

Study on the Disyllabic and Polysyllabic Words in the Book of Poems

【作者】 魏启峰

【导师】 赵小刚;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《詩經》是上古漢語阶段一部重要作品,其語言研究畏盛不衰,歷久彌新。本文在前修時賢研究的基礎上,封《詩經》複音祠進行研究,試圖藉此封古代漢語詞彚中的一些现象作出说明。内容如下:绪論部分概述《詩經》複音詞的研究现状,着重引述了在複音祠的起源問题上古文字學者新近的研究成果。第一章考察《詩經》複音詞中的單纯词。参考歷代傅注及字書的訓释,探討了《詩經》中重言祠的表義特點、詞類分怖、一词多形;在清代王念孫等聯緜詞“不可分訓”觀點的基礎上,進一步探索了聯緜词的形成過程,認為有的是由重言词演變而來,有的是複合詞凝固成的。依據先秦古音研究成果,分析了一些聯緜詞在上古音韵中的地位。第二章考察《詩經》複音詞中的並列式複合词。先根據前後雨個词素的意義對比把並列式複合詞分為同義複合詞、類義複合祠和反義複合詞三類,接着討論了複合祠中的同素異序和偏義现象。第三章考察《詩經》複音詞中的偏正式複合詞。按前後两部分词性情况,把《詩经》中的偏正式複合詞分為形名、名名、動名、副動、形動、名量、副形等七類,並作了語義分析。附带舉了動賓式複合詞和主謂式複合詞的例子。第四章考察《詩經》中的詞頭詞尾。儘量吸收前人的研究成果,封《詩經》中的詞頭词尾作了整理。認為古漢語中的詞頭詞尾主要起着詞彚複音化的作用;而祠所包含音節的多少與它擔負的捂法功能紧密相關,由於單音節詞的複音化,造而影響語法功能随之變化。其次對個别詞頭造行了溯源,例如認為古代雙音節人名中的第一個音節“子”與作為殷商贵族首腦的“子”有關,七個動詞詞頭“爰”、“曰”、“言”、“遹”、“聿”、“于”、“有”都來源於意義比较寬泛的同一個單音節動詞“于”。第五章討論了《詩經》複音詞與修辞的關係。

【Abstract】 The Book of Poems is a masterpiece of ancient China whose language has been studying continuously in Chinese history. This thesis is written to investigate the disyllabic and polysyllabic words in the anthology and, in this way, to interpret some linguistic phenomena of ancient Chinese vocabulary. The article is organized as follows:The preface tries to give a general description of study situation of disyllabic and polysyllabic words in the anthology. It mainly quotes certain archaism experts’latest study results on the question of time of origin of disyllabic and polysyllabic words.Chapter One deals with the single-morpheme words. It clarifies semantic features,parts of speech and polymorphic phenomenon of the two-same syllable words in the Book of Poems. It also explains formation of Chinese Lianmian words. That’s to say, some Chinese Lianmian words were evolved from two-same syllable words, and some Chinese Lianmian words were solidified from compound words.Chapter Two deals with the parallel compounds. Firstly,these compounds are devided into three categories according to the two morphemes’meanings. Then,it illustrates allotropy and partiality in meaning of the parallel compounds by example.Chapter Three deals with the modifying-being modified compounds of the disyllabic and polysyllabic words in the Book of Poems. In this chapter the writer classify the modifying-being modified compounds into seven and analyse semantic relations of the seven.Chapter Four deals with the affixes in the Book of Poems. The writer argues that the main function of the affixes in ancient Chinese is to make the single-syllable words two-syllable, and, correspondingly,the grammatical function of the t disyllabic words change slightly.Chapter Five throws light on the relationship between the disyllabic and polysyllabic words and rhetoric.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期