬中的马车分为三晋两周地区、关陇秦文化区、长江中游楚文化区马车进行车型上的分析。三晋两周马车车型保守,形制一致,车舆面积统一。早期秦文化马车以继承两周车型为主,在战国晚期,车型有比较大的突破,在马车形制和车舆形态上都创东周各国车型之最。楚文化马车在其发展中,兼收并蓄,较多考虑专车专用和乘车的舒适。第六部分,对东周墓葬中的马车分实用车和明器车进行器用制度的分析:功用相同的实用马车有车舆大小、等级之分;在高级贵族社会活动的正式场合,车型一般比较固定,而生活用车,车舆形状多样;同一墓葬中往往将不同功用马车有序放置;女性墓葬也有马车随葬,马车尺寸稍小;马车明器化是东周马车随葬的特征之一,其始于车马器的明器化,到真实马车的缩小版,再发展到陶、泥质、铜质马车模型对真车的替代。文章在对文献和前人研究的基础上,通过对东周时期葬用马车车舆形状、大小、马车形制的分析,对墓葬中的马车性质有了一定的认识,对马车的发展阶段有了划分,同时分析了不同区域的马车特点。对马车的器用制度进行了初步的研究。

【Abstract】 Burialing with chariots is the representative of noble identity during pre-Qin Dynasty. Because of the difference culture and uses, chariots may be with complex producing process. It is a sigh of rank in the burials as the same as the ritual of Ding Gui. At present chariot pits of Eastern Zhou have been over 150, among which there are at least 100 carriages are relatively well preserved and with good shape during Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Variety carriages used in burials or chariot pits were an important manifestation of etiquette, and to some extent, they are symbols of chariots which are used in people’s daily life during Eastern Zhou period. Carriages exist almost everywhere in Eastern Zhou field. Seen from the condition of carriages in various states, they are similar in many aspects, still strong differences can be found.There is a wide research on Carriages of pre-Qin and in academic field, researches have been carried out from different perspectives, such as the their quantity, classification and stage of their bronze decorations, carriage burial (sacrificial) system, carriage as gifts placed in noble’s burial, carriage and war, the origin of the carriage, and the combination of ancient literature and characters research. Research on the physical state and the macro system of the carriages are gradually deepened. Based on those well-preserved carriages of Eastern Zhou, through the reviewing of the literature, this paper tries to research on the staging, placing and burial system of them. After all, carriages are different from other ritual objets and they are combinations of various factors. As a result, when discussing carriages used in burial, they should be traced back to the time they were used.The first part of the paper, which gives a general review of carriages in Eastern Zhou Dynasty and also an evaluation of researches made from the literature and archaeological perspectives. Finally, the importance, the purpose, researching methods and objects of this paper are given in this part.The second part mainly focuses on the research on the classification of carriages of Eastern Zhou. In the first section, attention is mainly paid to the classification, nomination and rituals about carriages, use, production, shape and the invention of carriages. And in the following section, the standard for the classification of carriages in literature are discussed. It was founded most attention were given to the description of carriages used in daily life in those literature. While, there was a clear lack of the condition of those burial carriages, and only some kinds are included. There is difference between carriage used in daily and burial.The third part is about the classification of carriages in literature of excavation. The first part discusses the brone used in carriages, "jin che" and "ju che"those characters casting on brones. And the second part describes the classifications of carriages which were written in bamboo and Shek Kwu. The third part is the image of carriages in Eastern-Zhou. Those ancient characters and pictures are of great importance to the research and understanding of Carriages used in late Shang and Western Zhou period.Based on various standards analyzed above, in the fourth part, a typology analysis of carriage is made and furthermore different periods are classified, with searching of features of them in different periods. Altogether, three phases are divided during Eastern-Zhou by carriage developing, with the first period the early and middle part of Spring and Autumn Period. The second period from late Spring and Autumn Period to early Warring States. And the third period is middle and late part of Warring States.Compared with chariots used in war of Western Zhou, chariot of the Eastern Zhou is more refined, with small tanks, heavy tanks and command vehicle. There are differences in both size and settings. "An Che" is quite often used in Eastern Zhou period. During late Spring and Autumn Period and early Warring States period, "An Che" is more luxuriously decorated. It is designed more comfortable in late Warring States period.In the fifth part, carriages used in tombs of Eastern Zhou are divided into the Central Plains region, Qin culture, Chu culture carriages and their shapes are analyzed. Kinds of Central Plains carriage are conservative and with almost the same shape and uniform size. Early Qin culture carriages mainly inherit the shape of carriages in Western Zhou and have a great breakthrough in the late Warring States, which become models of Eastern Zhou. Chu culture carriages focus more on the usefulness and comfort in its development.In the sixth part of the paper, carriages as funerary of the Eastern Zhou tombs can be analyzed from two system, the carriages used in daily life and those made by metals used for decoration. Carriages used for same purpose are different in grade. In the senior aristocracy, formal situations of social activities, the style of carriages are relatively fixed. However, the size and shape of daily used carriages are quite different. In noble’s burials, carriages often be placed put of different functions in order. And there are also carriages in female’s tombs though they are of smaller size. Carriages made by metals are a feature of Eastern Zhou in burial. From the metal carriages to the miniature of real carriages, and from them to the pottery, clay model of the real carBased on the review of carriages in literature and previous studies, we analysis the shape, size and standard of carriages used in burial in Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and a new understanding of the nature of those carriages are clearly formed in reader’s mind. There also a division of phases during the development of carriages, and meanwhile features of them in different regions are discussed. The focus of this research is carriages as the funerary system and a conclusion at the end of this paper.
