

【作者】 姚倩

【导师】 李西建;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 作为研究现代性不可规避的一个关键词,意识形态几乎出现在每一本关于现代性研究的学术专著中。事实上,意识形态本身并不提供关于真理的知识,毋宁说,它更多的是向我们展露出一种关于现实的“症状”,这种症状暗示着知识本身与一种外在价值的隐性关系。正是基于这样的意义之上,伊格尔顿的《审美意识形态》才显示出它的精深之处。在他看来,整个美学史作为“意识形态”的一种“症状”,隐含地表达着唯物主义与唯心主义之间的角力,而这种争夺知识话语权的角逐背后隐藏的正是那种被称为实践的意识形态的东西,这种东西必须找到它最为稳固的位置,而这一位置就在于对“身体”的利用和盘剥上面。没有对这一点的深刻洞察,我们就无法理解马克思主义理论话语的革命性力量对现实施加有效的影响的合理路径,而这一点为我们更为清醒地认识整个后现代理论界的混乱状况有着重要的指导意义。论文分为四个章节。第一章是绪论,集中对《审美意识形态》的国内研究现状做一个初步的归纳,国内关于审美意识形态的讨论多是以“意识形态”为核心而缺乏对“身体”的关注,但实际上,意识形态功能的有效发挥正是依托于“身体”而完成的。第二章和第三章是论文的核心部分。第二章深入到文本内部厘清美学、身体以及意识形态三者之间的隐秘关系,并在这一关系的基础之上挖掘出文本留给我们的宝贵遗产——回到马克思,它不光要求我们正视马克思主义理论的革命性,也要求我们重拾这一革命的利器,对后现代纷繁复杂的理论概念作出合理而有效的区分。事实上,伊格尔顿并非在纯粹知识学立场上对美学文本进行分析,而是把美学知识形态上的演变作为文本来分析意识形态的生产问题。在他看来,整个西方现代美学史是一部意识形态话语史和政治话语史,一方面,我们注意到,美学是唯心主义与唯物主义开拓的新的战场,书写着他们之间力量此消彼长的张力,这种张力更多的体现在美学对身体的借用所遇到的难题上。而这难题——那种形式与内容的深度分裂可以作为一种“症状”,暴露出资产阶级意识形态所遇到的根本的困境——那种感性的、个体的、直接性的个体与抽象的、非自由的、寓言的、伦理的个体之间难以弥合的分裂。因而,可以说意识形态在审美领域的生产与中产阶级夺取政治领导权的斗争是紧密联系的。现代美学的兴起和发展,从某种程度上来说是资产阶级反对专制主义、建构属于自己的话语体系的实践过程的历史书写。第三章是关于身体的理论叙事,通过对“身体”的区分,着力剖析了隐含在身体这一关键词下的自然与文化之间的干戈,而对这一隐性的基本对立的深刻洞察正是对马克思主义理论的一次运用,它对于我们认识自身以及自身与世界之间的关系有着重要的意义。文化与自然之间的干戈暴露出身体的内部的分裂,而这种分裂又使得这一二元关系呈现出更为复杂的样态,从而暴露出了个体与社会之间的内在关系。这种关系隐藏在生活的每一个褶皱处,潜伏在每个人的无意识深处,它作为一种深度的心灵创伤在暴露出整个社会的政治难题的同时,也设置了自我的迷障,让个体离自己的“身体”越来越远。而关于“身体”的理论叙事则是在另一种话语体系中延展出这一难题性。第三章节看似混乱和松散的论述实际上要展现的正是这种“身体”的现代叙事,一种混沌而理性的矛盾类似物。第四章是对文章内容的总结,它再次强调了“身体”在《审美意识形态》中的重要作用,并要求我们时刻对自然与文化之间的张力保持清醒进而以身体为中介实现感性与理性之间的平衡。

【Abstract】 Content:Of modernity can not avoid as a keyword, ideology appears in almost every book on modern research in the academic monograph. In fact, the ideology itself does not provide the knowledge of truth. Rather, it is more revealing to us a kind of reality show "symptoms", such symptoms suggest the value of knowledge itself with a hidden external relations. It is based on the significance of this, Terry Eagleton’s "The Ideology of the Aesthetic" only shows its deep place. In his view, the aesthetic history as "ideological"and a "symptom",implicitly expressing the struggle between materialism and idealism, which compete forthe right to speak of knowledge behind it is that race Species are known as ideologicalpractice Something must find its most stable position, and this position is that the "body" of the use and exploitation above. No deep insight into this point, we can notunderstand the revolutionary Marxist theoretical discourse exert force on the reality ofthe impact of effective and reasonable path, and this for us more clearly understand the whole post-modern chaos theory has an important sector Guiding significance.Paper is divided into four sections. The first chapter is an introduction, focused on the"The Ideology of the Aesthetic" of the domestic research to do an initial induction, the discussion of domestic ideology and more on aesthetic is based on "ideology"as the core and the lack of "body" of concern, but in fact, Ideological function effectively is relying on the"body"and complete. Chapters II and III is the core of the paper. Chapter deep within the text to clarify the aesthetic, physical, and hidden relationships among ideology, and inthis relationship on the basis of the text unearthed a precious legacy left to us-back toMarx, it not only requires us to To address the revolutionary theory of Marxism, but alsorequires us to regain this revolutionary weapon, the complex of post-modern theoretical concepts to make the distinction between rational and effective. In fact, Eagleton was not in the position of pure knowledge learn to analyze text on aesthetics, but to shape the evolution of aesthetic knowledge to analyze the ideology as text production problems.In his view, the whole history of modern Western aesthetics is a history of ideological discourse and political discourse history, the one hand, we note that the idealist and materialist aesthetics is to develop a new battlefield, writing this message of power between themHe has long tension, this tension reflected in the more aesthetic of the body on the problems encountered by borrowing. And this problem-that the depth of division between form and content can be used as a kind of "symptoms", exposing the underlying bourgeois ideology encountered difficulties-the kind of emotional, individual, individual and directnessabstract, non-free, allegorical, ethical, hard to bridge the divisions between individuals.Thus, it can be said in the aesthetic field of ideological production and middle class struggle to win political leadership are closely linked.The rise and development of modern aesthetics, to some extent against the despotism of the bourgeoisie to construct their own discourse in the practice of historical writing.The third chapter is on narrative theory of the body, through the "body" of the distinction between analysis of the implicit focus on the key words in the body under the arms between nature and culture, but the basic opposition to this hidden deep insightIt is one of the use of Marxist theory, which to our understanding of ourselves and the relationship between themselves and the world is significant.Arms between culture and nature exposed divisions within the body, which also makes the binary split between the samples showing a more complex state, which exposed the internal relationship between the individual and society relationship.This relationship hidden in the folds of every life, lurking in the depths of each person’s unconscious, it is the depth of trauma as a whole society in exposing political problem, but also set up a maze of self, so that individualfrom his "body" farther and farther.And on the "body" of the theory of narrative discourse is a system in another extension of this problem out.The third chapter discusses the seemingly chaotic and loose is precisely this fact to show the "body" of the modern narrative, a kind of chaos and sober rational analogues.The fourth chapter is a summary of the contents of the article, which again emphasized the "body" in the "The Ideology of the Aesthetic" important role, and requires us always on the tension between nature and culture in order to stay awake and then as an intermediary to achieve emotional and physical Rational balance.

【关键词】 身体美学意识形态自然文化
【Key words】 Physicalaestheticideologynatureculture