

【作者】 苏志伟

【导师】 张鲲;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 持拍隔网对抗类项群进攻战术方面的研究是以系统论、信息论、控制论为基础,以项群训练理论、迁移理论和哲学时空观理论为指导的,它是为重新构建持拍隔网对抗类项群的进攻技战术体系而服务的。项群训练理论是由我国的田麦久博士于1983年提出来的,它在一般训练理论和专项训练理论之间的交流过程中起到了连接桥梁的作用,既延伸了一般训练理论,又进一步拓宽了专项训练理论研究的视野。通过它可以把运动训练理论体系中出现的断层又重新紧密联系起来。但是项群训练理论在某些方面还存在一些不完善的地方,需要进一步补充和完善,比如:各项群对该项群各个项目的指导作用大都停留在整体理论指导的层次上,在实践中缺乏在项群高度上对本项群各个子项目的具体实践指导,功能还未充分发挥出来,具体化程度与针对性程度还处在探索层面。同时,国内外对持拍隔网对抗类项群战术的研究也大都停留在各个单项的技战术上,很少对该项群战术特征,特别是进攻战术特征有具体详尽的研究。但是项群训练理论属于一种全新的理论,它不但克服了传统的单个项目教学和训练的单一性和重复性,而且还在“奥运争光计划”和“全民健身计划”方面起到了很好的指导作用。研究具有普及性、大众性的持拍隔网对抗类项群(羽毛球、乒乓球、网球),不仅能为对我国竞技体育小球类项目的教学和训练使用项群训练理论提供帮助和参考,同时还可以为构建该项群进攻战术体系提出意见和建议,为我国的体育教育训练改革提供参考。本文从战术角度来对该项群单人项目进行研究,旨在丰富和发展项群训练理论,为该项群的进一步研究提供帮助。乒乓球、羽毛球、网球属于持拍隔网对抗类项目,它们都同属于技战主导类隔网对抗性项群,该项群还包括排球、板羽球、藤球、毽球等,与其它项目不同的是其项目形式、技术动作、打法类型、战术种类、制胜因素、身体素质方面具有自己显著的特点,而且这些项目在以上方面都存在着一定的相似性。同时,乒乓球、羽毛球又是我国的传统优势项目,在历届世界杯、世锦赛、奥运会上都取得了优异的比赛成绩,而且理论研究较为深入。网球则是我国亟待开发的项目,急需理论研究的支持。它虽然起步晚,但是最近儿年我国网球运动员在国际大赛中也取得了优异的比赛成绩:2004年我国女子网球双打组合李婷、孙甜甜在雅典奥运会上夺得了女子双打冠军,2006年郑洁和晏紫先后在澳网和温网上夺得女子双打的冠军,2009年郑洁、李娜同时闯进了澳网女子单打四强争夺之中。由此可以看出:网球也即将成为我国竞技体育的优势项目。把这三个项目归在一类,来探讨它们的进攻战术特征具有一定的可行性和必要性。同一项群里面不同项目之间还存在相互迁移的现象,此项目中的技战术以及训练方法和手段也可以迁移运用到该项群其它项目中去。本文通过文献资料法、访谈法、归类法、比较法和逻辑推理法等对持拍隔网对抗类单人项目进攻战术进行探讨研究,进一步总结出这些项目进攻战术的共同性和差异性,得出运动员在比赛中可以根据时空理论在前、中、后场区域运用合理的进攻战术,从而在比赛中占据优势,最终战胜对手。此研究不仅可以为重新构建持拍隔网对抗类项群单人项目的进攻战术体系服务,还可以进一步丰富和发展项群训练理论。同时,我们还可以在教学、科研、训练、管理中利用迁移规律和哲学时空观更好地指导持拍隔网对抗类项群各个项目的技战术教学与训练,不断地为项群训练理论添枝加叶。

【Abstract】 Hold racket the Event Group’s study is based on offensive tactics system theory,information theory, control theory-based, event group training theory,transport theory and philosophy of time and space on the theory, it is to rebuild hander Netted the Event Group’s offensive tactics system and services. XiangQun training theory is Mr. Tian Maijiu proposed in 1983, it is in the general theory of training theory and special training in communication between the bridge and the process played a role, both as an extension of the general training theory, also widens the view of research to special training theory.Through its system of sports training can be a gap in the theoretical level of the previous two closer together again. But the key training theory in some respects, there are some imperfections, need to further supplement and improve, such as:the group on various projects of the group most remain the guiding role of theory in the overall guidance, in practice, lack of Items on the height of each sub-group of the key practical guidance for specific functions not yet fully played out, the specific degree level are being explored with the targeted level. Meanwhile, the racket at home and abroad hold the Event Group study tactics most remain in each individual’s skills and tactics, few of the tactics of the group characteristics, especially the offensive tactical characteristics have specific detailed study. But XiangQun training theory belongs to a kind of brand-new theory, it overcomes the tradional single project teaching and training of oneness and repeatability,but also in the "Olympic honor planning" and "national Fitness Program" aspect has played a very good directive function, research has universality, general audience with every nets against such XiangQun clap(badminton, table tennis, tennis), not only can offer to our country sports small ball games of teaching and training use XiangQun training theory provide help and advice can also attack tactics for the construction of the system of the suggestions and opionions, for our country sports education training reform to provide the reference.This article from a tactical perspective for the study of single project, aiming to enrich and develop XiangQun training theories, the group for further research of help.Table tennis, badminton, tennis racket are held against the class project, they all belong to the same class of technology-led war groups across net event, the group also includes volleyball, shuttlecock, sepak takraw, shuttlecock kicking, etc., and other project different is the form of their projects, technical moves, playing styles, type tactics, winning factors, have their own distinct physical characteristics, and in the above areas, there are some similarities in these projects. At the same time, table tennis, badminton are traditional advantage projects, in the previous World Cup, World Championships, Olympic Games have made outstanding competition results, and more in-depth theoretical study. Tennis is our urgent project needed to develop in order to gain the support of theoretical research. Although it started late, but in recent years in the international competition of tennis players in the game also made outstanding achievements:in 2004 women’s tennis doubles team of Li Ting, Sun Tiantian won at the Athens Olympics women’s doubles champion,2006 and Zheng Jie Yan Zi had won the Australian Open women’s doubles champion,2009, Zheng Jie, Li Na also broke into the Australian Open women’s singles semi-finals contention being. Tennis is also about to become the advantage of competitive sports programs. These three items go in a class, to explore their offensive tactics feature is feasible and necessary. The same group which exists between the different items of mutual migration phenomenon, in this project as well as technical and tactical training methods and means can also be applied to the group migrating other projects.This research through the literature, interviews, classification, comparison, and logic reasoning of the racket against the class hold single research project to explore offensive tactics, and further concluded that the commonality of these items offensive tactics and differences, draw players in the competition according to the Space-time theory, during and after the use of reasonable market area offensive tactics to gain an advantage in the game and eventually beat his opponents. This study can not only reconstruct the holding racket the Event Group Single Events offensive tactical systems services, but also further enrich and develop theXiangQun training theory. At the same time,we also can be in teaching,scientific research and training, management using migration rule to better guide hold clap isolation against such items XiangQun net the expectation of teaching and training,unceasingly for the XiangQun embellish training theory.
