

【作者】 吴佳美

【导师】 李文铭;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 倡导实施生成教学是新课程改革的重要体现。在教学实践领域,生成教学越来越受到关注。生成教学是一种新的教学思想,是新课程在反对传统教学弊端的基础上提出的。生成教学的出现对于改变传统教学中教学过程的机械化、课堂气氛的沉闷以及课堂过程的程式化的特点具有重要意义。本文主要从理论层面对生成性教学进行剖析,归纳总结有关生成教学的相关理论研究成果。研究重点首先是数学生成教学中的实施以及策略研究,从理论以及实际的教学案例的角度分析总结,得出相关结论。重点二在于对数学生成教学案例进行述评,分类总结出在数学课堂教学中出现的生成资源,以及如何正确的处理和利用这些生成资源。本文共分四章,文章结构如下:在第一章“绪论”中,介绍研究背景、问题的提出、以及国内外关于生成教学理论的研究。理论综述部分中国外研究主要分为两个角度:从教育学的角度和哲学的角度讨论生成理论,然后论述了生成教学在我国的历史相关记录、研究现状以及现阶段关于数学课堂生成教学的相关理论研究成果。在第二章“生成教学概说”中,详细起见,首先讨论了关于“生成”、“教学”以及“生成教学”三个相关概念的来源出处,讨论分析了三者之间的联系。从古代的教育追溯到现代教育中关于生成教学的思想观点。其次,对生成教学与传统教学做比较研究,得出生成教学区别于传统教学的一些不同之处。第三,讨论了关于生成教学的特征:动态性、情境性、偶发性、开放性、互动性、过程性、隐蔽性、艺术性与审美性。在本章最后分析总结生成教学的类型:教学目标、过程以及方法的生成。在第三章“新课程背景下数学课堂生成教学的实施及策略研究”中我们分三部分讨论:第一部分是对数学生成教学实施的途径与条件作相关论述。第二部分是关于数学生成教学实施的基本策略的研究,主要分为五个策略:主动性策略、情境激发策略、互动性策略、延伸拓展策略、权变策略。第三部分是关于数学生成教学中教师的角色定位研究,将教师从四个角度定位:学生的引导者、对话者,课程的设计者,教学智慧的创造者。第四章主要研究数学生成教学在具体案例中的体现,主要分为两个方面研究:第一是针对正确应对数学课堂教学生成案例,主要包括:内容理解不透时的生成资源,反思评价时的生成,关注学生心理现实的生成,人文评价的生成;第二是关于教师在数学课堂教学中“处理不当”的数学教学生成案例。

【Abstract】 The generating teaching’s initiative and implement is an important manifestation of new curriculum reform. The generating teaching is paid more and more attention on teaching practice’s domain.The generating teaching is a new teaching method in foundation that oppose traditional teaching, which is proposed in the new curriculum based on the opposition to the disadvantages in traditional teaching. The appearance of generating teaching has great value and meaning to enhance traditional teaching which is excessively mechanical, oppressive and stylized. In view of the fact that generating teaching is putting forward from the practice, it is necessary to analysis the proceeding about the generating teaching from the theories level.This article structure is divided into three chapters as follows:The first chapter is the introduction, in which we have made the brief introduction about the theory background, the questions proposed, the research’s about the domestic and foreign of the generating teaching researches. The foreign of the generating teaching researches is divides into two aspects:One aspect is the theory of pedagogy, the other is philosophy aspect. The second part elaborated the production teaching simply in our country, the present situation.At last, it traced from ancient’s education to the modern education about the generating teaching’s viewpoint.The second chapter is about the production of the teaching generalization. For details, first we discussed about "the generating" "the teaching" as well as "the generating teaching", and their origin sources and related.The second, regarding the generating teaching and the traditional teaching. Obtains some differences distinguish between traditional teaching and the generating teaching. The third, discussing about the generating teaching characteristic:dynamic, situation, accidental, openness, interactive, procedure, confidentiality, artistry and esthetic. Finally, analyzing and summary of the generating teachings’types:the goal, process and method of generating teaching.The third chapter is the implementation and the strategy research of the generating production teaching under the new curriculum. The first is elaborating the condition and the way of the generating teaching implementation.The second is the basic strategy research of the mathematics’generating teaching implementation. The third is discussion the teacher’s function in the generating teaching. This part is divided into two parts:The first is the researching about the teacher’s role in the generating teaching. The second is strategy in the generating teaching dealing with the wrong generation. Last part is mainly aims at the production mathematics teaching the matters needing attention to make the elaboration.The fourth chapter is research the mathematics generating teaching in concrete case manifestation. It is divided into two aspects:The first is the case that about how to deals with the generating in mathematics classroom correctly. It contains four parts:The generating when it is not understand the content of the student, the generating when it has reconsideration and appraise.the generating of the students’ psychology and realist must be paid attention to, the generating of pays great attention to the humanities appraisal. The second is about the case that the teacher does not done well in mathematics generating classroom.
