

【作者】 周小华

【导师】 侯甬坚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 龙脊梯田位于广西龙胜各族自治县和平乡境内,由平安壮族梯田和金坑红瑶梯田(也称大寨梯田)两部分组成。本文选择红瑶大寨梯田作为研究对象,期望能有所收获。龙脊红瑶人民世代居住于梯田之间,他们以稻作农耕为生,在与自然长期共存的过程中,他们创造出了独具特色的梯田景观。在这个伟大杰作的背后,是龙脊红瑶人艰辛的创业奋斗史。本论文尝试运用人类学、历史地理学等学科的研究方法,通过实地田野考察和个案研究,以及对文献资料的考证,阐述了龙脊大寨梯田环境下的生产与生活,以及这种生产与生活跟当地环境之间相互影响、相互作用的关系。论文首先对本研究区域的基本情况进行了梳理和概括,其中包括自然地理环境、历史沿革及区划情况、主要生活群体的基本信息以及大寨梯田的开发历史、过程、结构特点等内容。通过这部分的论述,我们对研究区域的大致情况就会有一个初步的了解,也为后面深入梯田系统的论述做好了铺垫。第二部分,文章进入了梯田社会及梯田运作系统的研究,分别探讨和阐述了大寨梯田的土壤改良问题、梯田的灌溉系统以及大寨梯田系统的管理与维护问题。其中梯田的土壤改良和灌溉条件可以说是保障梯田稻作生产正常进行的最重要因素,也是整个社区秩序建立的基本前提。众所周知,水稻种植对地理环境的要求很高,光热条件、水分条件、土壤条件等缺一不可。红瑶人民充分利用当地的地理资源,用他们的智慧和勤劳创造出了这些必备条件,维持了他们的生存与发展。对梯田系统进行管理与维护包括涵养水源的植被系统、输送水源的沟渠系统和田间系统,这是保证梯田正常运作的必要工作,也是红瑶人民将在梯田生产中总结出来的经验和知识加以运用的最直接体现。第三部分是论文的升华部分,重点探讨了红瑶人民的生产与生活和当地环境之间相互影响、相互作用的关系,揭示了人只有在适应环境的过程中充分利用环境所赋予的各种资源条件并加以合理利用才能够争取最大发展的道理,同时,环境也在很大程度上决定了生活在这个社区内群体的行为方式和精神内涵,包括生活习俗和传统文化等。总之,本文是一篇基于龙脊大寨地方性知识考察的研究。论文虽然是以大寨梯田作为考察对象,但研究的最终落脚点还是运作大寨梯田的红瑶人民。红瑶是一个具有传统稻作习俗的民族,龙脊的山地环境决定了红瑶的生产方式——耕山种稻,大寨梯田是红瑶在适应龙脊山地环境的过程中从事稻作的结果。因此,红瑶成为了大寨梯田的主人,他们的生产与生活也随着梯田的运作发生着适应性的变化。

【Abstract】 Longji Terrace is located in the peace town of Longsheng County, Guangxin province, inclucing the Ping’an Zhuang Yao terraces and Jingkeng terraces (also known as Dazhai terraces) two parts.This article chose Red Yao Dazhai terrace as the research object, hoping to gain something.Longji Yao people lived for generations in between them to rice farming for a living, long-term coexistence with nature in the process, they created a unique terraced landscape.Behind in this great masterpiece, There is the arduous pioneering history of struggling of Longji Yao people. This paper attempts to apply anthropology, history, geography and other disciplines, research methods, by field visits and case studies, as well as the research literature to explain the Back Dazhai terraced producing and living environment, and the mutual influence between the local environment, interaction relationship.In the article, the basic situation of the study area was combed and summarized, including the natural and geographical environment, history and zoning cases, the main groups of life’s basic information and history of the development Dazhai Terrace, process, structural characteristics and so on. Through this part of the discussion, we approximate the situation of the study area will have a preliminary understanding, but also prepare the way deeply discussed for behind the terrace system.In the second part, the terraced community and the operation of the system of terraces were discussed and explained, solving the problems Dazhai terrace soil improvement, irrigation systems and terraces Dazhai terrace system management and maintenance issues. Terraces where soil improvement and irrigation of rice terraces can be said to protect the normal production of the most important factor, but also the entire community order to establish the basic premise. As we all know, rice cultivation on the geographical environment is demanding, light and heat conditions, water conditions, soil conditions are indispensable. Red Yao people take advantage of local geographical resources, with their wisdom and hard work created the necessary conditions to maintain their survival and development.The terrace system management and maintenance of vegetation, include water conservation systems, water delivery systems and field systems ditches, it is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the work of terraces, but also Red Yao people will be summed up in the terraced fields in production experience and knowledge to use the most direct expression. The third part is the sublimation of part of the article, focusing on the Red Yao people’s producing, living and the interactions between the local environment, revealing that only by making good use of the various environmental conditions and make rational use of resources can they make the largest process in the adaptation to the environment, while the environment is also largely determines the community behavior and spiritual content, including customs and traditional culture of life.In short, this thesis is a study based on local knowledge Longji Dazhai. Although the article as a study object is Dazhai terraces, but the ultimate goal of the operation of the terrace of the Red Yao people Dazhai. Red Yao has a traditional custom of the national rice, Longji Red Yao mountain environment determines the mode of production-farming hill rice, Red Yao Dazhai terrace is due to mountain environments and the adaptation of Longji in Rice Cultivation. Therefore, the Red Yao Terrace Dazhai became the masters of their production and life with the operation of terraced adaptive changes taking place.

【关键词】 龙脊大寨梯田红瑶生产生活
【Key words】 Longji DazhaiTerraceRed YaoProducingLiving